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 Safety belt

Safety belt

Safety belt is a safety part used on equipment, which is used to ensure safety when flying in aircraft, or when working at heights and performing skills. The main raw materials are polyester, polypropylene and nylon. The safety belt is not only the webbing, but also the assembly of other parts. The ideal function process of the safety belt is: first, tighten it in time, and do not hesitate to "press" a person on the seat at the first moment of an accident. Then, relax moderately. When the peak impact force has passed, or people can be protected by the airbag, relax the safety belt appropriately. Avoid rib injury due to excessive tension. The most advanced safety belts are equipped with pretensioners and tension limiters. Let's take a look at the functional principles of both.

1. Safety belt classification

Safety belt

2. Common applications of safety belt

 Safety belt

The standard form of safety belt in the world is three-point safety belt invented by Niels. This kind of car safety belt began to be accepted in 1967. Niels published 28000 Accident Report in the United States, which recorded all traffic accidents involving Volvo Cars in Sweden in 1966. The figures clearly show that three-point safety belt is not only in more than half of cases, It can reduce or even avoid the chance of passenger injury, and can save life.

3. Safety belt development history

Safety belt, as the basic protective device to protect drivers and passengers in the process of vehicle collision, was born earlier than cars. As early as 1885, seat belts appeared and were used in carriages to prevent passengers from falling off the carriages. In a car race held in New York on May 20, 1902, a racing driver tied himself and his partner to the seat with several belts to prevent being thrown out of the car at high speed. During the race, the car they were driving accidentally rushed into the crowd, killing two people and injuring dozens of others, while these racing drivers narrowly escaped due to their belts. These belts also became the prototype of the car seat belt. The first use of these belts in cars saved the lives of users.

4. Business opportunity of safety belt

  •  Buffer type double hook construction safety belt - safety belt for protection Cushion type double hook construction
  •  Chongqing Explosion proof Safety Belt Half body EX-ASFJDAQD/B-Petroleum Chongqing explosion-proof safety belt half
  •  Safety belt Double back safety belt Full body safety belt Integrated safety belt Safety belt Double back safety belt
  •  Full body safety belt integrated safety belt with double back safety belt Full body with double back safety belt
  •  Width of safety belt tie is 50mm Seat belt tie down
  •  Supply safety belt certification Enterprise safety belt price Electrician safety belt Safety belt supplier
  •  Safety belt tension tester Safety belt tension tester
  •  Supply 38mm four twill nylon safety belt webbing Supply 38mm four slope
  •  Full body double hook safety belt is available. Hurry to buy it! Full body double hook
  •  Safety belt manufacturer Safety belt supply

5. Safety belt brand

  •  Jiangxi Shijixing Safety Equipment Co., Ltd Safety equipment of Jiangxi Century Bank

6. Safety belt news

7. Seat belt enterprises

8. Quotation of safety belt

9. Seat belt atlas