home page  >  Product supply  >  mechanical equipment  >  drill hole  >  drilling machine >NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle
  •  NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle
  •  NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle
  •  NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle
  •  NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle
  •  NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle
  •  NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle
  •  NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle
  •  NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle

NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle



2800.00 yuan/set

1 set

  • Minimum order quantity: 1 set
  • Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
  • Price: electricity
  • Total supply: 50 sets
  • Delivery period: 1 day
  • Release time: 2022-07-04 12:30:54

Cai Zhenjun: 13823517680 (Please tell me when you contact me“ Building materials network See the information, there will be a discount! Thank you!)

Warm reminder: Consumers are requested to take epidemic prevention measures for international packages. The goods need three licenses and one report for imported goods (supplier's license, entry quarantine certificate, preventive disinfection certificate and NCV nucleic acid test report)

Detailed description

Product brand: NAKANISHI
Manufacturer: Japan

It is expected to provide a full range of Japanese NAKANISHI (NSK for short) spindle motor brands, which is also a supplier with formal agency certificates. High speed spindle motors and manual grinding products are divided into two categories: mechanical installation and manual grinding. Mechanical installation spindle motors are mainly applicable to PC In the B industry and machining industry, the rotating speed ranges from 2000 rpm to 200000 rpm, which is suitable for high-precision drilling, milling, grinding and other processes in PCB industry and machining industry. Manual grinding products are suitable for mold industry repair, grinding, polishing and other processes. Manual grinding products are suitable for different processes and products Grinder , ultrasonic cutter and ultrasonic grinding machine Mill
PSA25-90N pneumatic spindle PCB industry target drilling machine and golden finger beveling machine common model: Japan NAKANISHI accurate electric spindle motor B MS -4020 Japan NAKANISHI accurate pneumatic spindle motor NRR-2651, PSA25-90C pneumatic spindle,
PSA25-90C pneumatic spindle, PSA25-90C pneumatic spindle NR-453E, NR-403E, NR-3060S, EM-405, EM-3060, NR50-5100CT, NR40-5100CT, EM25N-5000-J4, NRR-3060, EMS-3060K, NR-3060S, EM-3060J Japan NAKANISHI accurate electric spindle motor EMS-3060K Japan NAKANISHI accurate electric spindle NR-2351
EM30-S6000, NE211, NE212 and other models, chuck size CHK-3.0 CHK-3.175 and other optional products can be stored in stock
Machining industry: suitable for small hole grinding, drill hole Equal rotating speed of internal and external grinding is 2000-200000/min
ABS-400, ABS-800, HES800-BT30, HES800-BT40, HES800-BT50, NR-303, NR-2351, AM-310R/L, AM-300R/L, MSST-2308R, MSS-2308RA, AM-2506R, AMS-600 and other models, and tool holder collets are optional. Japan NAKANISHI accurate electric spindle motor NR-403E
Manual grinding series is suitable for mold repair, grinding, polishing and other processes
ESP-603, NSP-601, Emax series 0-30000 rpm EL351-IH, EL351C-IR10, NE129, NK351, NLS-100, LS-100, EL261C-IR10 and other collets can be equipped with Japanese NAKANISHI manual grinder
Espert 500 series speed adjustable 0-50000 rpm
Ultrasonic grinder SHEENUS series ultrasonic grinder ultrasonic cutter
Ultrasonic grinder US-25PBS, NE240, US-25PB
Ultrasonic cutter NE80 US-15CB、US-15CBT、US-15CBS

one thousand and three IM-300
one thousand and four IM-301
one thousand and five IH-300
one thousand and six IC-300
one thousand and eight IR-300
one thousand and nine RG-01
one thousand and ten RG-02
one thousand and eleven MH-300
one thousand and twelve MFC-300S
one thousand and thirteen MFC-300M
one thousand and fourteen KC-300
one thousand and fifteen CN-01
one thousand and sixteen HG-200
one thousand and seventeen BMH-300
one thousand and eighteen AM-300RA
one thousand and twenty-one AM-300R
one thousand and twenty-two ARG-01
one thousand and twenty-three ARG-02
one thousand and twenty-four RA-100
one thousand and twenty-five HM-23
one thousand and twenty-six KCH-01(6.0)
one thousand and twenty-eight DCH-J0
one thousand and twenty-nine AGM-01
one thousand and thirty AL-951
one thousand and thirty-two AL-807
one thousand and thirty-three PN-030
one thousand and thirty-four NSP-601
one thousand and thirty-five NA45-400
one thousand and thirty-six NA90-230
one thousand and thirty-seven NA45-230
one thousand and thirty-eight K-213
one thousand and forty-two CNA-BL
one thousand and forty-three CNA
one thousand and forty-five NCH-01
one thousand and fifty K-239
