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 Investment invitation for rural sewage treatment equipment in Chifeng

Investment invitation for rural sewage treatment equipment in Chifeng

  • Brand: Haoyu Environmental Protection
  • Guarantee amount: 1000
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 000

Price of rural sewage treatment equipment in Chifeng Rural farmers are less concentrated than urban residents, the intensity of domestic sewage production is lower than that of urban residents, the financial resources of villages and towns are weak, and farmers' income is low. We should encourage the adoption of economic, simple, effective and diversified domestic sewage treatment technologies that are as far as possible combined with local agricultural production to achieve harmless treatment and resource utilization of sewage. Integrated domestic sewage treatment machine 1. Dynamic buried integrated processing technology The dynamic buried integrated treatment technology can be divided into biological contact oxidation, SBR, A/O and A2/O according to the process. The principle of the commonly used A/O treatment technology is that the microorganisms in the anoxic tank reduce the salt nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen in the sewage to gaseous nitrogen and escape, and at the same time, decompose the refractory macromolecular organic matter into the small molecule easily degradable matter, which has the functions of denitrification, hydrolysis and degradation of some organic matters; In the aerobic tank, most of the organics are treated by microorganisms, and enter the secondary sedimentation tank for mud water separation, which is discharged after disinfection. A/O process degrades organics while denitration, greatly reducing oxygen demand. It is an energy-saving biological treatment technology. In order to maintain a high nitrification rate, the reaction residence time is longer than that of ordinary activated sludge method, the sludge sedimentation performance is good, the sludge growth rate is low, the amount of excess sludge is small, and the sedimentation performance is good. 2 Case analysis Hanshan Community in Tangqiao Town, Qianxi Community in Yangshe Town and Yuanfeng Community in Jingang Town of Zhangjiagang City all adopt dynamic buried domestic sewage treatment systems, of which, Hanshan Community in Tangqiao Town invests 350000 yuan and processes 240 tons of sewage per day; Yuanfeng Community in Jingang Town invested 500000 yuan, with a daily sewage treatment capacity of 480 tons. 3. Biogas digester technology? The small domestic sewage purification biogas digester applies the normal temperature anaerobic fermentation technology, and according to the principle of "multi-stage self flow, step by step degradation", establishes a new device for Grade I anaerobic fermentation - Grade II facultative digestion and filtration. It consists of anaerobic fermentation, facultative digestion and filtration, sewage return, filler and other processes, as shown in Figure 3. Most organics in domestic sewage will produce biogas after anaerobic fermentation, and the fermented sewage will enter the facultative digestion filter, and some undissolved organics will be further degraded. Some of the settled organic matter and activated sludge return to the anaerobic fermentation tank to improve the anaerobic fermentation effect, which will achieve the purpose of purification treatment. The biogas digester for domestic sewage purification is a small decentralized sewage treatment device, which has the characteristics of low investment, good effect and no energy support for operation. This technology has been widely used in Lianshui, Donghai and other places, and has achieved remarkable results. Price of rural sewage treatment equipment in Chifeng 4 Operating principle The removal of organic pollutants and ammonia nitrogen by series of sewage treatment equipment mainly depends on the AO biological treatment process in the equipment. The working principle is at level A. Because the concentration of organic matter in sewage is very high and the microorganism is in anoxic state, the microorganism is facultative, so the level A tank not only has a certain organic matter removal function, but also reduces the organic load of the subsequent aerobic tank. The concentration of organic matter decreases, but there is still a certain amount of organic matter and higher NH3-N. In order to further oxidize and decompose organic matters, and at the same time, nitrification can be carried out smoothly under carbonization, aerobic biological contact oxidation tank with low organic load is set at Level O. There are mainly aerobic microorganisms and self oxidizing bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) in the O level tank. Aerobic microorganism decomposes organic matter into CO2 and H2O; Autotrophic bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) use inorganic carbon generated from organic matter decomposition or CO2 in the air as the nutrient source to convert NH3-N in sewage into NO-2-N, NO-3-N, and the effluent part of the O level pool returns to the A level pool to provide an electronic acceptor for the A level pool, and eventually eliminate nitrogen pollution through denitrification. 6 Scope of application It is suitable for domestic sewage treatment and similar industrial sewage treatment in residential areas, restaurants, hotels, sanatoriums, schools, mines, factories, etc. 7 Equipment characteristics 1. Integrating BOD5, COD, NH3-N, fecal coliform and PH 2. The whole set of equipment can be buried underground without occupying the surface area; 3. Low voice, less odor and little impact on the surrounding environment 4. High degree of purification, less sludge produced in the whole system; 5. High degree of automation, convenient management, no need for special management; 6. Stable technology and convenient maintenance 7. Low energy consumption and operation cost saving Price of rural sewage treatment equipment in Chifeng 8 Process description 1. Primary sedimentation tank: the primary sedimentation tank of the equipment is a vertical flow sedimentation tank, the rising flow rate of sewage in the deep sedimentation tank is 0.6-0.7mm/s, and the settled sludge is lifted to the sludge tank with air. (Note: SLZ-A/O0.5-5m?/h does not have a primary sedimentation tank) 2. Contact oxidation tank: after primary sedimentation, the water flows automatically to the contact tank for biochemical treatment. The contact tank is divided into three stages, and the total residence time is more than 1 hour. The contact oxidation time of the enhanced equipment can reach 6 hours. The filler is a novel filler, which is easy to conjunctiva and not blocked. The specific surface area of filler is 160m/ m?, The gas water ratio of the contact tank is about 12:1. (SLZ-A/O0.5-6T/h, contact tank is secondary) 3. Secondary sedimentation tank: the sewage after biochemical treatment flows to the secondary sedimentation tank. The secondary sedimentation tank is two vertical flow sedimentation tanks, which operate in parallel. The rising flow rate is 0.3-0.4 mm/s. The sludge is lifted to the sludge tank by air. (Note WSZA0.5-5Mt/h, sludge flows into sludge tank automatically) 4. Disinfection pool and disinfection pool device; The disinfection pool is 30 minutes according to the specification: "TJ14-74". If it is hospital sewage, the disinfection pool can increase the retention time to 1-1.5 hours, and the disinfection method of contact dissolution of solid chlorine tablets is used. The disinfection device can continuously change the dosage according to the size of the water output, so as to achieve the purpose of adding more medicine for more water output and less medicine for less water output. Other disinfection devices can be prepared separately. 5. Sludge tank: all sludge in the primary sedimentation tank and secondary sedimentation tank is lifted to the sludge tank of WSZ-A with air for aerobic digestion. The clear liquid from the sludge tank returns to the heat exchange oxidation tank for further treatment. There is little residual sludge after digestion, which is generally cleaned once every 1-2 years. The cleaning method is to reach the bottom of the sludge from the inspection hole of the sludge tank with a septic truck, and then pump the sludge out. (SLZ-A/O0.5-6T/h, anaerobic digestion is adopted for sludge) 6. Fan room and fan: the fan of equipment SLZ-A/O is set above the disinfection, the inlet adopts double-layer sound insulation, and the air inlet is equipped with silencer and fan filter, so there is no noise during operation. The fan adopts two rotary fans, which can automatically operate alternately. The service life of a single fan is about 30000 hours. 7. Adjustment Chemical wastewater has the characteristics of multiple changes in water quality and quantity, which may change greatly within a day or a shift, especially when materials flow into the wastewater due to abnormal operation or leakage of equipment and pipes. This change in wastewater quality and quantity is unfavorable to the normal functioning of drainage facilities and wastewater treatment equipment, especially biological treatment equipment, and may even cause damage. In this case, the usual measure is to set up a regulating tank before the wastewater treatment system to regulate the water quantity (averaging tank) and water quality (homogenizing tank), so as to ensure the normal operation of wastewater treatment. In addition, the averaging tank can also serve as a temporary storage for emergency drainage. 8. Centrifugal separation Centrifugal separation for wastewater treatment is to separate suspended particles in wastewater by centrifugal force generated by rapid rotation. When the wastewater containing suspended particles rotates rapidly, the solid particles with large mass are thrown to the periphery, and the ones with small mass are left in the inner circle, so that the wastewater and suspended particles are separated and the wastewater is purified. Recommended contact person of the Environmental Protection Bureau: Sun Guoliang 24-hour contact number! fifteen billion sixty-five million six hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-three ?

