•  Zhongshan Hanyan Chemical Co., Ltd
  •  Zhongshan Hanyan Chemical Co., Ltd

Company Profile

Depai paint is a well-known domestic paint brand created by Caltex (Asia) Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and Zhongshan Hanyan Chemical Co., Ltd. The company integrates product research and development, large-scale production and product sales. It has a strong scientific research and development team and a group of engineering technicians with rich production experience. It adopts internationally advanced paint technology to produce paint and coating series products that meet various markets. Product categories: wood paint (PU furniture paint series, NC furniture paint series, PE furniture paint series and water-based wood paint), industrial paint (floor paint, glass paint and other products) and adhesives. Adhering to the business philosophy of "quality first", the company has established extensive cooperation relations with raw material suppliers such as BASF, DuPont and Evka. From raw material procurement to all production links, we strictly control the quality, and the "Dupai" series of products produced have passed the strict inspection of the National Product Inspection Center, which has been praised by consumers. "Depai" paint advocates environmental protection and pursues superiority. The mutual benefit of products, environment and society is our core value. It is our responsibility to keep forging ahead and innovate day by day to provide consumers with environment-friendly, healthy and cost-effective professional products. In order to let more Chinese consumers enter "Depai", Depai furniture paint is now inviting investment nationwide. We sincerely look forward to working together with dealers and friends to strengthen exchanges, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and realize our common ideal.

Qian Zhengying manager

Online contact

Mobile: 13450910755

Tel: 86-0760-88661766

Fax: 86-0760-87601009

Address: Dongsheng Industrial Zone, Zhongshan, Guangdong

Investment promotion information

 Brand fluorocarbon paint, sincerely recruit engineering agent

Brand fluorocarbon paint, sincerely recruit engineering agent

  • Brand: BEST
  • Guarantee amount:
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee:

