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Hospital ward call system manufacturer, professional manufacturer, strong R&D strength

2017/4/17 9:32:44 Source: Zhuhai Quanshitong Information Technology Co., Ltd Views: five hundred and eighty

There seem to be a lot of hospital ward call system manufacturers on the market, but many are just agents or dealers, or engineering installers, while the actual number of manufacturers is not very many. However, most of the technical solutions of hospital ward call systems on the market now still use the Zhuhai All Vision system, especially for middle and higher level hospitals, At present, Zhuhai All Vision Hospital Ward Call System is mainly used to realize visual function expansion.
The hospital ward call system has been welcomed by patients and their families since it was first launched in the hospital, because it can call and talk to the nurse station or the doctor's room indoors, but the old call and talk system is slowly becoming obsolete, because it can neither expand its functions nor realize visualization. For large hospitals, The distance transmission will also have some data distortion, so the digital hospital ward call system came into being.
Zhuhai All Vision has more than ten years of technology accumulation in the digital intercom industry, and has profound industry experience in the medical ward call intercom system. Since the development of a hospital ward call system suitable for market needs, it has been widely promoted and applied nationwide, and has more than 100 partners across the country, Zhuhai All Vision provides them with technical solution support and customized development of hardware equipment.
For future development, whether it is building intercom, emergency help, or medical call intercom system, digitalization, visualization, and intelligence are the future development directions. Therefore, if there is a hospital ward call intercom system that is intended to be digitalized and visualized, then the digital call system of Zhuhai All Vision is preferred.
Zhuhai Quanshitong has nearly 100 people, most of whom are technical R&D personnel, and a strong after-sales team to deal with the technical problems of customers and friends all over the country, ready to solve the problems raised by customers and the market at any time. At the same time, the technical R&D team is also constantly pioneering, developing digital intercom products suitable for market needs, making it a smart city in the future, Urban hospitals and smart communities provide overall hardware system solutions.
If you want to find a good hospital ward call intercom system solution and hardware equipment manufacturer, as well as the price of hospital ward pager and the manufacturer's brand quotation, industry preference is to recommend Zhuhai All Vision, and want to get more information about Zhuhai All Vision's medical and nursing visual intercom system The scheme and product information of the ICU visiting system, and the scheme of the nursing call intercom system for the elderly can be obtained free of charge by contacting Manager Zhu of Zhuhai All Vision.
Contact information: Manager Chen of Zhuhai Quanshitong QQ/WeChat/Mobile * * * QQ: 1136143691

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Zhuhai Quanshitong Information Technology Co., Ltd

zero year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Digital visual intercom system, medical paging intercom system, emergency help system, video access control cloud intercom, ICU visiting system, smart community operation, smart home control system, building intercom professional solution provider

  • Address:

    Units 3 and 4, Floor 3, Building 5, Production and Processing Center, No. 1, Software Park Road, Tangjiawan, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, Guangdong

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