 Investment invitation for Chifeng aquaculture sewage treatment equipment

Investment invitation for Chifeng aquaculture sewage treatment equipment

  • Brand: Haoyu Environmental Protection
  • Guarantee amount: 00
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for Chifeng aquaculture sewage treatment equipment Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are targeted at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater such as hospitals, medical treatment, sanatoriums, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, organs, schools, troops, aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, etc The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in beer, paper, leather, food, chemical and other industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment. Contact: Sun Guoliang?? 15065662693 Process Equipment Introduction? (1)? a grille? The grating consists of a group of parallel metal bars or screens, which are installed at the inlet of the sewage channel, pump house sump or the end of the sewage treatment plant to intercept large suspended solids or floating solids, so as to reduce the processing load of subsequent treatment structures and make them operate normally.? Screening is a widely used method to separate coarse dispersed suspended solids from meat processing wastewater. The design of this process uses a medium grid, which is mainly used to intercept coarse suspended solids. The grid spacing is 20mm. 20 bars.? (2)? Regulation tank temperature??? The purpose of the regulating tank is to weaken the impact of water quality and quantity fluctuation on the wastewater treatment process, facilitate or ensure the normal operation of the treatment process, and ensure stable treatment effect. The quantity and quality of wastewater discharged from industrial enterprises change with time. In order to ensure the normal operation of subsequent treatment structures or equipment, the quantity and quality of wastewater need to be adjusted.? It shall be determined according to different wastewater quality, characteristics of treatment process system and treatment requirements. It is set after primary treatment and before secondary treatment to reduce scum and sludge in the regulating tank; Before primary treatment, consider mixing equipment to prevent sludge sedimentation or set sludge hopper to discharge sludge (causing excessive depth).? The types of regulating tank include equalization tank, homogenization tank and homogenization tank. In this design, rectangular plane diagonal outlet regulating pool is adopted.? The water quality and quantity of meat processing wastewater change greatly within 24h. In order to stabilize the treatment effect of the follow-up process, a regulating tank is set in the treatment process to regulate the water quality and quantity of wastewater, so as to weaken the change range of water quality and quantity. Since most meat processing plants operate in one or two shifts, the wastewater from one or two shifts can also be evenly distributed for treatment within one day by setting up a regulating tank, which can reduce the volume of the treatment structure and reduce the investment. The regulating tank is set in line, and the actual regulating time of the regulating tank is generally 6-12 hours.? (3)? Primary sedimentation tank??? The treatment object of the primary sedimentation tank is suspended matter, and part of BOD5 can be removed at the same time, which can improve the operating conditions of biological treatment structures and reduce their BOD5 load. The sedimentation tank can be divided into horizontal flow sedimentation tank, radial flow sedimentation tank and vertical flow sedimentation tank according to the different flow directions in the tank.? Investment invitation for Chifeng aquaculture sewage treatment equipment Integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment I. Introduction to integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment:???? Aquaculture sewage treatment equipment refers to the treatment equipment that collects the daily sewage produced by the aquaculture farm and passes it into the integrated equipment for treatment after several steps of treatment process. The integrated sewage treatment equipment is usually made of carbon steel, stainless steel and fiberglass, which can be customized according to the requirements of the owner. The integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment is specially designed to treat the sewage from the aquaculture industry? 2、 Scope of application of integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment:???? It is applicable to the sewage produced by various livestock and poultry farms (chicken farms, duck farms, pig farms, cattle farms, rabbit farms, fox farms, etc.)? 3、 Case of integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment project: Sunshine Rabbit Technology Co., Ltd., 10t/d rabbit breeding sewage project, integrated breeding sewage treatment equipment discharge up to standard The second duck breeding farm, 100 tons/day commercial duck breeding sewage treatment project, and the integrated breeding sewage treatment equipment discharge up to the standard Muke Industrial Co., Ltd., 1000 ton/natural pig breeding sewage treatment project, integrated breeding sewage treatment equipment up to standard discharge? 4、 Process flow of integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment:???? Analysis on removal efficiency of aquaculture wastewater - solid-liquid separation - regulating tank - UASB - SBR - disinfection tank - effluent integrated aquaculture wastewater treatment equipment. After solid-liquid separation, 30% - 40% of SS, 25% - 30% of BOD5, 75% - 85% of COD, 85% - 90% of COD, 82% - 92% of BOD, 95% - 98% of ammonia nitrogen can be removed from the aquaculture sewage. After treatment, the aquaculture sewage can be discharged up to standard? 5、 Features of integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment:??? 1. The integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment is composed of one or more units through on-site connection, which is small in size, light in weight, easy to transport and install; 2. The anti-corrosion structure of glass fiber reinforced plastic, carbon steel and stainless steel is adopted, which has excellent characteristics such as corrosion resistance and aging resistance, with a service life of more than 20 years; 3. Save land, no need to build houses, heating and insulation. The equipment integration is realized to a large extent, and the floor area is reduced; 4. No pollution, no odor, reduce secondary pollution; 5. It is flexible and can be used alone or in combination without the restriction of sewage collection volume. 6. The whole processing equipment is equipped with automatic control unit and fault alarm device, which is safe and reliable in operation. Usually, there is no need for special personnel to manage the equipment, only the timely maintenance of the equipment is required, and the management cost is small? 6、 After sales service and technical support of Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.: 1. On site inspection and acceptance of sewage treatment equipment: after the installation of aquaculture sewage equipment, Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. will send engineers and technicians to conduct on-site operation test and inspection of equipment according to the requirements of the demander, Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is responsible for solving any deviation between the equipment performance and the original technical requirements due to equipment quality problems during the test (if necessary, repeat the test until the requirements of the demander are met). 2. On site technical service of sewage treatment equipment: In order to successfully put the integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment into operation, Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. assigns skilled, healthy and qualified technicians to the site for technical services. 3. Sewage treatment equipment installation guidance service: the installation design of aquaculture sewage equipment shall be carried out according to the detailed construction drawings prepared by Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. provides supervision and guidance during the installation process, and is responsible for confirming the completion of the installation of integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment. The equipment can enter the next commissioning stage only after confirmation. 4. Operation and commissioning guidance service for integrated aquaculture sewage treatment equipment: After the installation of aquaculture sewage equipment is completed, Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. will guide the demander to implement the trial operation, and be responsible for jointly developing the test plan and guiding the test process with the demander? Investment invitation for Chifeng aquaculture sewage treatment equipment Equipment manufacturer Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. Equipment model: HY-AW large and medium-sized farms Sewage treatment equipment Material: anti-corrosion carbon steel Processing capacity: 1-2000t/d Equipment size: 200 * 200 * 900 Applicable scope: breeding pig breeding, domestic pig breeding, horse breeding, sheep breeding, cattle breeding, poultry, chicken, duck and goose breeding, etc. Sewage source: washing pig, horse, sheep and cow dung, washing pig, horse, sheep and cow urine, washing pig, horse, sheep and cow pens, poultry, chicken, duck and goose breeding dung, and washing other dirt in pig, horse, sheep and cow pens. Pollutant indicators: undigested food fiber, starch, fat, protein, bacteria, Escherichia coli, and inorganic salts in pig, horse, sheep, cattle and urine. ?

