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The price of liquid wallpaper, Yimeijia wall art paint How to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of colorful dream paint

2013/7/16 17:42:15 Source: Hunan Jinxiu Wall Art Material Factory Views: one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven

The price of liquid wallpaper, Yimeijia wall art paint How to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of colorful dream paint
The price of liquid wallpaper, the price of wall art paint, the investment of liquid wallpaper, liquid wallpaper manufacturers, Yimeijia liquid wallpaper (* * *)
In the process of home decoration, more and more users use colorful art coatings. At present, there is a large gap in the quality of multicolor coatings sold on the market, and both advantages and disadvantages coexist. Therefore, you should carefully identify when choosing to avoid being cheated. Now let's invite the relevant people from Changsha Jinxiu Wall Art Material Company to tell us how to distinguish the inferior dream paint. How to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of colorful dream paint? It mainly includes "four looks"
Look at the water solubility. After a period of storage, the pattern particles in the multicolor paint will sink and there will be a protective glue on it. This protective glue solution generally accounts for about 1/4 of the total amount of colorful coatings. For the multicolor coating with good quality, the protective glue solution is colorless or slightly colored and clear; However, the poor quality multicolor paint, the protective glue solution is turbid and obviously presents the same color as the decorative grain. The main problem is not the poor stability of the multicolor paint, or it has been stored and should not be used again.   
Second, look at floating objects. All high-quality multicolor coatings usually have no floating objects on the surface of the protective glue solution, and there are very few colored particles floating objects, which is very common; However, it is not normal if there are many floating objects, and the color particles are covered with the surface of the protective glue coating liquid, or even have a certain thickness, which indicates that the quality of this colorful coating is poor.   
Third, the particle size. Take a transparent glass, put in half a glass of clear water, then take a little colorful paint, put the water in the glass and stir it. For all high-quality multicolor coatings, the water in the cup is still clear, and the particles are relatively independent in clean water, not bonded to one anion and cation, and the particle size is very uniform; For the poor quality multicolor paint, the water in the cup will become turbid immediately, and the particle size is differentiated. A few large particles are like pimples, and most are fluffy small particles
Fourth, look at the sales price. High quality multicolor coatings are produced by regular manufacturers according to the formula, and the price is moderate; The poor quality of many materials, some jerry built in the production, some even personal counterfeit production, low cost, sales price is much better than the good quality of many paint stool. If someone tries to save money and urinate, he will suffer greatly.
Contact: Manager Li
Tel: * * * (Southern Region)/* * * (Northern Region)
National free consultation contact information:***
Website 1: http://www.hunanqiangyiqi.com/
Website 2: http://www.ymj168.cn
Website 3: http://www.ymj168.com
: Production address: Lituo Industrial Park, Changsha City, Hunan Province
Address of image exhibition hall: No. 1, right of Nanhu Market, Yuanda Road, Changsha City, Hunan Province (diagonally opposite Zidongge Huatian Hotel near Changsha Railway Station)

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News classification

Hunan Jinxiu Wall Art Material Factory

thirteen year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    6 items

  • Main business:

    Wallpaper paint, liquid wallpaper paint, wallpaper paint printing mold, diatom mud, wall clothing, texture wall film, engraving, wall sticker

  • Address:

    No. 1, right of Nanhu Market, Yuanda Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan

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