one thousand and fifty-five K-268
one thousand and fifty-seven K-211
one thousand and fifty-eight K-202
one thousand and fifty-nine K-255
one thousand and sixty K-209
one thousand and sixty-one K-208
one thousand and sixty-four AFC-45
one thousand and sixty-seven TP-12
one thousand and sixty-eight TPA-12
one thousand and seventy-one AM-600R
one thousand and seventy-three NR-601
one thousand and seventy-four AMH-301
one thousand and seventy-five RA-200
one thousand and seventy-seven KCH-02(6.0)
one thousand and seventy-eight R-22.8
one thousand and seventy-nine AM-310R
one thousand and eighty-one AM-310RA
one thousand and eighty-two AM-310LA
one thousand and eighty-three AM-300L
one thousand and eighty-four AM-300LA
one thousand and eighty-five AM-310L
one thousand and ninety-two AL-900
one thousand and ninety-three AMS-1210
one thousand and ninety-four RAS-101
one thousand one hundred and three TP-12A
one thousand one hundred and four TPA-12A
one thousand one hundred and ten T-016
one thousand one hundred and eleven T-125
one thousand one hundred and twenty PR-03
one thousand one hundred and twenty-one PR-304S
one thousand one hundred and twenty-two PR-304
one thousand one hundred and twenty-three PR-06
one thousand one hundred and twenty-four AFC-40
one thousand one hundred and twenty-five PRⅡ-304S
one thousand one hundred and twenty-six PRⅡ-06
one thousand one hundred and twenty-seven ESP-603
one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight ESP-603R
one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine EA90-20
one thousand one hundred and thirty EA45-20
one thousand one hundred and forty-five EBS-101
one thousand one hundred and forty-six KBS-101
one thousand one hundred and forty-seven IR-310
one thousand one hundred and forty-eight R301-IR
one thousand one hundred and sixty T-213
one thousand one hundred and sixty-two T-215
one thousand one hundred and seventy-one PL400-M2040
one thousand one hundred and ninety-three PL850-M1827
one thousand one hundred and ninety-four PL850-M2040
one thousand two hundred and six HM-30
one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven AL-982
one thousand two hundred and thirty-seven HB-53
one thousand two hundred and fifty-two KMD-8
one thousand two hundred and fifty-seven PL550-M1827
one thousand two hundred and fifty-eight PL550-M2040
one thousand two hundred and seventy-five PL2000-M1227
one thousand three hundred and two LS-100
one thousand three hundred and four VES
one thousand three hundred and seven ML-8
one thousand three hundred and eighty SLS-16
one thousand four hundred and two NK-350
one thousand four hundred and four FC-35
one thousand four hundred and five NCL-35GXC
one thousand four hundred and six E001011
one thousand four hundred and seven NK-350
one thousand four hundred and eight NK-260
one thousand four hundred and nine NK-260
one thousand four hundred and ten NCL-26GXC
one thousand four hundred and fifteen NK-150
one thousand four hundred and sixteen K-229
one thousand four hundred and seventeen K-230
one thousand four hundred and eighteen NK-150
one thousand four hundred and twenty-four E023011
one thousand four hundred and twenty-five E037011
one thousand four hundred and forty FC-40
one thousand four hundred and forty-one NCL-35GXS
one thousand four hundred and forty-two NCL-26GXS
one thousand four hundred and forty-three E014011
one thousand four hundred and forty-seven U165013
one thousand four hundred and fifty-two NK260-HG
one thousand four hundred and fifty-four NLS-100
one thousand four hundred and fifty-five NCL-GXCS
one thousand four hundred and seventy NCL-30VH
one thousand four hundred and seventy-one NE77-A
one thousand four hundred and seventy-two NCL-25S
one thousand four hundred and seventy-three NE106-01
one thousand four hundred and seventy-four FC-25
one thousand four hundred and seventy-five VH-E
one thousand four hundred and seventy-six NCL-25CD
one thousand four hundred and seventy-seven NCL-S
one thousand four hundred and seventy-eight IC-E
one thousand four hundred and seventy-nine KC-E
one thousand four hundred and eighty NCL-25S-VH
one thousand four hundred and eighty-one NCL-25S-IC
one thousand four hundred and ninety-three US-15CBT
one thousand four hundred and ninety-four US-16CBT
one thousand four hundred and ninety-five US-15CBS
one thousand four hundred and ninety-six US-15CB
one thousand four hundred and ninety-seven NE80
one thousand four hundred and ninety-eight US-16CB
one thousand five hundred and five RA-151E
one thousand five hundred and six RA-271E
one thousand five hundred and seven ARG-011E
one thousand five hundred and eight ARG-021E
one thousand five hundred and nine NE62
one thousand five hundred and thirteen ENK-401
one thousand five hundred and fifteen EHL-401
one thousand five hundred and sixteen ELS-100
one thousand five hundred and seventeen ERG-01
one thousand five hundred and eighteen ECN-011
one thousand five hundred and nineteen Z095101
one thousand five hundred and twenty-five EIC-300
