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English trade name of fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer (perfluoroethylene propylene copolymer): Teflon * FEP (Fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer) FEP is the copolymerization of tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene.

1. FEP classification


2. Common applications of FEP

Perfluoroethylene propylene resin has similar characteristics with polytetrafluoroethylene and good processing technology of thermoplastic, so it becomes an important material to replace polytetrafluoroethylene. F-46 is widely used in the production of wires and cables for electronic equipment transmission lines used at high temperature and high frequency, connecting lines inside electronic computers, aerospace wires, and other special purpose installation lines, oil mine logging cables, submersible motor winding lines, micromotor outgoing lines, etc.

3. Development history of FEP

F-46 has good processing properties. The usual extrusion method can be used to cover the insulation layer of wires and cables. In order to correctly design the extruder and die, control and master the processing conditions of F-46 resin, it is necessary to first understand the rheological properties of F-46 resin. The relationship between shear stress and shear rate of F-46 at 390 ℃. The viscosity μ A decreases with the increase of shear rate. The critical shear rate of F-46. If the shear rate exceeds this value, the plastic flow will be uniform, resulting in rough, lusterless and delamination of the product surface. The critical shear rate of F-46 is very different from that of polyethylene and nylon, so the melting fracture problem is particularly serious.

4. FEP business opportunity

  •  Supply FEP 5100-J NP-101 6100-J Supply FEP 51
  •  FEP plastic raw material Zhejiang Juhua FJC-FP2 manufacturer FEP brand FEP plastic raw materials
  •  Supply of FEP full transparent corrugated pipe and spiral pipe Supply of PFEP
  •  Supply FEP compensation conductor of Japan Fudian Supply to Japan Fudian FE
  •  Supply [FEP heat shrinkable pipe] Dongguan, Guangdong quotation_picture Supply [FEP shrink
  •  Supply FEP Japan Daikin NP101 Teflon plastic raw material manufacturer Supply FEP Japan
  •  Supply PFA/FEP pipe extruder Teflon pipe production line Supply PFA/FE
  •  Supply F46 film, FEP film Supply F46 film,
  •  Heat tracing pipe BRG-D40-FEP/FHT-D42 Heat tracing pipe BRG-D
  •  Fluorine coated O-ring Jiangsu FEP coated O-ring Fluorine coated O-ring Jiangsu F

5. FEP brand

6. FEP News

7. FEP Enterprise

8. FEP quotation

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