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Industry trends

  • Deodorizer for public toilets

    The peculiar smell of public toilets includes hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methyl mercaptan, indole, methane, ethane, etc., which not only affects the toilet experience, but also damages the human respiratory system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, etc. When the content of hydrogen sulfide in the air reaches 30-40 mg/m3, it will be pungent, suffocating, and cause eye and respiratory symptoms. When the content is higher, it will cause acute or chronic conjunctivitis; Indole and methyl mercaptan in the air can cause discomfort, dizziness, memory loss, energy depression, immunity reduction, and neurasthenia and disorder. Under these circumstances, especially for the growing adolescents

    2018/11/06 16:18:15
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Hangzhou Xiaoyang Machinery Co., Ltd

Ordinary members
  • Enterprise type:


  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Shot blasting machine, hook type shot blasting machine, through type shot blasting machine, crawler type shot blasting machine

  • Address:

    Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

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