 Investment invitation for Chifeng slaughter sewage treatment equipment

Investment invitation for Chifeng slaughter sewage treatment equipment

  • Brand: Haoyu Environmental Protection
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for Chifeng slaughter sewage treatment equipment Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are targeted at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater such as hospitals, medical treatment, sanatoriums, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, organs, schools, troops, aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, etc The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in beer, paper, leather, food, chemical and other industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment. contacts; Sun Guoliang??? fifteen billion sixty-five million six hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-three 1、 Advantages of integrated slaughtering sewage treatment equipment ???? 1. The chemical agent is automatically tracked and added in a controlled and constant ratio, which overcomes the shortcomings of adding agent based on experience and eliminates the old method of dosing by metering pump, thus ensuring better effects of flocculation, demulsification and neutralization; ???? 2. Small sludge discharge, stable and reliable system operation, simple operation; Unique structure to reduce gas diffusion; The operation and management in the later stage is simple, and the state can be adjusted at any time according to the actual situation to achieve better effluent effect; ???? 3. The high-efficiency anti blocking releaser produced by our company is used to extend the flotation time, improve the purification effect and reduce the burden of subsequent processes. At the same time, it also eradicates the problem caused by the blockage of the releaser? Equipment shutdown caused; ???? 4. The treatment process is perfect, with the characteristics of one machine for multiple purposes. Users can select, choose and combine each process according to the requirements of the reuse water quality standard. 2、 Calculation method of slaughterhouse wastewater What is the amount of waste water produced in the slaughter industry? ? Livestock unit (m3/head) Poultry (m3/100 head) Type of slaughtered animals cattle pig sheep chicken duck goose Wastewater production 1.0-1.5 0.5-0.7 0.2-0.5 1.0-1.5 2.0-3.0 2.0-3.0 ? Investment invitation for Chifeng slaughter sewage treatment equipment 3、 Integrated slaughtering sewage treatment equipment process Poultry slaughtering wastewater is mainly the wastewater from slaughtering chickens, ducks and geese. There are many hairs in this kind of wastewater, so a hair collector must be set behind the grille to improve the treatment effect. Common Treatment Processes of Poultry Slaughtering Wastewater Inlet water → mechanical grille → hair collector → oil separator → regulating tank → hydrolytic acidification tank → buffer tank → primary contact oxidation tank → secondary contact oxidation tank → secondary sedimentation tank → disinfection tank → clean water tank → up to standard discharge The livestock slaughtering wastewater is mainly the sewage from slaughtering pigs, cattle and sheep. Due to the large volume of pigs, cattle and sheep, the amount of sewage generated is more than that from poultry slaughtering, and the content of organic matter in the sewage is relatively high. Treatment process of livestock slaughtering wastewater Grid oil separation tank, pre aeration regulating tank, air flotation machine, intermediate tank I, hydrolysis acidification tank, secondary contact oxidation tank, sedimentation tank, intermediate tank II, multi-media filter, disinfection tank, clean water tank 4、 Integrated slaughtering sewage treatment equipment after-sales service ???? Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.'s perfect after-sales service guarantees your satisfaction: ???? 1. Set up after-sales service leading group and after-sales service center to receive telephone consultation and provide quick support guidance around the clock, so as to ensure that every service and business is complete and successful! ???? 2. Arrange technicians to provide customers with equipment installation guidance and maintenance training (including the working principle, process flow, daily operation procedures, troubleshooting, etc. of the sewage treatment system). ???? 3. After each service, a formal after-sales service report will be submitted to the customer. ???? 4. During the free warranty period, our company will pay irregular return visits to assist in the maintenance of our products????????? The operation and management personnel of integrated sewage treatment equipment shall do a good job of integrated sewage treatment equipment. ???? 5. After receiving the phone call for equipment failure, the emergency plan shall be given within 2 hours, and the personnel in the province shall arrive at the site within 24 hours (48 hours outside the province) to deal with the failure. Investment invitation for Chifeng slaughter sewage treatment equipment 5、 ???????? Introduction to integrated slaughtering sewage treatment equipment manufacturers ???? Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive manufacturer of water treatment equipment. Its products cover sewage, drinking water, circulating water, industrial wastewater, tap water, secondary water supply, printing and dyeing wastewater, electroplating wastewater, etc. The equipment covers disinfection equipment, bacteria and algae removal equipment, integrated water purification equipment, iron and manganese removal equipment Buried sewage treatment equipment, dosing equipment, etc., the company has been established for 5 years. Customers are all over the country. Shandong Haoyu makes customers more satisfied.

