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After a short and long holiday, Zoomlion has several tricks to help you get back to work

2016/6/11 10:51:14 Source: Zoomlion Xingbang Construction Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd Views: six hundred and twenty-nine

When taking a vacation, people tend to have too much fun and not enough leisure. Some people may visit relatives and friends to socialize, some travel to other places, and some friends may play cards and surf the Internet all night, without a good rest for several days in a row, even more tired than work. When you go to work, many people can't adjust their status at all. They are still immersed in the holiday. The disturbed biological clock makes you dizzy and inefficient. What should we do?

Adjust mentality The irregular work and rest patterns during the holiday upset the original biological clock. When the holiday ended, the originally relaxed string could not adapt to the busy working state for a while, so it was afraid and tired of going to work. Therefore, when you go to work after the holiday, you should first arrange the complicated things after the holiday, sort out the work that should be done at work, arrange the work schedule in advance, and focus on your work to avoid getting caught up in the rush.

Take a nap at noon A good healthy habit of taking a nap in the afternoon. Many people go to work after the festival, but their biological clocks have not been adjusted. They are confused when they get up in the morning. It is even more important to catch up on sleep at noon. But don't hurry to sleep immediately after lunch, which will be bad for digestion and cause the burden on the stomach. You can chat and rest with your colleagues for a while, and then take a nap for half an hour. It can make up for sleep and help improve your mood.

Have some walnuts and chocolate Walnut is a brain food. It is rich in various nutrients, especially linolenic acid and vitamin E, which are beneficial to improving memory. Eating a few walnuts after work is a healthy snack suitable for mental workers. Dark chocolate has a good heart nourishing effect. Dark chocolate is rich in various nutrients that are beneficial to body and mind. Protein, dietary fiber and bioflavonoids in dark chocolate have a strong soothing effect and can refresh the mind. At the same time, dark chocolate can also improve the excitement and make people work more impulsively.

"Small actions" to relieve fatigue Long term brain use during the festival will lead to insufficient blood and oxygen supply in the brain due to a large amount of energy consumption, which will weaken the normal function of brain cells and lead to dizziness, insomnia and dreaminess. The way to relieve fatigue is to gently massage the head, do eye exercises to keep fit, or stand up to take a walk and look at the distance after work. It is a good way to relieve fatigue, such as wandering or doing other small things to distract and listen to music.

The short and long vacation has passed. I hope you can recover quickly and join in your work. Of course, don't forget to combine work with rest after work!

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Zoomlion Xingbang Construction Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd

one year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Distribution and wholesale

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Wuhan Yuhong waterproof coating, Wuhan cps reactive adhesive coiled material, Wuhan sponge city, Wuhan PDS system, Wuhan CPS sealing paste, Wuhan Zhonglian Xingbang, Xiniu leather CPS coiled material

  • Address:

    Room 1808, Block A, Jiuzhoutong Building, No. 8, Longyang Avenue, Hanyang District, Wuhan, Hubei

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