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  •  Provide apron navigation lights, aviation obstruction lights and warning lights
  •  Provide apron navigation lights, aviation obstruction lights and warning lights

Provide apron navigation lights, aviation obstruction lights and warning lights


Electric discussion

  • Minimum order quantity: 1 set
  • Location: Zhengzhou, Henan
  • Price: electricity
  • Total supply: set
  • Delivery period: 30 days
  • Release time: 2016-04-27 17:36:51

Li: 13623846288 (Please tell me when you contact me“ Building materials network See the information, there will be a discount! Thank you!)

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Architectural design basis of roof heliport

① According to Article 611114 of Code for Fire Protection Design of High rise Civil Buildings (GBJ50045-95), very high rise buildings with a height of more than 100m and a standard floor area of ≥ 1000m2 should be considered.

② Set according to the general requirements of urban planning. In the planning of modern big cities, helipads are required on the roofs of some very high-rise buildings and special purpose buildings to meet the special needs of metropolises for national defense, fire protection, first aid, special services, tourism, etc.

③ Design according to the special functions and needs of the building. For example, the fire control command building, traffic command building, public security command center, military and national defense unit office building, news agency, important health care center, and high-end hotels that are responsible for urban disaster prevention and disaster relief command and dispatching center should be considered.

④ Set according to the needs of the owner and society. With the continuous development of large enterprises and companies, the demand for their own means of transportation aircraft (including helicopters) is bound to increase. At present, Yuanda Group has taken the lead in owning corporate jets and helicopters in China. In the future, the parking apron can be set on the roof of the enterprise office building or factory building according to the needs of the owner. With the prosperity of the tourism industry, helicopters, as one of the air travel tools in line with the tourism psychology of contemporary people, will become increasingly popular. Aprons can be selectively set on the roofs of some landmark very high-rise buildings and tourist buildings in scenic spots. For example, one of the reasons for the establishment of the roof apron of the Beijing International Trade Center office building is the need to carry out tourism.

⑤ The design shall be carried out according to the Code for Design of Helicopter Yard and the performance of helicopters that may be put into use. These are the technical basis for roof airport design and must be strictly implemented.

Zhengzhou Xinhengsheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd


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Zhengzhou Xinhengsheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

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    Advance discharge lightning rod, aviation obstruction light, apron navigation aid lamp, lightning arrester, apron navigation aid control system, lightning rod, lightning rod

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  • Zhengzhou Xinhengsheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

  • Provide apron navigation lights, aviation obstruction lights and warning lights