 Investment invitation for Chifeng laundry sewage treatment equipment

Investment invitation for Chifeng laundry sewage treatment equipment

  • Brand: Haoyu Environmental Protection
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for Chifeng laundry sewage treatment equipment The sewage treatment equipment of the laundry is complete Laundry wastewater treatment equipment manufacturer Laundry wastewater treatment equipment manufacturer: Laundry wastewater treatment: in combination with the research results of recycling of laundry wastewater in foreign countries in recent years, in view of the current situation of domestic laundry wastewater, propose a recycling plan for laundry wastewater, and recycle the wastewater by quality, Only the water treatment of the second and third rinsing will be recycled to the stage of washing and rinsing once. The experimental study on coagulation and sedimentation of washing wastewater shows that the coagulation and sedimentation treatment method can basically meet the requirements of washing wastewater recycling. Pretreatment of laundry wastewater to reduce COD, and then advanced treatment to meet the requirements of reclaimed water reuse II. Equipment technical conditions 1. Relevant standards implemented by equipment design and manufacturing Raw water data and effluent requirements provided by users Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, National Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB8978-96 Water Quality Standard for Miscellaneous Domestic Water GJ25.1-89 Code for Design of Outdoor Drainage GBJ14-87 Code for Design and Calculation of Chemical Water Treatment in Chemical Enterprises HG/T 20552-94 Manual for Design of Water Supply and Drainage, GB3096-93 Standard for Design of Distribution of General Electric Equipment GB50055-93 Code for Design of Low voltage Power Distribution Devices and Circuits GBJ54-83 Code for Design of Water Supply and Drainage Engineering Structures GBJ69-84 Load Code for the Design of Building Structures GBJ9-87 2 Basic requirements for equipment manufacturing? ☆ Refer to JB2932-99 Technical Conditions for Manufacturing of Water Treatment Equipment for equipment welding and manufacturing requirements; ☆ All internal pipelines are connected to the body by flanges, and convenient conditions for maintenance and component replacement are considered; The materials of internal parts meet the specified requirements, and fasteners meet the anti-corrosion requirements. ☆ The internal parts are fixed and reinforced to withstand the impact of water flow. ☆ All internal devices, pipe fittings, components, etc. of the container shall be installed and fixed in the container before shipment to prevent missing parts and damage or loss during transportation. ☆ The epoxy anticorrosive material used inside the equipment has good corrosion resistance and wear resistance to ensure that the coating will not fall off during the service life. ☆ The material requirements of the equipment must adapt to the wastewater quality and have a long service life. Investment invitation for Chifeng laundry sewage treatment equipment 3、 Wastewater treatment process design 3.1. Design principle 1. Implement national policies on environmental protection and design in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, specifications and standards issued by the state. 2. According to the requirements of designed inlet water quality and circulating water, the sewage treatment adopts the scheme with advanced technology, good treatment effect, simple operation and management, stable and reliable operation, less land occupation, less project investment and low operation cost. 3. Select domestic advanced equipment with reliable performance, good effect and low energy consumption. 4. Fully consider the prevention of secondary pollution, low noise, basically no odor, and no impact on the surrounding environment. 5. High degree of automation control, reducing labor intensity.? 3.2 Design scope? Install a set of sewage treatment equipment with a scale of 1-100T/H, and design the process, electrical, instrumentation and automatic control of the wastewater treatment structures and necessary auxiliary buildings in the wastewater treatment station. 3.3 Process selection? 3.3.1. The process of this project adopts the relatively new patented equipment "Rapid Wastewater Treatment Integrated Machine" as the main equipment to treat this wastewater. This equipment integrates multiple functions such as dosing, mixed flocculation reactor, mud water separator, water quality purifier, sludge thickening and dewatering, and magnetic separation technology (national patent has been obtained). It is mainly used for the primary physicochemical enhanced coagulation treatment of sewage and wastewater, which can quickly (within 3 minutes) remove suspended solids, turbidity, decolour, remove viscosity, clear water quality, effectively reduce organic and inorganic substances in water, and can also be used for phosphorus removal, algae removal, hard water softening and sludge containing sewage concentration and dehydration. It can replace air flotation or sedimentation tank in water purification project, and is a revolutionary alternative to traditional treatment methods. 3.3.2. The equipment has obvious advantages (1). It has fast processing speed: stay time in the machine ≤ 3 minutes. (2) Small overall area: 100m3/H ≤ 25m2. (3) Energy saving: power consumption per ton of water treatment ≤ 1.5Kw. (4) High effluent purification: SS removal rate>90%. Removal viscosity>99% (5), high sludge drying degree: solid content ≥ 20%. (6) Low noise:<60 dB. (7) No backwashing is required, and the automatic operation is stable and reliable. (8) . It can greatly save equipment repair and maintenance costs, as well as various costs of technicians and operators. (9) It can replace the air flotation or sedimentation tank in the water purification project and is a revolutionary alternative to the traditional treatment method. 3.3.2 Process determination In conclusion, since the sewage of the project needs to be treated and the water will be recycled, the one-step process of "quick sewage treatment integrated machine" is suitable.? 3.4. Process system pump dosing device Sewage outlet regulating tank Rapid sewage treatment integrated machine Reclaimed water reuse Dry sludge outward transport process description: wastewater flows into the regulating tank automatically, and the regulating tank not only regulates water quantity, but also homogenizes water quality. The waste water pump lifts the waste water to the "fast waste water treatment machine", the automatic dosing device adds various chemicals and the waste water is fully mixed in the reactor, and the mixer is used for mixing to destabilize the sewage. SS and most COD in the water are separated in the form of particles and flocculated into clusters, which are wrapped with specific sensitive substances, and then the sewage enters a specific high-energy physical field, With its strong energy field adsorption force, the flocs in the water are instantly adsorbed and removed. The remaining flocs are squeezed and concentrated into mud and slid out of the integrated machine. Clear water after removing impurities and flocs flows out of the water pipe and enters the clean water reservoir for reuse. Laundry wastewater treatment equipment manufacturer: the sewage is collected through the collection pipeline, and then flows into the regulating pool automatically after the impurities such as floats and suspended solids are removed through the grid. The regulating tank is equipped with two primary submersible sewage lift pumps to lift the sewage into the coagulation sedimentation tank, where the wastewater is mixed with chemicals and then precipitated. The effluent from the supernatant enters the hydrolysis acidification tank. Through the action of anaerobic and facultative microorganisms, macromolecular pollutants are transformed or degraded into small molecules, and the hard biodegradable organics are transformed into easily biodegradable organics, So as to improve the biodegradability of wastewater. The effluent from the hydrolysis acidification tank flows into the biological contact tank automatically. Through the action of aerobic microorganisms, the pollutants in the wastewater are decomposed and converted into H2O, CO2, NH3 and other substances, and the COD and BOD in the wastewater are greatly removed. The effluent from the contact oxidation tank flows into the sedimentation tank for sludge water separation, and the effluent from the secondary sedimentation tank meets the specified emission standards Source water quality of laundry sewage treatment equipment ? The wastewater discharged in the production process of the laundry industry contains a large number of pollutants. The laundry wastewater mainly includes washing wastewater, cleaning wastewater and drying wastewater. ? Investment invitation for Chifeng laundry sewage treatment equipment Laundry wastewater has different characteristics: it contains surfactant, sodium tripolyphosphate, carboxymethyl cellulose, oil, dust particles and various microorganisms, and is turbid with COD of 300~800mg/l, The pH is 6.5~7.5, and the content of suspended solids is high, generally 500~1200mg/l. Phosphate entering the water body will cause eutrophication of the water body. Surfactant entering the water body will make the water vivid and cause plant poisoning to death. Solubilize some micro pollutants in water; The cleaning wastewater has a large amount of water, a small amount of foam, a small amount of suspended solids, and a small and transparent COD; The amount of waste water drained is small, and the water quality is slightly better than that of cleaning waste water. ? In order to ensure the effluent quality of laundry wastewater treatment, the following measures have been taken for the physical and chemical process: (1) Concentrate the washing wastewater, washing wastewater and drying wastewater to ensure that the source of wastewater for process treatment is relatively stable. (2) When the laundry wastewater is discharged into the centralized pool, a grid is added to eliminate short fibers and some suspended solids in the water. (3) Appropriate flocculant shall be selected according to the quality of wastewater to flocculate and settle, reduce the chromaticity, and remove suspended solids and some harmful impurities. (4) After the flocculation and sedimentation of wastewater, the upper clear liquid is mechanically filtered to ensure that the effluent is clear and transparent. (5) Dosing oxidation, sterilization and disinfection, further treatment of mechanically filtered effluent to ensure that the quality of effluent reaches the water quality index for reuse. (6) After the pH is adjusted, it enters the clear water reservoir for laundry. Advantages of sewage treatment equipment in laundry ? 1. The number of structures is small and the cost is low, ? 2. The structure is simple and the combined construction method is conducive to the expansion and transformation of the wastewater treatment plant. ? 3. The treatment is fast and the effluent quality is good after treatment. ? With the improvement of the pace of life, there is less and less time to do housework. Quick and convenient stores for people's daily use, such as dry cleaners and restaurants, are becoming more and more popular, so the amount of waste water is gradually increasing. The waste water treatment equipment of dry cleaners has become a new favorite in the environmental protection industry. ? ? After sales service commitment: ? 1. Provide customers with product installation guidance and maintenance training. The warranty period of the laundry wastewater treatment equipment is one year (that is, the warranty period is within one year after the laundry wastewater treatment equipment is put into operation). During the warranty period, provide users with free sewage treatment equipment warranty service. After the warranty period, according to the needs of users, We can provide long-term paid laundry wastewater treatment equipment warranty business and technical guidance; ? 2. Establish customer files and provide regular product quality tracking services; ? 3. Establish perfect after-sales service to solve technical problems or other problems encountered in the operation of laundry wastewater treatment equipment; ? 4. After receiving the customer's fault call, the emergency plan shall be given within 2 hours, and the personnel in the province shall arrive at the site within 24 hours (48 hours outside the province) to deal with the fault. ?

