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The alias of AES is ethoxylated alkyl sodium sulfate, fatty alcohol ether sodium sulfate, AES, colorless, white or light yellow viscous liquid, and the odor is a typical soap flavor alkaline anionic surfactant.

1. AES classification


2. Common applications of AES

Precautions for operation: close operation and strengthen ventilation. Operators must be specially trained and strictly abide by the operating procedures. It is recommended that operators wear chemical safety goggles, anti poison penetration work clothes and rubber gloves. Keep away from kindling and heat sources, and smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Avoid dust generation. Avoid contact with oxidants. Load and unload gently during transportation to prevent damage to packaging and containers. Fire fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment of corresponding types and quantities shall be provided. Empty containers may leave harmful substances.

3. Development history of AES

Transportation and storage of AES: Precautions for transportation: transport according to general chemicals; The package shall be complete and the loading shall be stable when the goods are shipped. During transportation, the container shall not leak, collapse, fall or be damaged. It is strictly prohibited to mix with oxidants, edible chemicals, etc. During transportation, it shall be protected from sun exposure, rain and high temperature. Thoroughly clean the vehicle after transportation. Precautions for storage: store in a cool and ventilated warehouse. Keep away from kindling and heat sources. It shall be stored separately from oxidant and shall not be mixed. Equip with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment. The storage area shall be equipped with appropriate materials to contain leakage. At high temperature (above 50 ℃) or in acidic environment (pH5), alkyl ether sulfate may decompose due to hydrolysis of alkyl ether sulfate. In view of the fact that alkyl ether sulfate is easy to hydrolyze at high temperature, this product should not be stored in an environment above 50 ℃.

4. AES business opportunity

  •  Supply ATOS proportional valve DKZOR-AES-PS-171-L5 ATOS supply proportion
  •  Provide super weather resistant AES to prevent direct light from falling into AES, Supply of super weather resistance
  •  ICP-AES spectral analyzer ICP-AES light
  •  Supply MA-DPZO-AES-PS-273-D5-DGU1 Supply MA-DPZ
  •  Supply AES resin gutter Supply AES resin days
  •  Supply of PC/ABSPC/AES laser marking machine Supply PC/ABS
  •  Batch selling price for AES Japan TECHNO and 145H manufacturers  For AES Japan TE
  •  Spot AES UMG Dialac UH90 XK300 Spot AES U
  •  Direct sales to AES Zhongliao Chemical Plant Supply AES intermediate material
  •  Dezhou Blister Processing Factory ASA Blister Processing PP Blister Price AES Blister Which is Better Dezhou Blister Processing Factory

5. AES brand

6. AES News

7. AES enterprises

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