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 Stainless steel lamp

Stainless steel lamp

Light emitting words on the back of stainless steel: As the name implies, the back of stainless steel is light emitting. Stainless steel characters are generally made of 304 stainless steel materials, with mirror and wire drawing, and the thickness is generally about 5cm. High quality waterproof LED lights (outdoor) are built in. Indoor characters are generally not waterproof, with uniform lights, and they are brightly lit on the back plate. They are generally used for LOGO walls. The characters are small, and most of them are indoor. This practice is not used for large ones, This is mainly because the lamp is placed at the back and is not closed. 12V transformer, its back is about 2cm away from the wall, and it is installed away from the wall. Applicable scope: shop sign, enterprise and public institution six sides and building roof luminous characters.

1. Classification of stainless steel lamps

Stainless steel characters can be classified according to different classification methods.

2. Common application of stainless steel lamp

 Stainless steel lamp

When stainless steel characters are processed with copper characters, the strings selected by customers or the characters written on behalf of customers often need to be enlarged or reduced. The method is to enlarge and reduce the size of the copier. If the graphics and characters exceed the effective copying area of the copier, an iron bucket (about 20-30cm in diameter) can be used, and a 200W light bulb can be installed on the inner bottom. The small brush characters of the original (if the original characters are too large, the copier can be used to reduce them) can be clamped with glass, fixed at the smooth mouth of the iron bucket, and then projected and enlarged on the wall, and white paper can be nailed on the wall with thumbnails, Trace the shadow of the projected enlarged words on the paper with a pencil, and then cut out the enlarged or reduced words for use.

3. Development history of stainless steel lamp

Blanking forming: stick the cut words on the copper sheet with glue, and then cut and blanking according to the words with iron scissors or plate shears. In places with small curvature, drill holes at the junction first, and then cut with scissors or steel chisels. The cut edge must be filed flat, and no serrations are allowed. When hammering, first of all, we should understand the structure of characters, plan the forming steps of characters, and avoid blind hammering. The rule of hammering forming: (1) First, master the large structure of the word. Because the accuracy of the large structure of the word directly affects the effect of the word, when striking the large structure, first strike the parts with less curvature, and then strike the large structure; (2) First type the highest part of the bulge, and then strike from the middle to both sides along the trend of the word.

4. Business opportunity of stainless steel lamp

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  •  Stainless steel design of ultraviolet sterilization lamp for supplying water to school offices For school office
  •  Supply BAD56-n explosion-proof anti-corrosion lamp (stainless steel) Supply BAD56-
  •  Supply stainless steel swimming pool underwater lights, colorful underwater lights, led swimming pool lights Supply of stainless steel swimming pool water
  •  Tower type explosion-proof mirror lamp Stainless steel flange mirror special explosion-proof lamp Tower type explosion-proof mirror lamp
  •  Supply stainless steel purification lamp panel for Evergreen lighting Supply Evergreen lighting
  •  Zhonghua lamp, stainless steel landscape lamp, China knot lamp, Zhonghua lamp, stainless steel scene

5. Stainless steel lamp brand

  •  Foshan Luyu Stainless Steel Co., Ltd Foshan Luyu Stainless Steel Co., Ltd

6. Stainless steel lamp news

7. Stainless steel lamp enterprises

8. Quotation of stainless steel lamp

9. Stainless steel lamp atlas