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Zigong infrared energy-saving coating can effectively reduce energy consumption of coke oven

2024/2/27 14:40:58 Source: Beijing Zhisheng Weihua Chemical Co., Ltd Views: ten

As the main equipment in the steel industry, the energy consumption of coke oven accounts for a considerable proportion. In order to achieve energy saving, emission reduction and sustainable development, various coke oven energy saving technologies have been continuously developed and applied. Among them, energy-saving coating for coke oven, as a new energy-saving technology, has received extensive attention.


At present, the main energy-saving coatings for coke ovens in the market include ceramic coatings, high-temperature coatings and nano coatings. These coatings have their own characteristics. For example, ceramic coatings have excellent high temperature resistance and chemical stability, high temperature coatings have good soothing reactivity and thermal stability, and nano coatings have excellent physical and chemical properties due to their nano particles. ZS-1061 high-temperature far infrared radiation coating is a new energy-saving coating developed and produced by Beijing Zhisheng Weihua Chemical Co., Ltd. The special inorganic silicate composite system developed by the company itself is used as the film forming material. The addition of transition element oxides, zirconia, rare earth oxide Y2O3 and other fillers can ensure high emissivity at 800 ℃ to 1800 ℃. The cured film has good high and stable infrared emissivity, stable temperature resistance, strong emissivity at high temperature, good corrosion resistance, high hardness, and excellent wear resistance. By comparing and analyzing the energy consumption data of coke oven before and after use, the energy-saving effect of coating can be determined. Through various verifications, the energy consumption of the coating is reduced by 5-10%, and the economic benefits are significantly improved.


As a new energy-saving technology, infrared energy-saving coating is of great significance for reducing energy consumption of coke oven, improving energy utilization efficiency and reducing environmental pollution. Through the understanding of the energy-saving principle, types and characteristics, construction and maintenance of coatings, as well as the evaluation of the actual application effect, we can better understand and use this technology to make contributions to the sustainable development of the steel industry.

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Beijing Zhisheng Weihua Chemical Co., Ltd

Building Materials General

three year

  • Enterprise type:

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    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Special anti-corrosion, wear-resistant, high temperature resistant, heat insulation and thermal insulation coatings, energy-saving coatings, heavy anti-corrosion coatings, anti oxidation coatings, heat reflective coatings, sunscreen coatings

  • Address:

    Tongzhou District, Beijing

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