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Polyimide, abbreviated as PI, is a polymer containing acylamine group (- C-N-C-) in the main chain.

1. PI classification


2. Common applications of PI

PI classification Polyimide (PI) is a polymer containing acyl imino groups (- C-N-C-C -) in the main chain. There are two main categories: Aliphatic (poor practicability and non commercialization) Aromatics (commercially available varieties) Aromatic polyimides can be divided into the following categories: homobenzene, monoether, diethyl anhydride, polyetherimide (PEI), polybismaleimide, norbornene diacid modified polyimide, polyamide imide (PAI).

3. PI development history

(1) Flame retardancy: PI is a self flame retardant polymer, which does not burn at high temperatures. (2) Mechanical properties (less sensitive to temperature): a、 Pure PI has low mechanical properties, especially low impact strength; b、 Fiber reinforcement will greatly improve: Impact strength: increased by more than 10 times from 27J/m to 190J/m; Tensile strength: increased by more than 20 times from 60Mpa to 1200Mpa; Bending modulus: increased from 3.8Gpa to 80 Gpa, more than 20 times;

4. PI business opportunity

  •  Supply Xinyu to supply Mahle filter element PI3205PSVST10 Supply Xinyu Supply Ma
  •  HS40PI Diesel Fire Pump Price HS40PI Diesel
  •  Ruixinke soft line silver paste/superior adhesion in PET and PI films Ruixinke soft line silver paste
  •  Special material TEH polyimide PI tape 506 Special material TEH
  •  Supply laminated busbar insulation film, PET insulation film, PI insulation film, Supply laminated busbar insulation
  •  The price of MAHLE MAHLE filter element PI8205DRG25 is low Supply MAHLE MA
  •  Supply PI4145SMX25 Mahler alternative filter element Supply PI4145
  •  FPC flat cable board, PI reinforced FPC circuit board, FPC factory FPC cable board, P
  •  Supply Mahler filter element PI8430DRG60 Supply Mahler filter element PI
  •  Supply PI8430DRG60 Supply PI8430

5. PI brand

6. PI News

7. PI Enterprise

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