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PA6T is a kind of heat-resistant nylon 6T/66 developed by Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. It is a product of copolymerization of PA6T and PA66. PA6T/66 used for electronic parts is a modified nylon 6T based on terephthalic acid, adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine, and its melting point is up to 310 ℃. The main characteristics of PA6T/66 are excellent high-temperature rigidity, dimensional stability and chemical resistance. The excellent properties of PA6T make it widely used in many fields, including automobile parts, mechanical parts and electrical/electronic parts. The following uses PA6T to refer to PA6T/66 in general.

1. PA6T classification


2. Common applications of PA6T

Of course, different parts often have different requirements and specifications, and the requirements of the materials used are different. For different needs, Mitsui Chemical Company has prepared PA6T of different grades. Overall, the main characteristics of PA6T are as follows: 1. Excellent welding resistance PA6T has a very high melting point (310 ℃), and its hot deformation temperature is also very high (about 290 ℃), so it can show excellent reflow solderability. The excellent solderability makes PA6T particularly suitable for electronic connectors used in surface adhesion technology (SMT). 2. Excellent high-temperature rigidity PA6T can still maintain quite high modulus at high temperature, for example, the modulus at 120 ℃ is 55% of that at 23 ℃. That is to say, PA6T can maintain stable and excellent rigidity in a wide temperature range.

3. Development history of PA6T

4. Low water absorption For nylon resin, the water absorption of PA6T is quite low, only 1/4 to 1/3 of nylon 66. Therefore, the physical property change of PA6T caused by water absorption is relatively small. 5. Excellent dimensional stability The water absorption of PA6T is quite low, and the size change caused by water absorption is quite small. The thermal expansion coefficient of PA6T is quite stable, and it remains at a very low level in the high temperature range. Therefore, the dimensional stability to temperature changes is good. In addition, the warpage of PA6T is very small due to the forming process. That is to say, PA6T has excellent dimensional stability.

4. PA6T business opportunity

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5. PA6T brand

6. PA6T News

7. PA6T enterprise

9. PA6T Atlas

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