•  Urumqi High tech Industrial Development Zone Junfa Building Materials Sales Department
  •  Urumqi High tech Industrial Development Zone Junfa Building Materials Sales Department
  •  Urumqi High tech Industrial Development Zone Junfa Building Materials Sales Department
  •  Urumqi High tech Industrial Development Zone Junfa Building Materials Sales Department
  •  Urumqi High tech Industrial Development Zone Junfa Building Materials Sales Department
  •  Urumqi High tech Industrial Development Zone Junfa Building Materials Sales Department

Company Profile

Urumqi Yida solid wood, steel and wood whole ladders, on the basis of the original cement, welded iron, wrapped solid wood pedals, solid wood, iron columns, solid wood guardrails, solid wood handrails. The wood includes European beech, Thai oak, Russian ash and North American red oak. Solid wood stairs factory is headquartered in Shanghai, China; The steel and wood stairs factory is located in Ningbo, China. Designers with eight years of experience in stair design can accurately design for you! Creating personalized works of art is the power source of our work. Professional, dedicated, single-minded, attentive, we only think about stairs! Create a body-building trapezoid, so that the family can be satisfied and reassured! http://junfajiancai.com

Liu Kai

Online contact

Mobile: 18999939589

Tel: 86-0991-6675133

Fax: 86-0991-6675133

Address: Yida Stairs, 3-11, Block C, B1, Laohualing Building B, Shuimogou District, Urumqi, Xinjiang

Urumqi High tech Industrial Development Zone Junfa Building Materials Sales Department

Ordinary members
  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Distribution and wholesale

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Urumqi Yida solid wood and steel wood stairs

  • Address:

    Yida Stairs, 3-11, Block C, B1, Laohualing Building B, Shuimogou District, Urumqi, Xinjiang

Supply Classification

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