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Corporate News

  • Hubei Huangjinma granite white hemp fire plate manufacturer

    Zaoyang Zhenglong Stone Industry Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in: Hubei Huangjinma Stone, Suizhou Huangjinma Factory, price of Huangjinma litchi noodles, Hubei sesame white granite, Hubei pink granite stone, pictures of Huangjinma granite, Hubei Huangjinma, Suizhou Huangjinma, Huangjinma stone, Huangjinma granite, Hubei Baima, Suizhou Baima, Baima stone, Baima granite, Pearl gold hemp, gold diamond purple gold diamond Kakino gold (Hubei gold hemp, gold hemp stone, gold hemp litchi surface, gold hemp burning surface, Hubei 603 (Hubei sesame white)/Kakino gold, gold diamond material, Hubei yellow rust stone, white hemp burning plate, Suizhou

    2019/09/05 12:27:38
  • Price of Jinma granite in Hubei

    The price of Hubei Jinma granite and Jinma stone is 120 yuan/square meter, the thickness is 25 mm, and the actual thickness is 22-23 mm. The quotation is A plate, which is applicable to the dry hanging of external walls. The golden hemp litchi surface plate is formed by striking the stone surface with a hammer shaped like litchi skin, so as to form a rough surface shaped like litchi skin on the stone surface, which is mostly found on the surface of carvings or square stones. The surface of lychee can be seen to be artificially treated, and there will be relatively uniform damage surface, with obvious and regular particles coming out. Of course, this is related to the operator and the machine, and has rough surface

    2019/09/05 12:25:22
  • Characteristics of Dahua gold gneiss in Hubei Province

    Hubei Dahua gold hemp granite, gold hemp stone, the price is 105/m2, the thickness is 25mm, and the actual thickness is 22-23mm. This quotation is A plate, which is applicable to the dry hanging of external walls. The golden hemp litchi surface plate is formed by striking the stone surface with a hammer shaped like litchi skin, so as to form a rough surface shaped like litchi skin on the stone surface, which is mostly found on the surface of carvings or square stones. The surface of lychee can be seen to be artificially treated, and there will be relatively uniform damage surface, with obvious and regular particles coming out. Of course, this is related to the operator and the machine, and has rough surface

    2019/09/05 11:58:27
  • Hubei Huangjin granite stone exterior wall dry hanging picture

    2016/08/12 23:38:54
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News classification

Zaoyang Zhenglong Stone Industry Co., Ltd

Building Materials General

thirteen year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Hubei Huangjinma, Suizhou Huangjinma, Hubei Baima, Suizhou Baima, Huangjinma granite, Huangjinma manufacturer, Huangjinma stone

  • Address:

    Zaoyang Stone Industrial Park, Xiangyang, Hubei

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