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Industry trends

  • Shandong Qiansen Wood Industry Group (Guangxi Operation Center) cedar production base

    Linyi, Shandong, Pizhou, Jiangsu, Heze, Shandong, and Wen'an, Hebei are currently well-known production bases of man-made panels in China. As China's economic situation continues to grow, the demand for cedar is also growing. Following the market demand, Guangxi has established Liuzhou Rong'an Guangxi Xiangshan Ecological Industrial Park, where Shandong Qiansen Wood Industry Group (Guangxi Operation Center) is located. Tianxia Xiangshan is beautiful in Guangxi. The 100000 mountains in Guangxi have bred solid wood and good core wood for Pansen Ecological Board. Qiansen Wood Industry Group's Guangxi Operation Center is now developing rapidly with the integration of processing and utilization, industrial development and marketing

    2018/06/03 14:19:50
  • Qiansen Wood Industry * * * "2018 Building Materials Website Recommends' Plate '* * * Brand"

    Green building materials are the current development trend, and environment-friendly home decoration will drive the innovation and transformation of the industry. In the past two decades, industrial developed countries in Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries have attached great importance to the development of green building materials, and have carried out integrated and systematic basic research on the impact of building materials on the ecological environment. In China, this is just beginning. Shao Yonglai, General Manager of Shandong Qiansen Wood Industry (Amroo Meihui), has concluded the Third China Building Materials Industry Summit Forum and the Award Ceremony of "2018 Building Materials Network Recommended Brands" with the theme of "Remarkable Change". Shandong Qiansen Wood Industry Group Co., Ltd., whose brand is Amroo Meihui, has won the "2018 Building Materials Network Recommended Brands"

    2018/06/03 14:18:11
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Shandong Qiansen Wood Industry Group Co., Ltd

Privileged member

eight year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    1 item

  • Main business:

    Ecological board, flame retardant board, furniture board, customized home

  • Address:

    Fei County, Linyi, Shandong

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