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Wuhan Zoomlion Xingbang Teaches You How to Make Exterior Wall Waterproof

2016/3/3 14:57:27 Source: Zoomlion Xingbang Construction Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd Views: six hundred and twenty-five

In daily life, leakage may occur in external walls, balconies, terraces, air conditioning holes and other places. What is the cause Wuhan Zoomlion Xingbang Exterior Wall Waterproofing This is a brief introduction to the relevant content.

The leakage of the external wall may be due to the fact that the masonry external wall also has the junction part of the main structure, and the mortar joints are not very dense. The mortar joints include top masonry, caulking joints, or vertical joints. As it is not dense enough, cracks will occur, and leakage will occur. After this phenomenon occurs, it is necessary to find the leakage point, then use waterproof mortar to level it, and carry out layered waterproof. Another method is to remove the mortar layer, then paste the anti crack net, make the bottom mortar, and then brush waterproof, and then the mortar surface can be made. The gas pipe may also have leakage, which may be due to the steel sleeve and the gas pipe, and there is a gap between the plastering layers of the external wall. In order to avoid this phenomenon, it needs to use sealant to seal it tightly, without gaps. The gutter on the exterior wall is also prone to leakage. It may be that the gap is too large, so the rainwater will flow down the wall, making the internal wall leak. If the gap is large, the gutter shall be reinstalled.  

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Zoomlion Xingbang Construction Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd

one year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Distribution and wholesale

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Wuhan Yuhong waterproof coating, Wuhan cps reactive adhesive coiled material, Wuhan sponge city, Wuhan PDS system, Wuhan CPS sealing paste, Wuhan Zhonglian Xingbang, Xiniu leather CPS coiled material

  • Address:

    Room 1808, Block A, Jiuzhoutong Building, No. 8, Longyang Avenue, Hanyang District, Wuhan, Hubei

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