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PA46 is a new polyamide resin with high melting point and high crystallinity. DSM (DSM) Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd., a Dutch royal enterprise, was the first in the world to successfully establish the industrial production method of PA46, the trade name of which was Stanley, and the world-class leading polyamide 46 brand number of heat-resistant and wear-resistant types promoted worldwide.

1. PA46 classification


2. PA46 Common Applications

PA46 is an aliphatic polyamide polycondensated from butylene diamine and adipic acid. Although it has the similar molecular structure of nylon 66, Stanyl PA46 has more amide groups on each given length of chain, and the chain structure is more symmetrical; The highly symmetrical chain structure leads to high crystallinity (about 70%) and high crystallization speed, so the melting point is higher (295 ℃), and the hot deformation temperature is also high. The long-term use temperature (CUT 5000hours) can reach 163 ℃. These characteristics enable Stanyl PA46 to have technical advantages over other engineering plastics such as PA6, PA66, PPA and polyester in terms of mechanical strength and wear resistance under heat resistance and high temperature, with short molding cycle and more economical processing.

3. PA46 development history

A: It has easy processing and excellent flow performance. B: It has excellent tensile strength and good thermal insulation performance. C: Flame retardant, electroplated, heat stabilized, heat-resistant. D: High stiffness retention performance, and good high temperature creep resistance. E: The stiffness and creep modulus are due to the same glass reinforcement of PPS, PEI and PES. F: It can be used for parts with thin-walled parts up to 0.1mm without flash. E: PA46 plastic is a multipurpose, glass reinforced, flame retardant UL grade material conforming to UL VO regulations.

4. PA46 business opportunity

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  •  Supply PA46 Netherlands DSM TW200FM33 Supply PA46
  •  Toughened white nylon rod, PA6 nylon rod, PA46 Toughened white nylon rod,

5. PA46 brand

6. PA46 News

7. PA46 Enterprise

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