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Tangshan slaughter sewage treatment equipment

  • Processing method:

    Processing with drawings and samples Others

  • Processing capacity:

    Flow production

  • Main processing equipment:

    Buried integration

  • Number of processing equipment:

    1600 sets

Project Introduction

The flower of cultivation blooms in silence, and the fruit of success will be strong in the light—— Ice core

We are the servants of the law so that we may be free—— Cicero

You should know the essence of scientific methods. Don't listen to what a scientist says to you, but look carefully at what he is doing—— Einstein

Tangshan slaughterhouse sewage Water treatment equipment

Weifang Haoyu Environmental protection equipment Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are Hospital, medical treatment, sanatorium, office building, shopping mall, hotel, restaurant, organ, school, army, Domestic sewage such as aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, and similar industrial organic wastewater, such as textile, beer, paper making, tanning, food, and chemical industry The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in such industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment.

Contact: Sun Guoliang 15065662693

Introduction to process equipment

(1) Grille

The grating consists of a group of parallel metal bars or screens, which are installed in the sewage channel, pump The inlet of the water collecting well of the house or the end of the sewage treatment plant is used to intercept large suspended solids or floating solids, so as to reduce the treatment load of subsequent treatment structures and make them operate normally.

Screening is a widely used method to separate coarse dispersed suspended solids from meat processing wastewater. The design of this process uses a medium grid, which is mainly used to intercept coarse suspended solids. The grid spacing is 20mm. 20 grid bars.

(2) Regulating tank

The purpose of the regulating tank is to weaken the impact of water quality and quantity fluctuation on the wastewater treatment process, facilitate or ensure the normal operation of the treatment process, and ensure stable treatment effect. The quantity and quality of wastewater discharged from industrial enterprises change with time. In order to ensure the normal operation of subsequent treatment structures or equipment, the quantity and quality of wastewater need to be adjusted.

It shall be determined according to different wastewater quality, characteristics of treatment process system and treatment requirements. It is set after the primary treatment and before the secondary treatment to reduce the scum and sludge in the regulating tank; Before the first level treatment, consider Mixing equipment Prevent sludge from settling or set sludge hopper for sludge discharge (resulting in excessive depth).

The types of regulating tank include equalization tank, homogenization tank and homogenization tank. In this design, rectangular plane diagonal outlet regulating tank is adopted.

The water quality and quantity of meat processing wastewater change greatly within 24h. In order to stabilize the treatment effect of the follow-up process, a regulating tank is set in the treatment process to regulate the water quality and quantity of wastewater, so as to weaken the change range of water quality and quantity. Since most meat processing plants operate in one or two shifts, the wastewater from one or two shifts can also be evenly distributed for treatment within one day by setting up a regulating tank, which can reduce the volume of the treatment structure and reduce the investment. The regulating tank is set in line, and the actual regulating time of the regulating tank is generally 6-12 hours.

(3) Primary sedimentation tank

The treatment object of the primary sedimentation tank is suspended substances, and part of BOD can be removed at the same time five , which can improve the operating conditions of biological treatment structures and reduce their BOD five Load. The sedimentation tank can be divided into horizontal flow sedimentation tank, radial flow sedimentation tank and vertical flow sedimentation tank according to the different flow directions in the tank.

Sedimentation in meat processing wastewater treatment is used to remove inorganic solids and organic solids from the original wastewater. The primary sedimentation tank is used to remove organic solids in the raw wastewater. The use of primary sedimentation tank to remove organic solids that can be settled in wastewater can reduce the load of subsequent processes. According to practice, the use of primary sedimentation tank to precipitate meat processing wastewater can remove wastewater BOD five 30%, removal rate SS 70%.

In this design, the primary sedimentation tank is a horizontal sedimentation tank.