one thousand five hundred and twenty-six EKC-300
one thousand five hundred and thirty-one AMS-600
one thousand five hundred and thirty-two ABS-800
one thousand five hundred and thirty-three AMS-1501
one thousand five hundred and thirty-five AGF-19
one thousand five hundred and forty-one AL-0201
one thousand five hundred and forty-two AL-0304
one thousand five hundred and forty-four
one thousand five hundred and forty-five AL-0306
one thousand five hundred and forty-six K-246
one thousand five hundred and forty-seven
one thousand five hundred and forty-eight AL-A0611
one thousand five hundred and forty-nine
one thousand five hundred and fifty
one thousand five hundred and fifty-one ERA-270
one thousand five hundred and fifty-two EHG-400
one thousand five hundred and fifty-three ERG-01B
one thousand five hundred and fifty-four EML-8
one thousand five hundred and fifty-nine RAS-151E
one thousand five hundred and sixty-five NR-403E
one thousand five hundred and sixty-six NR-453E
one thousand five hundred and seventy EMS-3041
one thousand five hundred and seventy-three EM-250
one thousand five hundred and seventy-eight RAX-271E
one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine RAX-71E
one thousand five hundred and eighty NR50-5100 ATC
one thousand five hundred and eighty-two NR40-5100 ATC
one thousand five hundred and eighty-three NR-3060S
one thousand five hundred and ninety-one EM-401A
one thousand five hundred and ninety-seven EM-3060
one thousand six hundred and one MSS-1908R
one thousand six hundred and three MSS-1908RA
one thousand six hundred and five MSS-1902R
one thousand six hundred and seven MSS-1902RA
one thousand six hundred and nine MSS-2008R
one thousand six hundred and eleven MSS-2008RA
one thousand six hundred and thirteen MSS-2002R
one thousand six hundred and fifteen MSS-2002RA
one thousand six hundred and thirty-seven MSST-2330R
one thousand six hundred and thirty-nine MSST-2330RA
one thousand six hundred and forty-five MSST-2308R
one thousand six hundred and forty-seven MSST-2308RA
one thousand six hundred and fifty-three MSST-2302R
one thousand six hundred and fifty-five MSST-2302RA
one thousand six hundred and seventy-six MSS-1930R
one thousand six hundred and seventy-eight MSS-1930RA
one thousand six hundred and eighty MSS-2208R
one thousand six hundred and eighty-two MSS-2208RA
one thousand six hundred and eighty-four MSS-2202R
one thousand six hundred and eighty-six MSS-2202RA
one thousand six hundred and ninety MSS-2524R
one thousand six hundred and ninety-two MSS-2524RA
one thousand six hundred and ninety-eight MSS-2506R
one thousand and seven hundred MSS-2506RA
one thousand seven hundred and six MSS-2501R
one thousand seven hundred and eight MSS-2501RA
one thousand seven hundred and ten MSS-2030R
one thousand seven hundred and twelve MSS-2030RA
one thousand seven hundred and fourteen MSS-2230R
one thousand seven hundred and sixteen MSS-2230RA
one thousand seven hundred and twenty-one MSH-2524R
one thousand seven hundred and twenty-two MSH-2524L
one thousand seven hundred and twenty-three MSH-2524RA
one thousand seven hundred and twenty-four MSH-2524LA
one thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine MSH-2506R
one thousand seven hundred and thirty MSH-2506L
one thousand seven hundred and thirty-one MSH-2506RA
one thousand seven hundred and thirty-two MSH-2506LA
one thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven MSH-2501R
one thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight MSH-2501L
one thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine MSH-2501RA
one thousand seven hundred and forty MSH-2501LA
one thousand seven hundred and forty-two EMCD-3000A-8M
one thousand seven hundred and forty-three EMCD-3000A-6M
one thousand seven hundred and forty-four EMCD-3000A-4M
one thousand seven hundred and forty-five EM20-S6000
one thousand seven hundred and forty-six EM25-S6000
one thousand seven hundred and forty-seven EM30-S6000
one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight EMCD-3000-4M
one thousand seven hundred and forty-nine EMCD-3000-6M
one thousand seven hundred and fifty EMCD-3000-8M
one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five EMS-3060A
one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six EMS-3060K
one thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven EMR-3008K
one thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight EMA-3020S
one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine EMA-3020K
one thousand seven hundred and sixty PMS-3020K
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-one PMS-3020A
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two PMR-3005K
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three PMA-3013S
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four PMA-3013K
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-five EM-3060J
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-six EMCD-3000J-8M
