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Industry trends

  • How to waterproof the roofs of ancient buildings

    Human beings have life because of water, and towns prosper because of water. Water can not only irrigate fishing boats, but also block traffic and cause floods. Human beings rely on water but also guard against it. Overflow of water requires water control and drainage. Only when buildings are built against water and built near water can they have different forms. Water adds spirituality to buildings, and water also causes diseases. Open water and water vapor are the main sources of corrosion and collapse of buildings. In the maintenance design of ancient buildings, the waterproof problem needs special attention. Only by solving the drainage problem, can the ancient buildings be protected from floods in the future. So how does the roof of ancient buildings waterproof? In the design of ancient buildings

    2018/11/16 15:10:06
  • God! You are such a Zhongtong!

    Click on this title to come to this page. You probably want to know more about the story of "I" - Zhongtong. Briefly describe your impression of Zhongtong. What would your answer be? T6 Tongmei coating waterproof slurry? Non curing rubber asphalt waterproof coating? Self maintenance free waterproof system construction process... Maybe you used a product to meet the needs of home decoration and got to know Zhongtong Waterproof, or maybe you started to know "Zhongtong" after observing the market. Even in various * * * goods, you played wave after wave of "Let's find fault" and finally recognized "Zhongtong"... Let's make a brief summary for you, in fact, Zhongtong is

    2018/09/06 15:05:42
  • Standard? Brand? Or low price?

    Waterproof topics are done every year, and water leakage problems occur every year! Before discussing water leakage, I would like to share a doggerel poem with you: the inscription of the leaking room (the owner) is not new, but solid is spiritual. The room is not large, so it is waterproof. This is the leakage chamber, but I burn my heart. The moss on the wall is green, and the musty smell permeates the wet hall. When the floor is wet and dry. How to enjoy food and daily life. The cave is like a curtain of water, like a different view of the Dragon Palace. Lift your eyes and drop water. Crying cloud: Can we not leak? Let's first look at the parts prone to water leakage. Taking residential buildings as an example, most of today's civil residential buildings are multi-storey or high-rise buildings, and their waterproofing is mainly divided into

    2018/09/06 14:45:40
  • Waterproof is good, and life is not troublesome!

    Dear owner, what are you afraid of when you move to a new house? The floor color is wrong? The couch is missing? Does the furniture not match the decoration style? NO!NO!NO! This is not a problem. If your waterproof problem occurs, it is troublesome. You should not only pry the floor tiles, but also compensate for the loss caused to the downstairs residents due to water leakage! The renovation of new houses will inevitably involve water and electricity renovation, which will inevitably destroy the waterproof layer made by the original developer. In order to strengthen waterproof facilities, protect property safety and avoid neighborhood disputes, the new house decoration must be waterproof. Water is all pervasive. As long as there is

    2018/09/03 11:22:40
  • In the first half of 2016, the qualification rate of waterproof coating for domestic towing rear legs was only 74.4%

    In the first half of 2016, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ), closely centering on the working principle of "quality, safety, development and quality inspection", carried out national supervision and spot checks on the quality of 7 categories and 56 kinds of products in 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, including building and decoration materials, daily use and textiles, electronic appliances and light industrial products. In the first half of the year, a total of 3952 batches of products produced by 3897 enterprises were spot checked, 384 batches of products were found to be unqualified. The detection rate of unqualified products was 9.7%, and the product spot check qualification rate was 90.3%, which was 0.8 times lower than the national supervision spot check qualification rate in 2015

    2017/06/01 17:17:02
  • Classification and action mechanism of waterproof agent

    When encountering the problem of water permeability in concrete, there will always be a lot of questions and plans. The terms "waterproof", "watertight" and "hydrophobic" are also often used interchangeably. In fact, these terms can describe some situations that are far from each other. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the admixed waterproof agent used to enhance the impermeability of concrete and the waterproof agent that can form a chemical barrier on the hardened concrete surface. The membrane system composed of physical barriers such as coiled materials or coatings is not discussed in this paper. Concrete with low water cement ratio (w/c) and good mix ratio can become a material with good durability after full maintenance

    2017/06/01 17:16:35
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Hefei Zhongtong Waterproof Engineering Co., Ltd

Ordinary members
  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    5 items

  • Main business:

    Production and sales of waterproof materials; Waterproof and anti-corrosion engineering construction; Undertake indoor and outdoor decoration works

  • Address:

    No. 7, Xiangyi Road, Xiaomiao Industrial Zone, Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui

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