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Combined products, also known as "product assortment", refer to the combination of all products and product items of different products produced and operated by an enterprise in a certain period of time.

1. Product portfolio classification


2. Common applications of product portfolio


Under the extreme change of retail industry, in order to improve the commodity management method, the computer system introduced is quite important management work. In order to classify and summarize commodities, the real purpose of commodity combination classification is to use numbering principle in the computer system to organize and combine orderly and systematically, so as to facilitate the analysis and decision-making of various sales data. Product portfolio classification is the product strategy adopted for the company's business policy. According to this strategy, the combination of large classification and small classification is based on the inherent characteristics of the commodity group. Analyze and interpret the company's operating conditions according to the sales data classified by size to achieve the purpose of management. Each kind of commodity is a commodity line. For example, men's clothing stores may have several commodity lines such as suits, shirts, ties and socks. The so-called depth refers to the number of styles in the commodity line. For example, different colors, sizes, fabrics, etc. constitute the depth. The so-called height refers to the inventory of displayed goods. Today, the trend of reducing inventory has become more and more obvious. The commodity group is a commodity group gathered according to the commodity concept, and it is also an important basis for the classification of commodities in shopping malls.

3. Development history of product portfolio

Like people, products have a process from growth to decline. Therefore, enterprises cannot only operate a single product. Many enterprises in the world often operate a wide range of products. For example, American Optical Company produces more than 30000 products, and American General Electric Company operates 250000 products. Of course, it is not that more products are better. What products should an enterprise produce and operate to its advantage? What should be the relationship between these products? This is the question of product portfolio For example, among the numerous product lines of Procter&Gamble in the United States, there is a toothpaste product line that produces three brands of toothpaste, namely, Gree, Kress and Denquil. Therefore, the product line has three product projects. There are three specifications and two formulas of Krass toothpaste, so the depth of Krass toothpaste is 6. If we can calculate the number of varieties of each product item, we can calculate the average depth of the product portfolio. When an enterprise carries out product portfolio, it needs to make a choice on three levels, namely: ① Whether to add, modify or eliminate product items; ② Whether to expand, fill and delete product lines; ③ Which product lines need to be added, strengthened, simplified or eliminated (to determine the best product portfolio). The four factors of the product portfolio are closely related to promoting sales and increasing profits. Generally speaking, expanding and increasing product lines is conducive to giving play to the potential of enterprises and opening up new markets; Extending or deepening the product line can meet more special needs; Strengthening the consistency between product lines can enhance the market position of enterprises and give play to and improve the ability of enterprises in relevant specialties.

4. Portfolio Opportunities

  •  Container transportation packaging product combination scheme for large and heavy goods Collection of large and heavy goods

5. Product portfolio brand

6. Portfolio News

7. Product portfolio enterprises

8. Product Portfolio Quotation

9. Product Portfolio Atlas

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