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven EMCD-3000J-6M
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight EMCD-3000J-4M
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine EM-3030J
one thousand seven hundred and seventy PMS-3020K-RA
one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one PMS-3020A-RA
one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two PMR-3005K-RA
one thousand seven hundred and seventy-three PMA-3013S-RA
one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four PMA-3013K-RA
one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight EMCD-3000J-3M
one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine EM-3060J-2M
one thousand seven hundred and eighty EM-3030J-2M
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one EM-3080J
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two NRAF-5080
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three NR-3080S
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four BMS-4020
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five BMS-4020R
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six BMS-4040
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven BMS-4040R
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight EM-3080J-2M
one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven AM-3020R
one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight AM-3020L
one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine AM-3020RA
one thousand and eight hundred AM-3020LA
one thousand eight hundred and one AM-2526R
one thousand eight hundred and two AM-2526L
one thousand eight hundred and three AM-2526RA
one thousand eight hundred and four AM-2526LA
one thousand eight hundred and five AM-H2525R
one thousand eight hundred and six AM-H2525L
one thousand eight hundred and seven AM-H2525RA
one thousand eight hundred and eight AM-H2525LA
one thousand eight hundred and sixteen RA-H2510
one thousand eight hundred and seventeen RA-H2520
one thousand eight hundred and eighteen RAS-H2510
one thousand eight hundred and nineteen NR-2551
one thousand eight hundred and twenty NR-H2550
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two ARG-2504N
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four ARG-2516N
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six ARG-H2504
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight ARG-H2516
one thousand eight hundred and thirty NR-303
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one NR-303P
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five NRR-2651
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six NRR-3060
one thousand eight hundred and forty HM-25
one thousand eight hundred and forty-one HM-25.4
one thousand eight hundred and forty-two HM-22
one thousand eight hundred and forty-three HM-14
one thousand eight hundred and forty-four HM-16
one thousand eight hundred and forty-five HM-18
one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven HM-20
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one ABS-400
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two ABS-1600
one thousand eight hundred and sixty HS-12
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two HS-14
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three HS-16
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four HS-18
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one RB-22.8x25
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two RBS-22.8x25
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three RB-22.8x25.4
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four RBS-22.8x25.4
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five RB-20x23
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six RB-20x22.8
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven RB-20x22
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight RB-20x25
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine RB-20x25.4
one thousand eight hundred and eighty RB-30x32
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one RB-30x36
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six HES-BT50RA
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine HES-NT50RA
one thousand nine hundred and forty-three HES510-BT30
one thousand nine hundred and forty-four HES510-NT30
one thousand nine hundred and forty-five HES510-NT30M
one thousand nine hundred and forty-six HES510-BT40
one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven HES510-NT40
one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight HES510-NT40M
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one HES510-BT50
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two HES510-NT50
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three HES510-NT50M
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six HES510-HSK A63
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven HES510-HSK A100
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight HES800-BT30