 Investment invitation for sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao Scenic Area

Investment invitation for sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao Scenic Area

  • Brand: Haoyu Environmental Protection
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 00

Investment invitation for sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao Scenic Area Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are targeted at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater such as hospitals, medical treatment, sanatoriums, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, organs, schools, troops, aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, etc The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in beer, paper, leather, food, chemical and other industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment. Contact Sun Guoliang??? fifteen billion sixty-five million six hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-three The biological contact oxidation treatment process adopted by the integrated equipment is smaller than the activated sludge tank, has strong adaptability to water quality, good impact load resistance, stable effluent quality, and will not produce sludge bulking; ? 2. The specific surface area of the filler is large, and the microorganism is easy to hang the membrane and remove the membrane. Under the same organic load conditions, the removal rate of organic matter is high, stable and reliable. At the same time, there is no need to add chemicals, which saves subsequent costs and reduces operating costs; ? 3. The sedimentation effect is ideal, and better effluent quality can be obtained; ? 4. Disinfection treatment, the sterilization rate is above 99.4%, disinfection. ? 5. The sludge production is small and only needs to be discharged once every five months. The manual operation is greatly reduced, and the surplus sludge is properly treated to ensure the stable and reliable operation of the system; ? 6. Unique structure is adopted to greatly reduce odor diffusion; ? 7. The operation management is simple, and the operation status can be adjusted according to the actual situation to obtain the operation effect; ? 8. The purification efficiency is high, the BOD removal rate is 85%~90%, and the effluent indicators meet the national Class II or Class I (B) discharge standards, ? 9. Able to treat comprehensive wastewater of living system and similar organic wastewater; ? Investment invitation for sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao Scenic Area Operating principle of domestic sewage treatment equipment in scenic spot ? The domestic sewage in the scenic spot flows into the septic tank or hydrolysis regulating tank. The quantity and quality of wastewater will be kept constant and uniform through septic tank regulation for further treatment. The adjusted sewage is lifted to the primary sedimentation tank of the equipment by the sewage pump to precipitate large particles and some pollutants. The supernatant after sedimentation automatically flows into the contact oxidation tank for biological contact oxidation treatment to remove and degrade organics in sewage. After contact oxidation, the suspended solids and pollutants are removed by the spontaneous flotation sedimentation tank. After flotation sedimentation, it is disinfected in the disinfection tank (disinfectant prepared by chlorine dioxide mixing generator), and discharged after reaching the standard. The surplus sludge from the spontaneous flotation sedimentation tank is discharged into the regulating tank, and the sludge from the regulating tank and the contact oxidation tank is pumped into the sludge digestion tank for aerobic digestion treatment. Investment invitation for sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao Scenic Area? ? Advantages of integrated sewage treatment equipment in the scenic spot: 1. The integrated sewage treatment equipment is made of carbon steel anti-corrosion treatment or stainless steel components, which are spliced and assembled on site, with light weight, easy transportation and installation; ? 2. The anti-corrosion structure of glass fiber reinforced plastic, carbon steel and stainless steel is adopted, which has excellent characteristics such as corrosion resistance and aging resistance, with a service life of up to 30 years; ? 3. It is placed below the ground, and the ground above the equipment can be used for greening or other purposes, without building houses, heating and insulation. The system integration is realized to a large extent and the floor area is reduced; ? 4. No pollution, no noise, no odor, reduce secondary pollution; ? 5. The sewage treatment equipment treatment system of the whole scenic spot is equipped with PLC full-automatic electrical control system and equipment fault alarm system, which is safe and reliable in operation. Usually, there is no need for special personnel to manage, but only timely maintenance and repair of the equipment, and the management cost is small. ? 6. The major feature is that the sewage treatment project can be arranged as a landscape. The integrated equipment buried in the ground not only has a good effect of water outflow, but also has a greening rate of more than 90%. If the special landmark tree species or lawn that is cold and water loving are used, a water treatment landscape integrating streams, fountains, ponds and fish ponds will be formed, which will transform the turbid water into clear springs, not only treat the sewage but also beautify the environment, meeting people's desire to live near mountains and rivers. Contact Sun Guoliang??? fifteen billion sixty-five million six hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-three Our company is mainly engaged in environmental protection equipment and materials, including domestic sewage treatment equipment, industrial sewage treatment equipment, papermaking sewage treatment equipment, slaughtering sewage treatment equipment, buried integrated sewage treatment equipment, dissolved air flotation machine, etc. The products are diverse, and new and old customers are welcome to choose!?

 Investment invitation for rural sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao

Investment invitation for rural sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao

  • Brand: Haoyu Environmental Protection
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for rural sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are targeted at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater such as hospitals, medical treatment, sanatoriums, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, organs, schools, troops, aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, etc The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in beer, paper, leather, food, chemical and other industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment. If you feel that there are any technical problems or questions, our company can give you an analysis, proposal and quotation. Call us at any time. Tel.: 15065662693?? contacts:? Sun Guoliang Advantages of domestic sewage treatment equipment: 1. HYQ domestic sewage treatment equipment has national patent technology. This domestic sewage treatment equipment is a national patent product designed and developed specifically for the characteristics of domestic sewage water quality, and enjoys national protection policies 2. Buried below the surface, the surface above the equipment can be used as greening or other land, without building houses, heating and insulation. Small floor area, convenient installation; 3. The biological contact oxidation treatment process adopted is smaller than the activated sludge tank, has strong adaptability to water quality, good shock load resistance, stable effluent quality, and will not produce sludge bulking. The specific surface area of the filler is large, and the microorganism is easy to hang the membrane and remove the membrane. Under the same organic load conditions, the removal rate of organic matter is high, stable and reliable. At the same time, there is no need to add chemicals, which saves subsequent costs and reduces operating costs; 4. The amount of sludge produced is small, and it only takes about three months to discharge the sludge (suction by manure truck or dehydration into mud cake for outward transportation); 5. Beautiful appearance, compact structure, easy to move; 6. Disinfection treatment, the sterilization rate reaches 99%, and the disinfection is complete; 7. The treatment system of domestic sewage treatment equipment is equipped with full-automatic electrical control system and equipment fault alarm system, which is safe and reliable in operation. Usually, no special person is required to manage the equipment, just timely maintenance and repair the equipment. Investment invitation for rural sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao After sales service commitment of Weifang Haoyu Water Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd. After the completion of the project, we will provide a detailed operation manual and provide free training for domestic sewage treatment equipment management and operators. After the completion of the domestic sewage treatment project, we will provide a six-month free warranty period for the normal operation of the equipment. During the free warranty period, various equipment faults should be eliminated in time. After the free warranty period, promise long-term maintenance. During the warranty period, if the operation and management personnel of the domestic sewage treatment equipment cannot remove the fault, we shall be notified in time, and we shall arrive at the site for treatment within 72 hours after receiving the notice. During the free warranty period, we will pay irregular return visits to assist the operation and management personnel of domestic sewage treatment equipment to do a good job in sewage treatment project management. The contact pool is divided into three levels. If we save water and cherish water resources, we will surely have a beautiful living environment with trees, clear water and fish. Applicable scope of equipment 1. Hotels, restaurants, sanatoriums, hospitals; 2. Residential quarters, villages and market towns; 3. Stations, airports, seaports and docks, ships; 4. Factories, mines, troops, tourist spots and scenic spots; 5. Various industrial organic wastewater similar to domestic sewage. Investment invitation for rural sewage treatment equipment in Tongliao Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Weifang, Shandong, the International Kite City. With the company's growth from time to time, slaughtering wastewater treatment equipment/aquaculture wastewater treatment equipment/coal mine wastewater treatment equipment and other fields are involved in sales.

