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MDPE Chinese name: medium density polyethylene English name: medium density polyethylene, MDPE definition: polyethylene whose branch chain number on the main chain is between high-density and low-density polyethylene. Applied discipline: material science and technology (first-class discipline); Polymer materials (secondary discipline); Plastics (tertiary discipline) Medium density polyethylene (MDPE) is produced by copolymerization of α - olefin and density control during the synthesis process. It was produced by slurry method in the United States in 1970, and its production and synthesis process adopts LLDPE method. α olefins are commonly used propylene, 1-butene, 1-hexene, l-octene, etc., and the amount of which affects the density. Generally, the amount of olefins is about 5% (mass fraction).

1. MDPE classification


2. Common applications of MDPE

MDPE is characterized by resistance to environmental stress cracking and long-term strength retention. The relative density of MDPE is 0.926-0.953, the crystallinity is 70% - 80%, the average molecular weight is 200000, the tensile strength is 8-24 MPa, the elongation at break is 50% - 60%, the melting temperature is 126-135 ℃, the melt flow rate is 0.1-35g/10 min, and the thermal deformation temperature (0.46 MPa) is 49-74 ℃. There are three methods: high pressure method, low pressure method and medium pressure method. High pressure method is used to produce low-density polyethylene. This method was developed early. The polyethylene produced by this method has accounted for about 2/3 of the total polyethylene production so far. However, with the development of production technology and catalyst, its growth rate has lagged behind that of low pressure method. Low pressure method includes slurry method, solution method and gas phase method. Slurry method is mainly used to produce high density polyethylene, while solution method and gas phase method can not only produce high density polyethylene, but also produce medium and low density polyethylene, also known as linear low density polyethylene, by adding comonomer. In recent years, various low-pressure methods have developed rapidly. Medium pressure method is still used by Philips, and high-density polyethylene is the main product. High pressure method uses oxygen or peroxide as initiator to polymerize ethylene into low-density polyethylene. Ethylene enters the reverberator (Figure 3) after secondary compression, polymerizes into polyethylene under the pressure of 100~300MPa, temperature of 200~300 ℃ and the effect of initiator. The reverberant is separated by decompression, so that the unreflected ethylene is recovered and recycled. Molten polyethylene is extruded and granulated after adding plastic additives. (See the color picture) There are two kinds of polymerization reverberators used: tube type reverberators (tube length can reach 2000m) and kettle type reverberators. The one-way conversion rate of tubular process is 20%~34%, and the annual production capacity of single line is 100kt. The single pass conversion rate of kettle process is 20%~25%, and the annual production capacity of single line is 180kt. The low-pressure method includes slurry method, solution method and gas phase method. Except for the solution method, the polymerization pressure is below 2MPa. The usual processes include catalyst production, ethylene polymerization, polymer separation and granulation. ① Polyethylene produced by slurry method is insoluble in solvent and looks like slurry. Slurry polymerization has mild conditions and is easy to operate. Alkyl aluminum is often used as activator, hydrogen is used as molecular weight regulator, and kettle type reverberator is often used. The polymer slurry from the polymerization kettle goes through the flash kettle, gas-liquid separator to the powder drying machine, and then goes to granulation (Figure 4). The production process also includes solvent recovery, solvent refining and other processes. If different polymerizers are used in series or in parallel, products with different molecular weight distribution can be obtained. ② Solution polymerization is carried out in solvent, but both ethylene and polyethylene are soluble in solvent, and the reaction system is homogeneous solution. The reaction temperature (≥ 140 ℃) and pressure (4-5MPa) are high. It is characterized by short polymerization time, high production intensity, and can also produce high, medium and low density polyethylene, which can better control the properties of commodities; However, the polymer obtained by solution method has low molecular weight, narrow molecular weight dispersion and low solid content. ③ Gas phase polymerization of ethylene in gaseous state usually uses fluidized bed reactor. There are two kinds of catalysts, chromium system and titanium system, which are quantitatively involved in the bed by the storage tank. High speed ethylene circulation is used to maintain the bed fluidization and eliminate polymerization reaction heat. The generated polyethylene is discharged from the bottom of the reverberator (Figure 5). The pressure of the reverberator is about 2MPa, and the temperature is 85~100 ℃. Gas phase method is the most important method to produce linear low density polyethylene. Gas phase method saves solvent recovery and polymer drying processes, and saves 15% of investment and 10% of operation cost compared with solution method. It is 30% of the traditional high-pressure method and 1/6 of the operation cost. Therefore, it has been carried out rapidly. However, the gas phase method needs to be further improved in terms of commodity quality and variety. The medium pressure method uses chromium catalyst loaded on silica gel to polymerize ethylene in the loop reactor under medium pressure to produce high-density polyethylene. Processing and use can be processed by blow molding, extrusion, injection molding and other methods, which are widely used in the production of films, hollow products, fibers and daily necessities. In practice, in order to improve the stability of polyethylene to ultraviolet radiation and oxidation effect, and improve processing and application performance, a small amount of plastic additives are required. The commonly used UV absorbers are o-hydroxybenzophenone or its alkoxy derivatives, etc. Carbon black is an excellent UV shielding agent. In addition, it also takes part in antioxidant, lubricant, colorant, etc., so as to expand the use range of polyethylene.