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine HES800-BT40
one thousand nine hundred and sixty HES800-NT40
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five HES800-BT50
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six HES800-HSK A63
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six R-22
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven R-25
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight R-25.4
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine R-30
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one R-19
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two R-20
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three R-23
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four HM-19M
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five HM-20M
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six HM-23M
two thousand and one
two thousand and two T-751
two thousand and three T-753
two thousand and four T-214
two thousand and five T-216
two thousand and six K-232
two thousand and seven K-231
two thousand and eight
two thousand and nine
two thousand and ten
two thousand and eleven K-220
two thousand and twelve
two thousand and thirteen K-212
two thousand and fourteen K-233
two thousand and sixteen K-248
two thousand and seventeen K-249
two thousand and eighteen
two thousand and nineteen K-217
two thousand and twenty K-207
two thousand and twenty-two K-257
two thousand and twenty-three K-258
two thousand and twenty-four K-259
two thousand and twenty-five K-222
two thousand and twenty-six
two thousand and twenty-seven K-206
two thousand and twenty-eight K-215
two thousand and twenty-nine K-216
two thousand and thirty K-204
two thousand and thirty-two K-260
two thousand and thirty-three K-235
two thousand and thirty-four K-240
two thousand and thirty-five K-241
two thousand and thirty-six K-242
two thousand and thirty-seven K-244
two thousand and thirty-eight FJ-01
two thousand and thirty-nine FJ-02
two thousand and forty FJ-03
two thousand and forty-one K-237
two thousand and forty-two K-238
two thousand and forty-three K-223
two thousand and forty-four PGF-N
two thousand and forty-five
two thousand and forty-six K-236
two thousand and forty-seven
two thousand and forty-eight
two thousand and forty-nine K-221
two thousand and fifty K-224
two thousand and fifty-one DJ-6
two thousand and fifty-two K-256
two thousand and fifty-three FJ-04
two thousand and fifty-four
two thousand and fifty-five
two thousand and fifty-six K-247
two thousand and fifty-seven K-250
two thousand and fifty-eight K-251
two thousand and fifty-nine K-254
two thousand and sixty-four
two thousand and sixty-six K-267
two thousand and sixty-seven PCR-30
two thousand and sixty-eight
two thousand and sixty-nine
two thousand one hundred and two CHN-A
two thousand one hundred and four CHN-6
two thousand one hundred and nineteen CHN-E
two thousand one hundred and twenty K-218
two thousand one hundred and twenty-one CHN-L
two thousand one hundred and twenty-two K-263
two thousand one hundred and twenty-three CHN-B
two thousand one hundred and twenty-four CHN-02
two thousand one hundred and twenty-five KCH-01E(6.0)
two thousand one hundred and twenty-six DCH-J0E
two thousand one hundred and twenty-nine K-265
two thousand one hundred and thirty KCH-03(6.0)
two thousand one hundred and thirty-one AGM-03
two thousand one hundred and thirty-two DCH-J0K
two thousand one hundred and thirty-three KCH-01N(6.0)
two thousand one hundred and thirty-four DCH-J0N
two thousand one hundred and thirty-five KCH-01A(6.0)
two thousand one hundred and thirty-six DCH-J0A
two thousand one hundred and thirty-seven AGM-01A
two thousand one hundred and thirty-eight EGF-19
two thousand one hundred and thirty-nine FGF-19
two thousand one hundred and forty PGF-25R
two thousand one hundred and forty-one PGF-25L
two thousand one hundred and forty-two GFM-25
two thousand one hundred and forty-three NGF2-19
two thousand one hundred and forty-four KCH-01(5.0)
two thousand one hundred and forty-five KCH-01(8.0)
two thousand one hundred and forty-six KCH-02(5.0)
two thousand one hundred and forty-seven KCH-02(8.0)
two thousand one hundred and forty-eight KCH-03(5.0)
two thousand one hundred and forty-nine KCH-03(8.0)
two thousand one hundred and fifty KCH-01E(5.0)
two thousand one hundred and fifty-one KCH-01E(8.0)
two thousand one hundred and fifty-two KCH-01A(5.0)
two thousand one hundred and fifty-three KCH-01N(5.0)
two thousand one hundred and fifty-four KCH-01N(8.0)
two thousand one hundred and fifty-five KCH-01A(8.0)
two thousand one hundred and sixty-one CHN-16
two thousand five hundred and eleven NR-311
two thousand five hundred and twelve AM-600RA
two thousand five hundred and twenty-two TUG-□□
two thousand five hundred and fifty AMXL-5002BH
two thousand five hundred and fifty-three AMXL-5005BH
two thousand five hundred and fifty-six AMXL-5014BH
two thousand five hundred and fifty-nine AMXL-6501BH
two thousand five hundred and sixty-two AMXL-6503BH