(4) Anaerobic contact reactor

For organic wastewater with high suspended solids, anaerobic contact method can be used. The waste water enters the mixing contact tank (digestion tank) to mix with the returned anaerobic sludge, and then flows into the sedimentation tank through the vacuum degasser. The sludge concentration in the contact tank is required to be very high, about 12000~15000mg/L, so the sludge return flow is very large, generally 2~3 times of the wastewater flow.

The anaerobic contact method is essentially an anaerobic activated sludge method, which does not need to be lifted but needs to be degassed. Anaerobic contact method is effective for organic wastewater with high suspended solids (such as meat processing wastewater). Suspended particles become carriers of microorganisms and are easy to precipitate in sedimentation tanks. In the mixing contact tank, proper mixing shall be carried out to keep the sludge suspended. Mixing can be done mechanically or by pumping the water in the tank.

(5) Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)

A complete operation process of SBR process, that is, the operation process of each batch reactor in wastewater treatment includes the following five stages: 1, water inflow period (or water filling period); 2. Reaction period; 3. Sedimentation period; 4. Drainage and sludge discharge period; 5. Idle period

The so-called sequential intermittent type has two meanings: one is that the operation is carried out spatially in a sequential and intermittent manner. Since most of the sewage is discharged continuously and the flow fluctuation is large, the intermittent reactor is at least two pools or multiple pools at this time, and the sewage flows into each reaction period in a sequential manner. Their relative relationship during operation is orderly and intermittent; Second, the operation of each SBR reactor is also arranged in order in time. The intermittent operation can be divided into five stages according to the operation order.

Tangshan slaughter sewage treatment equipment

SBR method has the following characteristics: ① simple process, small volume of regulating tank or no regulating tank, no secondary sedimentation tank and no sludge return; ② Low investment, small land occupation and low operation cost; ③ In the reaction process, the substrate concentration gradient is large, the reaction impetus is large, and the treatment efficiency is high; ④ Strong resistance to organic load and toxic load shock, flexible operation mode, static sedimentation, good effluent quality; ⑤ Anaerobic (anoxic) and aerobic processes alternate, with short sludge age and high activity, and nitrogen and phosphorus removal.

SBR method can easily meet the process requirements of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, and the flexibility of time control can greatly improve the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus removal. NP type SBR is adopted in this design, considering the operation mode of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, and the influent BOD five It is controlled at 160~200mg/L. In this design, the incoming water enters the BOD of SBR after pretreatment five The concentration is 168mg/L, meeting the requirements of NP type.

(1) Selection of anaerobic reactor

Due to the high concentration of COD and BOD in the influent water quality of slaughterhouse wastewater, it is necessary to set up an anaerobic process as the pre-treatment of aerobic process treatment, and there is a general U in the selection of anaerobic processors AS B process and anaerobic contact method (AC).

Anaerobic contact process, also known as anaerobic activated sludge process, is an improvement on the traditional digestion tank. In the traditional digestion tank, the retention time of water conservancy is equal to the retention time of solids, while in the anaerobic contact process, the retention time of biosolids is extended by settling and returning the sludge brought out by the effluent. Due to the importance of solid residence time in biological treatment process, the load capacity and treatment efficiency of anaerobic digester have been greatly improved by persistent improvement. Since there are inevitably some undivided gases in the mixed liquor flowing out of the digestion tank, these gases entering the sedimentation tank will inevitably interfere with the solid-liquid separation of the sedimentation tank. Therefore, deodorization equipment is generally added between the digestion tank and the sedimentation tank to remove the undivided gases in the mixed liquor, that is, the vacuum degasser used in the AC process. The vacuum degree of vacuum degassing is generally 508mm water column.

Anaerobic contact method is effective for organic wastewater with high suspended solids (such as meat processing wastewater). Suspended particles become carriers of microorganisms and are easy to precipitate in sedimentation tanks. As the anaerobic contact method has a very good removal rate of fine wool substances contained in wastewater SS, which is more than 80%, the air flotation tank is not designed in the design of the whole process.

