•  New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd
  •  New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd
  •  New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd
  •  New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd
  •  New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd
  •  New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd
  •  New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd
  •  New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd

Company Profile

In the context of the new normal of economy, the "Internet" and the "Belt and Road" national strategy, the traditional construction industry is facing important opportunities and challenges. Earth Hammer Network is a data platform created by the New Silk Road Cloud Center (New Silk Road Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.) in the construction field, aiming to integrate diversified information in the construction industry, including construction materials trading, machinery and equipment leasing, construction workers recruitment, construction engineering bidding and other construction information. As a representative of traditional industries, the construction industry is a huge economic consumer group and a pillar industry for the development of the national economy. However, compared with other industries, the construction industry has the characteristics of single product, long production cycle, large workload, and wide coverage, especially the opaque information, which affect the integrity and efficiency of information exchange in the construction industry, This often leads to the increase of construction project cost and the waste of social resources. The wave of "Internet" is sweeping across all traditional industries with the trend of overwhelming. The construction industry is an industry that needs to be transformed by the Internet, because it is a big data industry, but it is also an industry that currently lacks data. "Internet architecture" can truly open a new blue ocean in the industry, and also can reconstruct the ecosystem of the entire construction industry, thus creating an immeasurable market space. Earth Hammer Network is intended to build it into an information platform for the construction industry, integrate market information in the construction field, including building materials trading, machinery and equipment leasing, construction workers recruitment, construction bidding, etc., and provide standard procurement information for project developers, builders, and self built housing customers. Developers can find out the price market through Earthhammer, which saves the link of searching for suppliers and bidding offline and reduces procurement costs; Builders can open a shop on Earth Hammer to release product information and improve popularity and sales. With the help of core Internet concepts and technologies online and relying on the profound resources of traditional construction industry offline, Earthhammer will focus on helping both buyers and suppliers in the construction industry to create an efficient trading environment and establish a new trading model of sustainable development.

Mr. Guo

Online contact

Tel.: 0951-2037999

Address: 670 Huanghe East Road, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia

News Center

  • Beware of mechanical equipment "cannibalism" and remember the "twelve iron rules"!

    Extrusion, collision, impact shearing, entanglement, twisting and throwing out, cutting, cutting Yes, these mechanical equipment injuries that you can think of have occurred in your mind, and most of the victims who have experienced these injuries have been seriously injured. In fact, the root cause of these accidents is that enterprises and workers are not fully aware of the risks and hazards of mechanical equipment, the safety protection measures are not perfect, and the safety operation procedures are not strictly followed, Or the safety operation procedures and preventive measures are too general, which makes it difficult for enterprises and workers to understand and learn. So today, Earth Hammer Network will share an iron rule for injury prevention of mechanical equipment, including "four..."

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  • The beauty of ancient architecture understood by Chinese people -- tile dang

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    2019/01/24 16:01:38
  • The ancient pagoda is strange and poetic

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  • Listen to the statement of architectural culture and feel the elegance of Sichuan style architecture

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  • How to identify Baroque architecture at a glance?

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  • Jin School, one of the six major schools of Chinese architecture

    The distinguished architecture of the Jin School lies in its magnificent Qiao Family Courtyard, brackets and cornices, colorful gold decoration, brick and tile running in, and carefully made city towers. More than 300 houses in six courtyards are well arranged, showing the steadiness, preciseness and depth of Shanxi merchants. The Jin School is just a general term, referring not only to the western part of the mountain, but also to Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and parts of Qinghai. In these areas, the architectural style of Shanxi is mature, so they are collectively referred to as Jin school architecture. The architecture of the Jin school can be roughly divided into two categories: one is the urban architecture of Shanxi, which is the architecture of the Jin school in a narrow sense; Shanxi is famous for its merchants in history. The hard-working generations of Shanxi merchants have accumulated countless wealth

    2018/12/20 11:08:04
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