two thousand five hundred and sixty-five AMXL-6510BH
two thousand six hundred and ten
two thousand six hundred and eleven
two thousand six hundred and twelve
two thousand six hundred and thirteen
two thousand six hundred and fourteen
two thousand six hundred and fifteen
two thousand six hundred and sixteen
two thousand six hundred and seventeen
two thousand six hundred and twenty-one AMX-5014BH
two thousand six hundred and twenty-four AMXF-5014BH
two thousand six hundred and twenty-six AMX-5005BH
two thousand six hundred and twenty-nine AMXF-5005BH
two thousand six hundred and thirty-one AMX-5002BH
two thousand six hundred and thirty-four AMXF-5002BH
two thousand six hundred and thirty-six AMX-6510BH
two thousand six hundred and thirty-nine AMXF-6510BH
two thousand six hundred and forty-one AMX-6503BH
two thousand six hundred and forty-four AMXF-6503BH
two thousand six hundred and forty-six AMX-6501BH
two thousand six hundred and forty-nine AMXF-6501BH
two thousand six hundred and fifty-one AMX-8008BH
two thousand six hundred and fifty-three AMXF-8008BH
two thousand six hundred and fifty-five AMX-8003BH
two thousand six hundred and fifty-seven AMXF-8003BH
two thousand six hundred and fifty-nine AMX-8001BH
two thousand six hundred and sixty-one AMXF-8001BH
two thousand seven hundred and seven PS23-80N
two thousand seven hundred and nine PS23-80C
two thousand seven hundred and thirteen PSA25-90N
two thousand seven hundred and fifteen PSA25-90C
two thousand seven hundred and nineteen PSA30-100N
two thousand seven hundred and twenty-one PSA30-100C
two thousand seven hundred and twenty-five PSA35-120N
two thousand seven hundred and thirty-one PSA40-140N
two thousand seven hundred and thirty-three PSA40-140C
two thousand seven hundred and forty-three PSA50-180N
two thousand seven hundred and forty-five PSA50-180C
two thousand seven hundred and forty-nine PSA60-200N
two thousand seven hundred and fifty-one PSA60-200C
two thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine PSA23-130H
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-three PST50-180R
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-four PST50-180L
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-five PST50-240R
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-six PST50-240L
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven PST60-200R
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight PST60-200L
two thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine PST60-260R
two thousand seven hundred and seventy PST60-260L
two thousand seven hundred and seventy-four PS23S-80N
two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six PS23S-80C
two thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven PSA25S-90N
two thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine PSA25S-90C
two thousand seven hundred and eighty PSA30S-100N
two thousand seven hundred and eighty-two PSA30S-100C
two thousand seven hundred and eighty-six PSA40S-140N
two thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight PSA40S-140C
two thousand seven hundred and ninety-two PSA50S-180N
two thousand seven hundred and ninety-four PSA50S-180C
two thousand seven hundred and ninety-five PSA60S-200N
two thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven PSA60S-200C
three thousand six hundred and seventy-nine PV-70
three thousand six hundred and eighty AX42
three thousand six hundred and eighty-one AX52
three thousand six hundred and eighty-two AX62
three thousand six hundred and ninety-five PG-100
three thousand six hundred and ninety-six PGG-100
three thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven AX-105
six thousand four hundred and one BY-04
six thousand four hundred and two BY-06
six thousand four hundred and three BY-08
six thousand four hundred and four BY-10
six thousand four hundred and five BY-12
six thousand four hundred and six BY-14
six thousand four hundred and seven BY-16
six thousand four hundred and eight BY-18
six thousand four hundred and nine BY-20
six thousand four hundred and ten PY-4D
six thousand four hundred and eleven PY-6D
six thousand four hundred and twelve PY-8D
six thousand four hundred and thirteen PY-10D
six thousand four hundred and fourteen PY-12D
six thousand four hundred and fifteen PY-14D
six thousand four hundred and sixteen PY-16D
six thousand four hundred and seventeen PY-18D
six thousand four hundred and eighteen PY-20D
six thousand four hundred and nineteen PY-4L
six thousand four hundred and twenty PY-6L
six thousand four hundred and twenty-one PY-8L
six thousand four hundred and twenty-two PY-10L
six thousand four hundred and twenty-three PY-12L
six thousand four hundred and twenty-four PY-14L
six thousand four hundred and twenty-five PY-16L
six thousand four hundred and twenty-six PY-18L
six thousand four hundred and twenty-seven PY-20L
six thousand four hundred and fifty-one PBG-14
six thousand four hundred and fifty-two PDG-14
six thousand four hundred and fifty-three PBG-16