 Investment invitation of Tongliao aquaculture sewage treatment equipment

Investment invitation of Tongliao aquaculture sewage treatment equipment

  • Brand: Haoyu Environmental Protection
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 00

Investment invitation of Tongliao aquaculture sewage treatment equipment Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are targeted at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater such as hospitals, medical treatment, sanatoriums, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, organs, schools, troops, aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, etc The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in beer, paper, leather, food, chemical and other industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment. The main characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the breeding farm are: high concentration of organic matter, many suspended solids, dark color, and a large number of bacteria. The NH3-N concentration is very high due to the presence of a large number of animal feces. The pollutants in the sewage mainly exist in the form of solid and dissolved carbohydrates, which makes the sewage show high BOD5, CODcr, SS and chroma. The pollutants have good biodegradability. In addition, the sewage contains a lot of N, P and other nutrients. The solid residues in the sewage are mainly organic substances. If no effective solid-liquid separation is carried out, it will bring difficulties to the subsequent treatment, increase the treatment load and affect the treatment effect. Therefore, pretreatment must be strengthened in process. ? Process of aquaculture sewage treatment equipment: Aquaculture wastewater treatment process: According to the water quality and discharge standard of aquaculture wastewater, the commonly used aquaculture wastewater treatment process is determined as follows:; Pretreatment hydrolysis acidification tank anoxic tank aerobic tank secondary sedimentation tank disinfection tank The breeding wastewater is treated by septic tank, primary sedimentation tank, regulating tank, hydrolysis acidification tank, anoxic tank, contact oxidation tank, secondary sedimentation tank, disinfection tank and other processes, and the effluent meets the water pollutant discharge standard required in the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry (GB18596-2001). The treated water can be directly discharged or reused. ? Investment invitation of Tongliao aquaculture sewage treatment equipment Introduction to aquaculture sewage treatment equipment: The aquaculture sewage treatment is composed of a secondary tank, which is made of steel structure and is buried shallowly. The steel structure pool adopts the first domestic interpenetrating network anti-corrosion coating for anti-corrosion. It is a kind of interpenetrating network polymer formed by rubber network and plastic network, which can resist acid, alkali, salt, gasoline, kerosene, aging, abrasion, rust and rust. Generally, the anti-corrosion life of equipment can reach more than 12 years after the coating is applied. ? Features of aquaculture sewage treatment equipment: 1. The process of integrated sewage treatment equipment is mature, and the effluent reaches the standard stably; 2. The integrated sewage treatment equipment has reasonable structure, low cost and stable effluent; 3. The integrated sewage treatment equipment has low operation cost, simple installation and easy maintenance; 4. Wide application scope of equipment; 5. Flexible placement, underground, semi buried and outdoor; 6. Good maneuverability, high degree of modularization, can be used in combination; 7. Automatic disinfection system, the effluent reaches the standard; ? Investment invitation of Tongliao aquaculture sewage treatment equipment Case of aquaculture sewage treatment equipment project: Shaoguan Muke Industrial Co., Ltd. is a large-scale industrialized breeding pig farm. At present, it is a production base for pollution-free agricultural products of the Ministry of Agriculture, a live pig export registration farm, a provincial original pig farm, a provincial key pig farm, and a key agricultural leading enterprise in Shaoguan. The pig farm is located in Fengwan Town, Qujiang District, the modern agricultural demonstration park in northern Guangdong planned by Shaoguan City. It covers an area of more than 1000 mu and has five standard modern production lines, with an annual output of 60000 pigs. The company has complete living facilities, including basketball court, badminton court, karaoke room, canteen and other living and entertainment facilities. Water quality characteristics of wastewater: high concentration of organic matter, many suspended solids, deep color, and a large number of bacteria. Because of a large number of animal feces, the concentration of NH3-N is very high. The pollutants in the wastewater mainly exist in the form of solid and dissolved carbohydrates, which makes the wastewater show high BOD5, CODcr, SS and chroma. The pollutants have good biodegradability. In addition, the wastewater contains a lot of N, P and other nutrients. The solid residues in the wastewater are mainly organic substances. If no effective solid-liquid separation is carried out, it will bring difficulties to the subsequent treatment, increase the treatment load, and affect the treatment effect. Therefore, pretreatment must be strengthened in the process.

 Investment invitation for laundry sewage treatment equipment

Investment invitation for laundry sewage treatment equipment

  • Brand: Haoyu Environmental Protection
  • Guarantee amount: 00
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 00