3. MDPE development history

As far as domestic shopping malls are concerned, medium density polyethylene (MDPE) is still a new term, but its function is between high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE Communication and cable sheath have absolute advantages, so more and more attention has been paid by stores. Common function establishes the market location: MDPE has developed rapidly in recent years due to its outstanding resistance to environmental stress cracking, weldability and long service life, and its consumption has increased rapidly. MDPE is considered to be the most suitable sheath material for communication cables and optical fiber cables in the world. In foreign countries, the development of MDPE is synchronized with LDPE and HDPE. Dow Chemical Co., Ltd. has successfully developed the enhanced PE resin DOW LEX2344 E by using the I nsite skill. This resin is a very stable MDPE, which is an ethylene octene copolymer resin. It has a special linear ethylene main chain and octene branch chain, and has excellent endurance and outstanding long-term water pressure resistance function. Nordic Chemical Company has announced MDPE with a variety of trademarks, which is widely used in the production of natural gas pipes, drinking water pipes, foamed coaxial cables, foamed insulated telephone boards, communication and power cable sheaths. During this process, PE100 resin produced by Beixing bimodal technology was successfully used to extrude pipes with the largest diameter of 1600mm in the world. Samsung Corporation of South Korea announced the spin forming MDPE series products, which are mainly used for chemical storage tanks, toys, oil tanks and water tanks. SK Company of South Korea has chosen Mitsui and Sclairtech skills in HDPE equipment and announced MDPE products of rotary molding, pipe coating, needle molding and wire drawing based on their advantages. In Europe, MDPE has established an advantageous position in the market of gas and water distribution pressure pipes. MDPE has infinite potential to enter the territory of metal and PVC in the areas of large diameter distribution pipes (with an outer diameter of more than 100mm), transmission pipes (with an outer diameter of more than 300mm) and distribution pipes (with an outer diameter of more than 200mm). In terms of distribution pipes only, the annual consumption of MDPE in Europe is 160000 tons. The pace of domestic research and development needs to be accelerated: the development of MDPE resin in domestic shopping malls is lagging behind, and there are few products on the market. Most cable sheath manufacturers can only choose the blending method to finish. The full density polyethylene production equipment introduced by Maoming Petrochemical and Huaxia Ethylene Company all have MDPE trademarks, such as pipe data DGDA-2401 and DNDD-7152 for rotary molding, but the output value is small. Among the 200000 ton/year LDPE production equipment newly introduced by Yanshan Chemical Co., Ltd. to EXXON Chemical Co., Ltd., there are three MDPE trademarks (117, 151, 157) with density values ranging from 0.9280 g/cm to 0.9355 g/cm 3. Now 600 tons of 117 and 151 trademarks have been produced, but the commodity density is low, and the non copolymer commodity has poor resistance to environmental stress cracking, so it is not suitable for making pressure pipes such as gas pipes. The 250000 t/a polyethylene equipment put into production by Shanghai Petrochemical Company in 2004 uses the Nordic chemical bimodal polyethylene technology, which can produce special materials for PE100 pipes, but the commodity grading operation will also be completed by 2004, which means that the raw materials used by China now still need to be imported. The market demand potential is considerable: at present, the domestic application of MDPE includes wire and cable sheathing materials, water transport pipelines, buried gas pipelines, agricultural irrigation hoses (tapes), etc., and the demand is increasing. Most manufacturers use HDPE and LDPE to produce MDPE communication cable and optical cable sheath materials, with an annual output value of 30000 tons; The material of gas pipe is required to have outstanding weldability, environmental stress cracking resistance and crack resistance and rapid transmission. Now the manufacturers choose imported MDPE material; Agricultural irrigation hose (belt) is also one of the applications of MDPE. In order to reduce the price and control the production cost, only a few of these manufacturers use imported MDPE, most of them use domestic LDPE and LLDPE, and a single manufacturer participates in a few HDPE blends to improve the stiffness; The internationally recognized best hose reel type active sprinkler is a kind of sprinkler suitable for China's national conditions. The PE hose around the machine not only accepts bending, tensile stress and internal water pressure, but also resists ground conflict, sun and rain, cold and hot replacement and other inductive effects. The MDPE pipe was announced at home and abroad to synchronize the service life of the hose with the sprinkler. China developed this kind of sprinkler in the middle and late 1980s. However, there is no report of successful research and development of the matched MDPE hose of high quality. The market needs about 20000~30000 tons/year. The development of the West East Gas Transmission Project and the West East Power Transmission Project in the Western Development, as well as the construction of urban natural gas transmission pipeline network, urban and rural water and gas transmission pipeline network project and the position of China as a big agricultural country, are all the new favourites of the PE clan - MDPE and its products describe a bright future. However, as far as domestic shopping malls are concerned, domestic users are not good at understanding MDPE in terms of rationality or rationality. However, after increasing efforts to publicize and develop the MDPE trademark, and trusting that MDPE is gradually recognized by everyone, it will also make more and more outstanding contributions to the construction and development of the country.

4. MDPE business opportunity

  •  Supply MDPE plastic raw materials to make films and pipes MDPE Supply MDPE plastic
  •  Supply of MDPE and TSC plastic raw materials Supply of MDPE
  •  Supply MDPE 3721C 3321C Basel film grade Supply MDPE&n
  •  Supply pipe grade MDPE plastic raw material SP980 Supply pipe grade MDP
  •  MDPE rod MDPE rod MDPE rod MDPE rod MDP
  •  MDPE strong glue/MDPE quick drying glue MDPE strength adhesive
  •  Supply engineering plastic MDPE plastic raw material DX800 Supply engineering plastics MD
  •  Supply MDPE Korea SK DX800 PERT pipe raw materials Supply MDPE Korea

5. MDPE brand

6. MDPE News

7. MDPE Enterprise

8. MDPE quotation

9. MDPE Atlas

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