six thousand four hundred and fifty-four PDG-16
six thousand four hundred and fifty-five PBG-20
six thousand four hundred and fifty-six PDG-20
six thousand four hundred and fifty-seven PDG-40
six thousand four hundred and fifty-eight PBG-40
six thousand four hundred and fifty-nine PBG-100
six thousand four hundred and sixty PDG-100
eight thousand and two NE129
eight thousand and three NK-351
eight thousand and four NCL-351C
eight thousand and five NCL-351S
eight thousand and twelve NK-261
eight thousand and thirteen NCL-261C
eight thousand and fourteen NCL-261S
eight thousand and twenty-two NK-151
eight thousand and twenty-three NCL-151C
eight thousand and twenty-four NCL-151S
eight thousand and fifty HH-01
eight thousand and fifty-one NCL-EXT
eight thousand and fifty-five NCL-ADP
eight thousand and fifty-seven U403013
eight thousand and sixty HA-500
eight thousand and sixty-five EL351C-IR10
eight thousand and sixty-six EL261C-IR10
eight thousand and eighty-two NE249
eight thousand and eighty-six ENK-410S
eight thousand and eighty-seven ENK-250T
eight thousand and ninety-three US-25PBS 230V
eight thousand and ninety-four US-25PBS 120V
eight thousand and ninety-five NE240 230V
eight thousand and ninety-six NE240 120V
eight thousand and ninety-seven NE240 100V
eight thousand and ninety-eight US-25PBS 100V
eight thousand and ninety-nine US-25PB
eight thousand one hundred and one US-24PB
eight thousand one hundred and three FC-24
eight thousand one hundred and four Z095209
eight thousand two hundred and nineteen NE135
eight thousand two hundred and twenty NR-2351
eight thousand two hundred and twenty-four NE249
eight thousand two hundred and twenty-seven NE249
eight thousand two hundred and seventy-nine HTS1501S-HSK E40
eight thousand two hundred and eighty HTS1501S-HSK E50
eight thousand two hundred and eighty-one HTS1501S-BT50
eight thousand two hundred and eighty-two HTS1501S-HSK F63
eight thousand two hundred and eighty-three HTS1501S-HSK E32
eight thousand two hundred and ninety-six HTS1501S-BT30
eight thousand two hundred and ninety-seven HTS1501S-BT40
eight thousand two hundred and ninety-eight HTS1501S-HSK A63
eight thousand two hundred and ninety-nine HTS1501S-M2040
eight thousand and three hundred HTS1501S-HSK E25
eight thousand three hundred and twenty-two EM25-5000-4M
eight thousand three hundred and twenty-three NE145
eight thousand three hundred and twenty-four NE145-OP1
eight thousand three hundred and thirty-three EM25-5000-J4
eight thousand three hundred and thirty-four EM25N-5000-J4
eight thousand four hundred and seven E3000-PEX-4
eight thousand four hundred and eight AC-STP2
eight thousand four hundred and nine AC-STP1
eight thousand four hundred and ten BRB-4
eight thousand four hundred and eleven PEX-4
eight thousand four hundred and twelve BRB-2
eight thousand four hundred and thirteen BRC-4
eight thousand four hundred and fourteen AC-SO3
eight thousand four hundred and seventeen NE147-800
eight thousand four hundred and eighteen NE147-800
eight thousand four hundred and twenty-one NE211
eight thousand four hundred and twenty-two NE211
eight thousand four hundred and twenty-five NE212
eight thousand four hundred and twenty-six NE212
eight thousand four hundred and forty-two
eight thousand four hundred and forty-three
eight thousand four hundred and forty-four
eight thousand four hundred and forty-five
eight thousand four hundred and sixty-six
eight thousand four hundred and sixty-seven
eight thousand four hundred and sixty-eight
eight thousand four hundred and sixty-nine
eight thousand four hundred and seventy-two
eight thousand six hundred and one NE236
eight thousand six hundred and two NE236
eight thousand six hundred and three NE236
eight thousand six hundred and four NE236
nine thousand and twenty-five EMS-3045
nine thousand and twenty-seven EM-405
nine thousand and twenty-eight EM-255
nine thousand and thirty-six EMCD-6040
nine thousand and forty-five ENK401-HR
nine thousand and forty-six ENKCD-401
nine thousand and forty-seven ENKCD-401-3M
nine thousand and fifty-six NR-5041E ATC
nine thousand and fifty-seven NR-3080
nine thousand and fifty-eight NRA-5080
nine thousand and fifty-nine EM-801
nine thousand and sixty-one EMS-6040K
nine thousand and sixty-three EMS-6040
nine thousand and sixty-four NE123
nine thousand and sixty-six AL-0203
nine thousand and sixty-seven EM-805
nine thousand and sixty-eight EM-501
nine thousand and sixty-nine EM-505
nine thousand and seventy EMS-3052
nine thousand and seventy-one EMS-3056
nine thousand and eighty-two EMCD-6040K
nine thousand and eighty-five ES50C-HR
nine thousand and eighty-six ES50T-HR
nine thousand and eighty-seven NE96
nine thousand and eighty-eight ENK-500C
nine thousand and eighty-nine ENK-500T
nine thousand and ninety EHR-500
nine thousand and ninety-one ENK50C-HR
nine thousand and ninety-two ENK50T-HR
nine thousand and ninety-three ENKCD-50C
nine thousand and ninety-four ENKCD-50T
nine thousand one hundred and seventeen HESCD-501-4M
