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 IC card lock

IC card lock

IC card is formed by installing a piece of electrically erasable memory chip with certain functions on a plastic substrate of standard size. Because IC card has the characteristics of small size, large capacity, convenient use, security and confidentiality, it is widely used in posts and telecommunications, finance, commerce, taxation, enterprise management, identity recognition, door lock system and other aspects.

1. Classification of IC card locks

IC card lock

2. Common applications of IC card lock

The card printing system is composed of a microcomputer, an IC card reader, a card writing software (HotelLockManage), etc. It can complete the issuance, management, statistics, information query, printing reports and other work of various cards. For details, please refer to the card printing system and operation manual.

3. Development history of IC card lock

The overall structure of IC electronic door lock can be roughly divided into front cover, rear cover, hidden core lock and other parts. The hidden core lock is the main mechanical part, and its appearance can be seen in the lock housing, oblique tongue (main tongue), square tongue (safety tongue), stop tongue and other parts; There is a motor driven unlocking and locking actuator, a linkage mechanism, and a detection switch for the relative position of each part; The front and rear covers are respectively equipped with handles and square tongue knobs, which are linked by a coupling mechanism and a hidden core lock to jointly complete actions such as opening and closing the door lock; The IC card holder and the computer control board are installed on the front cover. The computer control board can complete the reading and writing of the IC card, the input and output of control signals, audible and visual indication signals, the memory and storage of various signals, logic analysis and other work; The back cover is equipped with a battery clip, which is powered by four No. 5 alkaline batteries to provide power for work. At the same time, the IC card electronic door lock is also equipped with a mechanical key, which can be used when the door lock is newly installed without a battery, or when the electronic control part fails to work normally.

4. IC card lock business opportunity

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  •  Supply Xiaogan Hotel Lock Yichang Hotel Lock Huanggang Magnetic Card Lock IC Card Lock Supply locks for Xiaogan Hotel
  •  S130 IC card password lock S130 IC
  •  Provide intelligent door locks for hotels Hotel door locks IC card locks Provide hotel smart door locks
  •  IC card hotel hotel fingerprint password induction sauna lock 5208 Supply IC card hotel guests
  •  Supply IC card locking valve Supply IC card locking valve
  •  Manufacturers selling IC card locks in batches Sell IC card locks in batches

5. IC card lock brand

6. IC card lock news

7. IC card lock enterprise

8. Quotation of IC card lock

9. IC card lock atlas

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