The key to successful treatment of meat processing wastewater by upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) is to maintain high concentration of anaerobic sludge in the reactor. However, due to the low concentration of meat processing wastewater and relatively high water conservancy load, if the gas solid liquid three-phase separation is not performed well, the sludge loss will be greater than the amount of sludge generated, making the sludge amount in the reactor continuously reduce, resulting in a significant decline in treatment efficiency. In order to make the gas solid liquid three-phase separation well, in addition to the reasonable design of the separator, the operating conditions are also very important. The sludge formed by improper operation is mostly flocculent or fluffy. This form of sludge is easy to carry the micro bubbles generated during anaerobic digestion, and the sedimentation performance is poor, so the gas solid liquid three-phase separation is difficult. At the same time, if UASB process is adopted for treatment, special equipment must be set in the influent to pretreat SS.

By comparison, this process adopts anaerobic contact process.

(2) Whether air flotation tank is selected

Air flotation is mainly used to remove emulsified oil from meat processing wastewater, and has good removal effect on BOD and SS. In the process design, because the oil content in the wastewater is not very high, an oil scraper can be set on the sedimentation tank to drain the grease through the channel for further treatment. As SS has a high removal rate in the subsequent AC process and SBR process, the role of air flotation tank is not obvious.

Through process calculation and comparison, SS and oil content of wastewater without air flotation tank can meet the standard, so air flotation tank is not set.

(3) Selection of nitrogen and phosphorus removal process

Since slaughterhouse wastewater contains a large amount of N, P, it is easy to cause eutrophication of the water body if it is directly discharged into the water body without treatment two /Both the O process and the NP type SBR reactor have good nitrogen and phosphorus removal effects. However, due to the high concentration of COD and BOD, the level I standard cannot be reached after the previous pretreatment, so it is relatively clear that A two /O Process is not applicable to this design.

Tangshan Slaughtering Sewage Treatment Equipment

, HYQ The type of domestic sewage treatment equipment has national patent technology. The domestic sewage treatment equipment is a national patent product designed and developed specifically for the characteristics of domestic sewage water quality, and enjoys national protection policies .
, buried below the surface, the surface above the equipment can be used as greening or other land, without building houses, heating and insulation. Small floor area, convenient installation;
The biological contact oxidation treatment process adopted is smaller than the activated sludge tank, has strong adaptability to water quality, good shock load resistance, stable effluent quality, and will not produce sludge bulking. The specific surface area of the filler is large, and the microorganism is easy to hang the membrane and remove the membrane. Under the same organic load conditions, the removal rate of organic matter is high, stable and reliable. At the same time, there is no need to add chemicals, which saves subsequent costs and reduces operating costs;
The sludge production is small, and it only takes about three months to discharge the sludge (suction or dehydration into mud cake by manure truck);
, beautiful appearance, compact structure, easy to move;
, disinfection treatment, sterilization rate reaches ninety-nine %, complete disinfection;
The treatment system of domestic sewage treatment equipment is equipped with a fully automatic electrical control system and equipment fault alarm system, which is safe and reliable in operation. Usually, there is no need for special personnel to manage the equipment, just timely maintenance and repair of the equipment

After sales service commitment of Weifang Haoyu Water Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd
After the completion of the project, we will provide a detailed operation manual and free training for domestic sewage treatment equipment management and operators. After the completion of the domestic sewage treatment project, we will provide a six-month free warranty period for the normal operation of the equipment. During the free warranty period, various equipment faults should be eliminated in time. After the free warranty period, promise long-term maintenance. During the warranty period, if the operation and management personnel of the domestic sewage treatment equipment cannot remove the fault, we shall be notified in time seventy-two Arrive at the site within hours for treatment. During the free warranty period, we will pay irregular return visits to assist the operation and management personnel of domestic sewage treatment equipment to do a good job in sewage treatment project management.

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