nine thousand one hundred and eighteen HESCD-501-6M
nine thousand one hundred and nineteen HESCD-501-8M
nine thousand one hundred and twenty-one SMS401-M2040
nine thousand one hundred and twenty-two SMS401-M2540
nine thousand one hundred and twenty-three SMS401-H2540
nine thousand one hundred and twenty-six SMS401-BT30
nine thousand one hundred and twenty-seven SMS401-NT30
nine thousand one hundred and twenty-eight SMS401-NT30M
nine thousand one hundred and twenty-nine SMS401-BT40
nine thousand one hundred and thirty SMS401-NT40
nine thousand one hundred and thirty-one SMS401-NT40M
nine thousand one hundred and forty-two SMS400-BT30-SK
nine thousand one hundred and forty-three SMS400-BT40-SK
nine thousand one hundred and forty-four SMS400-NT30-SK
nine thousand one hundred and forty-five SMS400-NT30M-SK
nine thousand one hundred and forty-six SMS400-NT40-SK
nine thousand one hundred and forty-seven SMS400-NT40M-SK
nine thousand one hundred and forty-eight HES501-BT30-SK
nine thousand one hundred and forty-nine HES501-BT40-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty HES501-BT50-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty-one HES501-HSK A100-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty-two HES501-HSK A63-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty-three HES501-NT30-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty-four HES501-NT30M-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty-five HES501-NT40-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty-six HES501-NT40M-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty-seven HES501-NT50-SK
nine thousand one hundred and fifty-eight HES501-NT50M-SK
nine thousand one hundred and ninety HES501-IT50-SK
nine thousand one hundred and ninety-one HES501-IT40-SK
nine thousand one hundred and ninety-two HES501-CAT50-SK
nine thousand one hundred and ninety-three HES501-CAT40-SK
nine thousand one hundred and ninety-seven HES510-ST32
nine thousand two hundred and forty EMCD-6040K-8M
nine thousand two hundred and forty-two EMCD-510-4M
nine thousand two hundred and forty-three EMCD-510-6M
nine thousand two hundred and forty-four EMCD-510-8M
nine thousand two hundred and fifty-three EMCD-4000-2M
nine thousand two hundred and fifty-four EMCD-4000-4M
nine thousand two hundred and fifty-five EMCD-4000-6M
nine thousand two hundred and fifty-six EMCD-4000-8M
nine thousand two hundred and fifty-seven EMCD-4000S-2M
nine thousand two hundred and fifty-eight EMCD-4000S-4M
nine thousand two hundred and fifty-nine EMCD-4000S-6M
nine thousand two hundred and sixty EMCD-4000S-8M
nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-five NE211
nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-six NE211
nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-one NE212
nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-two NE212
nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine NE147-800(115V)
nine thousand seven hundred and ninety NE147-800(230V)
nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-three NE96
nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-four NE96
nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-five NE145
nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-six NE145
nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven NE145
nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight NE145-OP1(115V)
nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine NE145-OP1(200V)
nine thousand and eight hundred NE145-OP1(230V)
nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-three NE106-02 (120V)
nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-four NE106-03 (230V)
nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-five US-15CBS (120V)
nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-six US-15CBS (230V)
nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven NE80 (120V)
nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight NE80 (230V)
nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-three NE62(115V)
nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-four NE62(230V)
nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-one NE129
nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-two NE129
nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-one ES50C-HR
nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-two ES50C-HR
nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-three ES50T-HR
nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-four ES50T-HR
nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven EL351C-IR12
nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight EL351C-IR23
ESP-603, NSP-601, Emax series 0-30000 rpm EL351-IH, EL351C-IR10, NE129, NK351, NLS-100, LS-100, EL261C-IR10 and other collets can be equipped with Japanese NAKANISHI manual grinding

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  • Shenzhen Xintengming Measuring Instrument Firm

  • NR-3060S Japanese NSK electric spindle