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  • Do you want to know about the rape thresher?

    From April to June every year, the rape harvest period is in most areas, and many users of rape threshers have started to purchase in large quantities. During the communication process, users have asked many questions about customer service of Shengxinlai Machinery. Today, we have specially sorted out the following, hoping to give you some reference. 1) Q: Is the rape thresher multifunctional? Answer: From machine development to factory test, it is mainly for rapeseed threshing. According to user feedback, it can be used for onion seed threshing. Other materials, such as rice and wheat, have not passed the test. Can thresh rape and onion seeds 2) Ask: rapeseed threshing

    2019/04/10 10:59:23
  • The configuration of double grooves on the wheel of corn crusher is better

    Many dealers may also notice that some of the motor wheels for the corn crusher delivered by the manufacturer are equipped with single grooves and some are equipped with double grooves. So, what's the point of single and double slot motor wheels? Is it better to have double slots or single slots? The configuration of double slots is higher than that of single slot. If the configuration of motor wheel slot is unilateral, the configuration of double slots is higher than that of single slot. Because if the corresponding corn crusher is a double groove motor pulley, it needs to be equipped with a double groove pulley and a double belt. The double slot configuration is higher than the single slot configuration both in terms of price and the number of matching accessories. Single motor

    2019/04/08 16:00:43
  • Selection and maintenance of main parts of single-phase corn grinder

    As a single-phase corn grinder, it is widely used by the majority of family users, so it is also a model that Shengxinlai machinery manufacturer dealers often purchase. Hammer is a vulnerable part of single-phase corn crusher. According to the manufacturer's statistics, the hammer consumption of the crusher reaches tens of thousands of pieces every year. So how to choose a good hammer that is more durable? What problems should we pay attention to when replacing the hammer? 1、 How to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of hammers? The advantages and disadvantages of hammers are mainly reflected in the casting process, one is surface hardening, the other is quenching heat treatment. Quenching heat treatment is a commonly used processing technology at present

    2019/03/22 10:28:52
  • What problems should be paid attention to in the export machine packaging of corn flour mill?

    Today, I saw the technicians in the factory packing the exported machines and found that for the corn flour grinder factory, the exported machines not only need to be qualified, but also the quality of the machine products is excellent. There is also a lot of attention on the packaging. Listen to the detailed explanation of the technicians. 1. Export by air or export by sea Export by sea: the mode of transport by sea may require sealed packaging and loose leaf packaging, which requires customized packaging design according to the objects of the exporting country. Airfreight export: In this export mode, the packaging personnel of the corn flour mill factory need to set up wooden case loose leaf and crane use position when packaging the machine. Therefore, only

    2019/03/19 10:31:35
  • This is the reason why the small rice mill can't feed and discharge slowly

    Yesterday, the dealer from Bazhong, Sichuan, called the technician of Sichuan Shengxinlai Machinery and reported that a user's small rice mill had slow feeding and no discharging. I don't know what caused it. Based on the analysis of the experience of the user's motor reversal last time, the factory technician first asked the dealer friend to check whether the small rice miller motor reversed. After commissioning and inspection, the rotation direction of the motor is correct, and it is determined that it is not caused by motor problems. So where is the problem? After discussion and analysis by several technicians of the manufacturer, the rice mill model was also disassembled in the warehouse for a trial look

    2019/03/16 09:51:27
  • The vertical mill can not only grind wheat, but also grind this?

    As a vertical flour mill, it is generally known that wheat can be ground for flour processing. Today, there was a sudden response from a customer. After the user's practice, this model can also be used for grinding soybean meal. The customer service staff of Shengxinlai Machinery suggested sharing it for your reference. The vertical mill can crush the raw soybean meal, which is also called "soybean meal", as a by-product of soybean oil extraction. As a kind of high protein, soybean meal is the main raw material for making livestock and poultry feed and the staple food of livestock and poultry, which is not easy to be replaced. But before use, it needs to go through a series of mechanical processing, and use a vertical mill

    2019/03/15 11:31:43
  • Where to buy household corn grinder? Individual is different from dealer

    The customer service staff of Sichuan Shengxinlai Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. received a message at the background asking where to buy a household corn grinder. In this regard, the customer service staff of Shengxinlai Machinery reminded that this should also be treated differently according to whether it is an individual user or a dealer user. For details, please refer to the following two aspects. 1、 Individual users can go to local dealers to purchase household corn grinder. Shengxinlai Machinery has distribution outlets in most provinces and cities in China. There are two advantages to buying nearby. First, there is no need for long-distance transportation, which saves freight costs; The second is to buy locally. If parts configuration and maintenance are needed later

    2019/02/26 11:31:44
  • Listen to whether dealers of corn grain crusher will go to Qingdao Agricultural Machinery Expo

    Over the years, agricultural machinery expositions have attracted a large number of dealers' attention and participation. The 2019 Qingdao Agricultural Machinery Expo will be held in March. As a small agricultural machinery, such as corn milling machines, there will also be booths in the Expo. So, as a distributor of corn grinder, are you going? In this regard, we consulted some dealers of Shengxinlai Machinery to hear what they said. President Yang of Hunan Province: The fruit forest machinery on display this time may be seen. Although the corn grain crusher is currently operated, machinery like fruit forest may be the trend in the future. The agricultural industry has different trends every year

    2019/02/25 09:52:18
  • How can there be so much attention paid to the small blades of the new corn self-priming pulverizer?

    Yesterday, a friend from the dealer called the customer service staff of Shengxinlai Machinery, hoping to refit the machine and then design the adjustment of the blades. After learning for a long time, I found that there is still so much knowledge about the small blades of the new corn self-priming shredder? Model diagram of self-priming corn crusher In general, as a self-priming corn crusher, the manufacturer's technicians do not recommend self modification, because it is easy to bring other hidden problems. However, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you something about the blades of the new corn self-priming grinder today. As a new type of corn self-priming grinder, it is mainly used for

    2019/02/22 09:35:06
  • Choose corn grinder manufacturers, not the lower the quotation, the better

    Open the door to do business, everyone hopes that the cost is low and the profit is high. However, Sichuan Shengxinlai Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. reminded that the lower the quotation, the better the choice of corn grinder manufacturers. The choice of corn grinder manufacturers is basically based on the market they sell. What kind of users does the market face? What kind of model does this group need? What is the price range that users can afford? What kind of voltage can the local power supply system withstand? These should be made clear before selecting the purchase channel. For example, if the local area is mainly used by household users, there will be some small ones with relatively high output

    2019/01/28 11:22:05
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Sichuan Shengxinlai Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd

Ordinary members
  • Enterprise type:


  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    8 items

  • Main business:

    Grain grinder, corn degerming machine, thresher, rice mill

  • Address:

    No. 311, Floor 3, Building 5, No. 199, Rongdu Avenue, Xindu Street, Xindu District, Chengdu, Sichuan

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