Investment description: The major problem of fluorocarbon coating in exterior wall decoration is construction. Due to the dense film of fluorocarbon coating, poor permeability, and sometimes easy to bubble, it directly affects the performance of the film, resulting in adverse consequences. Therefore, the reasonable interval time of each process must be guaranteed during construction. The use of fluorocarbon coatings to decorate exterior walls is a high consumption. Consumers often have high requirements for decoration effects. There are many construction processes. Each process is crucial from puttying, back sealing, surface coating to finishing. If a certain link is not in place, it will directly affect the overall decoration effect, leading to local repair or rework, which greatly increases the construction difficulty. As the saying goes, "three points of paint, seven points of construction", for fluorocarbon coatings, "one point of paint, nine points of construction" and even "fluorocarbon coatings are 100% of construction", which is enough to illustrate the importance of fluorocarbon coatings construction. In order to prevent the appearance defects such as cracking and crazing on the surface of the coating, the cement plastering surface shall communicate with Party A and the construction party before plastering the wall. It is recommended to lay metal grids on concrete and brick walls to reduce cracks caused by different shrinkage rates between concrete and brick walls. In order to prevent self cracking of the cement layer, polypropylene fiber can be added to the plastered cement mortar to enhance the anti cracking and anti permeability functions. The first layer of putty (leveling putty) construction leveling putty is mainly used to level the rough and uneven cement mortar plastered wall surface, provide a good base for surface putty, reduce the amount of surface putty, and reduce the cost of coating works. At present, polymer cement-based putty is widely used in the market, and it is available in different thicknesses. Construction process: the amount of water added for leveling putty is generally 25-35% (weight ratio). First pour the water into the container, then add the powder, and then use the mixer to fully mix it into a paste (with the use of a multi-function mixer, the effect is better), and mix for about 7~10 minutes, without powder particles or sediment. The prepared putty cannot be used for more than 4 hours. Do not add water to the dried slurry for reuse. During construction, it shall be patched up in advance, and the surface shall be sanded after it is dry, the rough surface shall be removed, and then a thin batch of leveling putty shall be applied. The glass fiber anti crack mesh is based on glass fiber mesh, which can reduce the generation of coating cracks. Glass fiber mesh is mainly used to strengthen cement, roof and wall. Construction process: apply a thin batch of leveling putty, pave the glass fiber mesh before it is dry, and then apply putty to flatten the glass fiber mesh, so that the glass fiber mesh is completely embedded in the middle of the putty layer. This process does not require sanding, but must be cured with water. First, put the putty on the base surface of the glass fiber mesh, and then use a guiding rule to level it. When catching up, fill the putty layer with 3-5 times, and dry it for at least 24 hours (sunny days) before proceeding to the next process, but sand it after 4-6 hours (sunny days). When sanding, a layer of putty shall be completely sanded off with grinding wheel or sand board to make the putty layer completely consistent in color and ensure its flatness. Construction requirements: the mesh joints must overlap by more than 10 cm, the internal and external corners must be laid with double nets, and the internal and external corners must not be disconnected and must be connected to the mesh. There shall be no exposed putty layer of glass fiber mesh. The construction process of the second layer of putty (leveling putty): after the glass fiber mesh is laid, the second layer of leveling putty is fully applied. If careful sanding is not carried out after the first batch, the requirements may still not be met after the second batch, and the consumption of putty will increase significantly. Use the embedding tool to embed the putty. The second layer of putty can be embedded after about 4 hours of the previous layer of putty, and scraped flat. The thickness of each batch is 0.5~1.0mm. The leveling of the putty layer is required to be carried out horizontally and vertically in the unit of the plate, with an interval of 24 hours (sunny days). The length of the aluminum alloy guiding rule should be determined according to the size of the plate, and attention should be paid to the horizontal and vertical straightness of the aluminum alloy ruler during the leveling construction. During the construction of each process, combined manpower shall be provided based on the plate and scaffold conditions to ensure the integrity of each process. For the wall between the upper and lower windows, the wall between the left and right windows, and the project with many lines, the internal and external corners shall be clamped with the aluminum alloy guiding rule and scraped straight before the next process. Polishing: The putty layer can be sanded after it becomes dry and white (about 48 hours). If there are obvious knife marks, they must be completed before curing. If the putty layer is sanded after it is completely cured, the labor costs and sandpaper costs will increase significantly. The leveled putty layer must be carefully sanded until the 2M guiding rule is ≤ 1mm, and the small surface is free of unevenness. Then, the leveling putty shall be applied once to ensure the flatness and smoothness of the board surface. Curing: After the leveling putty layer is constructed, it must be cured at least four times with water to make the putty layer more completely solidified. Construction requirements: flatness meets the requirements (≤ 0.5mm). The surface is smooth without any batch scratches. No bumpy feeling when touched by hand. The internal and external corners are straight without defects, the lines are straight, and the arc lines meet the requirements. The third layer of putty (smooth putty) construction The smooth putty is mainly used to level the putty, provide a flat and smooth base for the surface coating, and make the surface coating more flat. Most products on the market have the same variety and property as leveling putty, but the fineness is finer and the surface is smoother, which can better reflect the function of finish paint. Some are paste like two-component putty. Construction process: (the same as leveling putty) Precautions: strictly control the water powder ratio of putty to avoid loose products and reduced strength; If it is too thick, the strength will also be reduced. If too much water is added during mixing, the dilute consistency shall be adjusted by adding powder, and the excess water shall not be poured out. The mixed slurry should be used up in 4 hours. The dried slurry should not be reused with water. If the weather is hot and dry or the porosity of the base surface is high, the base surface can be wetted with water until there is no open water. Putty consumption: the construction thickness is 1mm, and the consumption per square meter is about 1.5kg. Construction requirements: flatness ≤ 0.3mm. The putty layer has no bee eye. No batch scratches. Smooth, free of unevenness and joint feeling when touched by hand. There is no defect in window edge, balcony, drip line, internal and external corners, edge of partition joint on the back of water pipe, etc., and the lines are straight or meet the requirements of primer 1. The primer is a two-component product. Good adhesion, strong alkali resistance, but the drying time is long, so its performance can reach the effect, It affects the sealing effect and adhesion. Construction method: spraying. Drying time: at least 15 hours. Construction times: once or twice. It is better to apply it twice to ensure the performance of finish paint. Grinding: use 600~800 mesh fine sandpaper for sanding. The sanding force shall not be too heavy to avoid wearing through the primer film, but it must be careful and thorough. Otherwise, after the top coat is sprayed, it will not be able to get a smooth film, and even the gloss will be uneven (blooming). Dust removal: dust removal must be carried out with a duster cloth (blowing with a spray gun fails to meet the requirements). If the dust removal is not complete, a smooth coating film will not be obtained after the construction of the finish paint, and particles will appear. Construction requirements: uniform color and gloss after spraying. After sanding and dedusting, the coating surface is smooth, free of dust and various dirt. There is a layer of film about 50~80 μ m thick on the surface of the putty layer, and there is no missing spraying phenomenon. Finish paint construction process: construction ratio: mix the main paint and curing agent in strict accordance with the proportion required by the manufacturer's instructions, add appropriate diluent (adjust the viscosity to - 4 cups for 18~23 seconds according to the climate and temperature), filter with a 100 mesh filter screen, and use up within 4 hours, otherwise the mixture will become gelatinized and deteriorated, It affects the sealing effect and adhesion. Filtering: 100 mesh filter screen shall be used for filtering after mixing, and the mixture shall be continuously stirred during placement to avoid sedimentation. Spray gun model: W-71, etc. Construction method: metal paint must be sprayed, and roller coating is preferred for solid paint. Construction times: twice. Construction requirements: the flash powder is evenly distributed and its density is equivalent to that of the sample plate. No sagging. There is no uneven light and shade and blooming. The gloss is even, the feel is fine, and there are few particles on the film. Note: Metal paint is better than solid color paint. Note a. The construction temperature is 0-35 ℃, and the base surface temperature is better than 5 ℃. The temperature is too low, the chemical reaction speed is slow, the strength and hardness reach the time is too long, or even affected; If the temperature is too high, the diluent is easy to volatilize, which makes the system lack of necessary medium for reaction and easy to pulverize. b、 Materials shall be stored against moisture, water and direct sunlight. c、 The gloss is consistent, and sagging and missing coating are not allowed. d、 The amount of ingredients should not be too much each time to avoid curing caused by long-term standing. e、 Special auxiliary materials must be used. Water, banana water, alcohol, gasoline, etc. are strictly prohibited. f、 When the humidity is below 85% and the temperature is 0-35 ℃, do not work under the following conditions: rain, snow, fog, frost, strong wind, or the relative humidity is above 85%. g、 The paint film can be completely cured after being coated at room temperature for about 7 days. It is recommended not to use it in advance. h、 Safety measures and prevention methods: ensure good ventilation, wear protective equipment, and stain skin and eyes. If any paint splashes into your eyes, please wash with clean water immediately and seek medical advice in time. Smoking and fire are strictly prohibited in the construction environment, and safety regulations stipulated by the state and local government shall be observed. After all processes of repair, cleaning and acceptance of the working face are completed, a later inspection shall be carried out to repair the imperfect, polluted and damaged areas, clean the protective paper, clean the site, and continue to do a good job of protection; Prepare for handover and acceptance. Requirements for dealers: support available:

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