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Introduction to Hubei Huangjinma Litchi Noodle Manufacturers

2014/11/20 15:23:24 Source: Zaoyang Zhenglong Stone Industry Co., Ltd Views: two thousand two hundred and thirty-five

The price of Hubei Huangjinma litchi surface granite is hard, acid and alkali resistant, corrosion resistant, high temperature resistant, sun resistant, snow resistant, durable, and generally has a service life of 70~200 years. This kind of ground is resistant to friction and abrasion. After polishing, it is as bright as a mirror, rich in texture, and has gorgeous and high decorative effects. It is a commonly used material in advanced decoration projects. Huangjinma granite, Huangjinma litchi surface quality, high surface finish, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, high hardness density, high iron content, non radioactive, high color, a kind of yellow ash, scattered with gray pits, and the color is relatively yellow, so it is called Huangjinma.
Hubei Huangjinma litchi noodles are produced in Suizhou, Hubei, and can be processed into polished boards, fire boards, stair boards, blind boards, dry hanging boards, machine planing boards, litchi noodles, chop axe boards and various square boards. In addition to making facing stone, it can also use its natural and inherent colors, shapes, and artistic ways to show its colors and lines, and develop handicrafts, works of art, heterosexual stones, etc
Main processing and sales of Suizhou granite blocks, varieties: jute golden hemp big flower, medium flower, fine flower, pearl flower white hemp and jute and golden sand white hemp, golden hemp, pearl golden hemp Gold diamond purple gold diamond Kakino gold (Hubei gold hemp, Suizhou white hemp/sesame white fire plate, gold hemp litchi noodles/gold hemp fire plate, Hubei 603/Kakino gold, yellow rust stone, white hemp fire plate, gold hemp, sesame white granite) and other varieties, face type: polishing, fire, wire drawing, litchi, axe cutting, natural and other various panels and special-shaped stone processing. The company has established long-term cooperative relations with many enterprises based on the enterprise spirit of "seeking development in steadiness and seeking steadiness in development", the management concept of "safety and quality first", and the sales concept of "putting customers first, and the principle of" honesty first, knowing new friends without forgetting old friends ".

Sales contact information of Huangjinma Litchi Noodles: * * * Chen

Hubei Huangjin Malichi granite: http://www.sxmwsc.com/

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News classification

Zaoyang Zhenglong Stone Industry Co., Ltd

Building Materials General

thirteen year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Hubei Huangjinma, Suizhou Huangjinma, Hubei Baima, Suizhou Baima, Huangjinma granite, Huangjinma manufacturer, Huangjinma stone

  • Address:

    Zaoyang Stone Industrial Park, Xiangyang, Hubei

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