Company Profile

    Weihai Lingnan Pipeline Connector Co., Ltd. The company has advanced technology, equipment and experience in the world. The products are widely used in all pipelines (cast iron pipes, steel pipes, PE pipes, PP-R pipes...) of the shipbuilding industry, large engineering fields, gas transmission, water supply and drainage systems Connection and repair of. The company is a branch company invested by South Korea Lingnan Metal in China. Responsible for the domestic sales and operation of Lingnan products. If you have any questions, please call or visit the website of the Korean news agency for confirmation. Please visit our website:


    Online contact

    Mobile: 18663123445

    Tel: 86-0631-5963801

    Fax: 86-0631

    Address: North of Dongbo Road, Huanghai Road, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone, Weihai, Shandong

    Latest products


    Weihai Lingnan Pipeline Connector Co., Ltd

    Ordinary members
    • Enterprise type:

    • Business model:

      Distribution and wholesale

    • Honors and qualifications:

      0 items

    • Main business:

      Pipe connector, pipe patcher, quick pipe clamp, stainless steel, oil and gas field, gas company, water supply and drainage, shipbuilding enterprise

    • Address:

      Weihai, Shandong

    Supply Classification

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