Laundry sewage treatment equipment Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are targeted at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater such as hospitals, medical treatment, sanatoriums, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, organs, schools, troops, aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, etc The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in beer, paper, leather, food, chemical and other industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment. Recommended contact person of Environmental Protection Bureau; Sun Guoliang? fifteen billion sixty-five million six hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-three Laundry wastewater treatment: in combination with the research results of recycling of laundry wastewater in foreign countries in recent years, and in view of the current situation of domestic laundry wastewater, a recycling scheme of laundry wastewater is proposed. The wastewater is recycled by mass, and only the secondary and tertiary rinsing water is recycled for washing and rinsing. The experimental study on coagulation and sedimentation of washing wastewater shows that the coagulation and sedimentation treatment method can basically meet the requirements of washing wastewater recycling. Pretreatment of laundry wastewater to reduce COD, and then advanced treatment to meet the technical conditions of reclaimed water reuse equipment 1. Relevant standards implemented by equipment design and manufacturing Raw water data and effluent requirements provided by users Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China National Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB8978-96 Water Quality Standard for Miscellaneous Domestic Water GJ25.1-89 Code for Design of Outdoor Drainage (GBJ14-87) Design and Calculation Regulations for Chemical Water Treatment of Chemical Enterprises HG/T 20552-94 Water Supply and Drainage Design Manual Standard for Environmental Noise in Urban Areas GB3096-93 Code for Design of Distribution of General Electric Equipment GB50055-93 Code for Design of Low Voltage Electrical Installations and Circuits GBJ54-83 Code for Structural Design of Water Supply and Drainage Engineering GBJ69-84 Load Code for the Design of Building Structures GBJ9-87 Laundry sewage treatment equipment 2. Basic requirements for equipment manufacturing ☆ Refer to JB2932-99 Technical Conditions for Water Treatment Equipment Manufacturing for equipment welding manufacturing requirements; ☆ All internal pipelines are connected to the body by flanges, and convenient conditions for maintenance and component replacement are considered; The materials of internal parts meet the specified requirements, and fasteners meet the anti-corrosion requirements. ☆ The internal parts are fixed and reinforced to withstand the impact of water flow. ☆ All internal devices, pipe fittings, components, etc. of the container shall be installed and fixed in the container before shipment to prevent missing parts and damage or loss during transportation. ☆ The epoxy anticorrosive material used inside the equipment has good corrosion resistance and wear resistance to ensure that the coating will not fall off during the service life. ☆ The material requirements of the equipment must adapt to the wastewater quality and have a long service life. Wastewater treatment process design 3.1 Design principles 1. Implement national policies on environmental protection and design in accordance with relevant regulations, specifications and standards issued by the state. 2、????? According to the requirements of designed inlet water quality and circulating water, the sewage treatment adopts the scheme with advanced technology, good treatment effect, simple operation and management, stable and reliable operation, less land occupation, less project investment and low operation cost. 3. Select domestic advanced equipment with reliable performance, good effect and low energy consumption. 4. Fully consider the prevention of secondary pollution, low noise, basically no odor, and no impact on the surrounding environment. 5. High degree of automation control, reducing labor intensity. 3.2 A set of sewage treatment equipment with a scale of 1-100T/H shall be installed within the design scope. Process, electrical, instrumentation and automatic control design shall be carried out for the wastewater treatment structures and necessary auxiliary buildings in the wastewater treatment station. 3.3. Process selection 3.3.1. This project uses the relatively new patented equipment "Rapid Wastewater Treatment Integrated Machine" as the main equipment to treat this wastewater. This equipment integrates multiple functions such as dosing, mixed flocculation reactor, mud water separator, water quality purifier, sludge thickening and dewatering, and magnetic separation technology (has won national patents). It is mainly used for the primary physicochemical enhanced coagulation treatment of sewage and wastewater, which can quickly (within 3 minutes) remove suspended solids, turbidity, decolour, remove viscosity, clear water quality, effectively reduce organic and inorganic substances in water, and can also be used for phosphorus removal, algae removal, hard water softening and sludge containing sewage concentration and dehydration. It can replace air flotation or sedimentation tank in water purification project, and is a revolutionary alternative to traditional treatment methods. 3.3.2. The equipment has obvious advantages (1). It has fast processing speed: stay time in the machine ≤ 3 minutes. (2) Small overall area: 100m3/H ≤ 25m2. (3) Energy saving: power consumption per ton of water treatment ≤ 1.5Kw. (4) High effluent purification: SS removal rate>90%. Removal viscosity>99% (5) High sludge drying degree: solid content ≥ 20%. (6) Low noise:<60 dB. (7) No backwashing is required, and the automatic operation is stable and reliable. (8) . It can greatly save equipment repair and maintenance costs, as well as various costs of technicians and operators. (9) It can replace the air flotation or sedimentation tank in the water purification project and is a revolutionary alternative to the traditional treatment method. 3.3.2 Process determination In conclusion, since the sewage of the project needs to be treated and the water will be recycled, the one-step process of "quick sewage treatment integrated machine" is suitable. Laundry sewage treatment equipment 3.4 Process system? Pump temperature????? Dosing device? Fast integrated sewage treatment machine for sewage outlet regulating pool?? Description of the process flow of dry mud transportation for reclaimed water reuse: The waste water flows into the regulating tank by itself, which not only regulates the water quantity, but also homogenizes the water quality. The waste water pump lifts the waste water to the "fast waste water treatment machine", the automatic dosing device adds various chemicals and the waste water is fully mixed in the reactor, and the mixer is used for mixing to destabilize the sewage. SS and most COD in the water are separated in the form of particles and flocculated into clusters, which are wrapped with specific sensitive substances, and then the sewage enters a specific high-energy physical field, With its strong energy field adsorption force, the flocs in the water are instantly adsorbed and removed. The remaining flocs are squeezed and concentrated into mud and slid out of the integrated machine. Clear water after removing impurities and flocs flows out of the water pipe and enters the clean water reservoir for reuse. Laundry wastewater treatment equipment manufacturer: the sewage is collected through the collection pipeline, and then flows into the regulating pool automatically after the impurities such as floats and suspended solids are removed through the grid. The regulating tank is equipped with two primary submersible sewage lift pumps to lift the sewage into the coagulation sedimentation tank, where the wastewater is mixed with chemicals and then precipitated. The effluent from the supernatant enters the hydrolysis acidification tank. Through the action of anaerobic and facultative microorganisms, macromolecular pollutants are transformed or degraded into small molecules, and the hard biodegradable organics are transformed into easily biodegradable organics, So as to improve the biodegradability of wastewater. The effluent from the hydrolysis acidification tank flows into the biological contact tank automatically. Through the action of aerobic microorganisms, the pollutants in the wastewater are decomposed and converted into H2O, CO2, NH3 and other substances, and the COD and BOD in the wastewater are greatly removed. The effluent from the contact oxidation tank flows into the sedimentation tank for sludge water separation, and the effluent from the secondary sedimentation tank meets the specified emission standards ? You are the children of the enslaved land, you are the angel of love, you are a whimsical spirit, you are an honest child, you are an experienced old man, you are a rich and intelligent man, you are a kind-hearted woman, you are a giant full of hope, you are a mother who has suffered a lot, and you are a poet full of fantasy—— Balzac The task of truly building a communist society is precisely to be borne by the youth—— Lenin

 Sewage treatment equipment of health service center

Sewage treatment equipment of health service center

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  • Franchise fee:

Sewage treatment equipment of health service center Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are targeted at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater such as hospitals, medical treatment, sanatoriums, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, organs, schools, troops, aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, etc The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in beer, paper, leather, food, chemical and other industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment. If you feel that there are any technical problems or questions, our company can give you an analysis, proposal and quotation. Call us at any time. Tel.: 15065662693?? contacts:? Sun Guoliang 1、 Introduction to some parts of the equipment 1. Water ejector: The water ejector is an air extraction element designed according to the jet principle. When the power water passes through the water ejector, negative pressure will be generated inside, and the external gas will be sucked into the water ejector under the effect of pressure difference, so as to achieve air suction. 2. Regulating valve: there is a conical rod in the middle of the regulating valve, which can realize micro regulation of feeding by rotating the conical branch. There are two "0" rings for sealing on the tapered rod, which can be replaced after being worn. 3. Air inlet pipe: the air passage during equipment operation. During installation, the air inlet pipe shall extend out of the room and be connected to the atmosphere. When sucking materials, the valve of the air inlet pipe shall be closed and the rest of the air inlet pipe shall be opened. 4. Safety valve: the safety valve is a specific pressure relief way when the equipment is not operating properly. After the safety valve is opened, the rubber plug can be tightened again. 5. Temperature control system: the function of the temperature control system is to realize temperature control. The temperature of the heated water has been set at 40 degrees when it leaves the factory.????????????? ??? 2、 Equipment installation requirements 1. The equipment shall be installed indoors to avoid equipment aging caused by direct sunlight. The indoor temperature should be above 15 ℃ and below 40 ℃. 2. Because chlorine dioxide has a certain oxidizing property, it should be avoided to be placed in the same room with other electrical equipment as far as possible when selecting the equipment installation location, and a separate equipment room should be set up. 3. Concrete foundation shall be set on the ground of equipment room, and low level exhaust fan shall be installed to ensure good ventilation in the room. Flushing water tap and drainage sewer shall be set in the room, and the air inlet of equipment shall be set outside. 4. The user provides 0.3Mpa water source and 220VAC, 5A power supply. The lv dioxide gas generated by the chlorine dioxide generator is pumped out through the negative pressure generated by the water ejector. It is mixed with water in the water ejector and then introduced into the treated water. There should be errors before and after the water ejector. The dynamic water pressure driving the water ejector to work is required to be between 0.2Mpa and 0.3Mpa. Therefore, 0.4Mpa should be reserved in the equipment room. 5. The equipment temperature control box shall be separated from the equipment. If it cannot be isolated, necessary anti-corrosion measures shall be taken. 6. The equipment shall be placed horizontally, and the vertical distance between the ejector and the equipment air outlet shall not be more than 1.5m, and the length of the pipeline between them shall not be more than 6m. The one-way valve shall be installed vertically. During installation, check all valves and tighten the interface to avoid air leakage ? Sewage treatment equipment of health service center 3、 Equipment process flow Under the negative pressure, NaCL03 solution and hydrochloric acid enter the reaction chamber from the storage tank through the feeding pipe and the regulating valve, and fully react to produce chlorine dioxide and other disinfection gases. The generated gas enters the water ejector through the one-way valve and the outlet pipe, and is fully mixed with water to form a disinfectant, then enters the outlet pipe of the sterilized water into the water ejector, and is fully mixed with water to form a disinfectant, and then enters the sterilized water. 4、 Equipment operating instructions 1. Preparation and addition of raw materials (1)? To prepare Naclo3 solution, mix Naclo3 with water in the ratio of 1:2 by mass, and stir until completely dissolved to obtain Naclo3 solution. (2) For the addition of Naclo3 solution and hydrochloric acid solution, under the normal operation of the ejector, insert the feed pipe into the bucket, open the suction pipe valve, close the inlet pipe valve, and the solution will be automatically sucked into the storage tank. Depending on the liquid pipe of the storage tank, after reaching a certain amount, first open the inlet pipe valve, pull the extraction pipe out of the barrel, and then close the valve of the feeding pipe. 2. Preparation before startup (1) Fill Naclo3 storage tank and hydrochloric acid storage tank with raw materials. (2) Fill the heating water tank with water from the water inlet. (3) Observe the liquid level in the reaction chamber. If the liquid level drops below the normal level, open the outlet pipe valve, and inhale a certain amount of clean water from the air inlet into the main engine. (4) Check whether other valve parts are sealed. 3. Start up: open the power box switch, open the power water valve, and adjust the pressure as high as possible, but not higher than 0.3Mpa, so that the water ejector can work normally. Open ball valves A and B, adjust the upper regulating valve of the buret, observe and adjust the buret flow, and the equipment can operate normally. 4. Flow adjustment: the flow is determined according to the residual chlorine in the treated water. The method is: use the upper regulating valve of the buret to regulate the dripping ??? When the titration speed is increased, the gas production will increase, and vice versa. Attention: try not to make the number of drops flow 5. Shutdown: turn off ball valves A and B, stop feeding the equipment, and turn off the power water after the ejector continues to work for another 1-2 hours. 6. Equipment cleaning: the equipment shall be cleaned every 2-3 months. During cleaning, turn off the power supply of the temperature control box and the ball valves A and B, and the rest are the same as the startup conditions. Inhale a certain amount of clean water from the air inlet, then turn off the power source and open the drain valve to drain. Repeat for several times until it is cleaned. 5、 Precautions: 1. Before the first operation, sufficient clean water must be added to the equipment, and empty machine operation is strictly prohibited, otherwise the buret will not supply materials. 2. After the equipment stops titrating and feeding, the water ejector should continue to work for more than 1 hour, so that the lv dioxide gas in the reactor can be fully pumped out, so as to avoid gas overflow from the air inlet pipe. 3. If the power water source suddenly stops, the valve under the buret shall be closed immediately. 4. Hydrochloric acid is strong acid, and operators shall wear protective gloves; Raw material NaCLO3 is prohibited to be stored together with various acids and away from ignition sources. 5. The water tank of equipment temperature control system shall be replenished frequently to prevent heater damage. The temperature controller is equipped with a protection device. When the water in the tank is at the set position, the yellow color display lamp of the temperature controller lights up, and water should be replenished immediately. 6. Chlorine dioxide solution has strong oxidation, its effective chlorine content is 1-1.5g/100ml, and the pH value of the solution is 0.45-0.55. Therefore, the soft plastic pipe of the equipment is easy to be aged and not tightly sealed, so it should be checked and replaced regularly. 7. The sediment in the reactor should be cleaned regularly. If the liquid level of the liquid level pipe in the reactor is found to exceed the normal limit, it means that there is too much sediment. It should be washed and cleaned immediately, and the quality of raw materials should be checked. 8. The drip counter, raw material pipeline and water ejector are easy to be blocked when the raw materials contain impurities. Attention should be paid to cleaning and dredging, and the sediment in the raw material tank should be regularly cleaned. A drain outlet should be set behind the raw material tank. 9. This equipment is heated by water bath. When the equipment is not in use, please drain the heated water and reaction liquid from the drain valve and drain valve respectively to prevent freezing and damage to the equipment when the temperature is lower than 0 ℃. If the equipment is used intermittently, the temperature control box can be kept working continuously to prevent the heating water and reaction liquid from freezing. 10. The equipment shell is made of PVC plastic, and it is forbidden to collide and extrude, so as to avoid sunlight. Sewage treatment equipment of health service center 6、 Common faults and troubleshooting 1. There is no negative pressure in the equipment, which means that the buret does not feed, and no bubbling sound can be heard in the equipment. The reason is that the power water pressure is not enough, and there is no pressure difference before and after the water ejector, which can not drive the water ejector to work, so the water pressure needs to be adjusted; The safety valve has been opened and needs to be reset; Pipeline interface and valve leak. 2. The hydrochloric acid cannot be pumped in: the negative pressure is insufficient or the pipeline interface and valve leak, so the water pressure needs to be adjusted or the pipeline interface and valve need to be checked ?? leak; Check whether the operation is in accordance with the regulations. 3. Buret does not supply materials: no water is added to the reactor or too many impurities in the raw material tank cause the buret to be blocked when starting up for the first time, so it is necessary to add ?? Water or dredge the buret, clean the material tank and check the safety valve. 4. When the buret is found to be hard to rotate, replace the "O" ring in time. 5. No heating after the thermostat is powered on: (1) The temperature display is about 55 ℃, the water temperature is very low, and the green light does not light up. This is because the thermal resistance wire is open circuited or the thermal resistance contact is seriously rusted or poorly contacted. Open the rear cover of the equipment and the temperature controller plug, and use a multimeter to measure whether the wire is broken. If it is rusted, use sandpaper to clean it. (2) The water temperature is very low, the temperature display is also very low, and the green light is on for a long time, indicating that the heating pipe is damaged or the wiring of the heating pipe is open circuited or the terminal is rusted. The heating pipe should be replaced or the dirt should be removed. (3) The water temperature is very low, and the temperature display is also very low, but the yellow light is on for a long time, indicating that the water level gauge is faulty. Check whether the line between the electrode and the temperature controller is broken; The electrode has been used for a long time, and there is a layer of scale around it, which should be cleaned; If the line and electrode are normal, check the water level gauge. When the electrode is in the water and the electrode is not in the water, 2 and 1 are connected. Otherwise, the water level gauge is broken and should be replaced. (4) The water temperature is low, the temperature display is low, and the electromagnetic contactor does not pull in or continuously pulls in, indicating that the liquid level controller is broken or the contactor is checked. (5) If the yellow light is on for a long time or the contactor is closed, and the temperature display is mixed, the aviation plug should be removed, and the rust should be removed or the liquid level controller should be checked. 6. The water temperature is too high (more than 50 ℃) (1) The display of the temperature indicator exceeds the set temperature and keeps rising, indicating that the temperature indicator is broken. Turn off the power immediately and replace the indicator. It may also be that the connector is poorly contacted, causing confusion in the instrument display. (2) When the water temperature is very high, but the temperature displayed on the temperature display is far lower than the set temperature (about 23 ℃), the reason is that the wiring between the temperature display and the liquid level controller is wrong, please replace the wiring.

 Basement sewage lifting and forced drainage device

Basement sewage lifting and forced drainage device

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Basement sewage lifting and forced drainage device Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive water treatment equipment manufacturing enterprise. The company's products are targeted at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater such as hospitals, medical treatment, sanatoriums, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, organs, schools, troops, aquatic processing plants, breeding farms, livestock storage processing plants, dairy processing plants, feces, etc The main purpose of organic sewage treatment in beer, paper, leather, food, chemical and other industries is to treat domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater to meet the water quality requirements for reuse, so that the wastewater can be reused after treatment. contacts; Sun Guoliang???? fifteen billion sixty-five million six hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-three With the growth of economy and population, human beings pay more and more attention to the pollution of nature. On the basis of summing up the operating experience of domestic sewage treatment devices at home and abroad, combined with our own scientific research achievements and engineering practice, we designed a complete set of buried organic wastewater treatment devices, Its equipment adopts the advanced technology and manufacturing technology at home and abroad in the late 1990s to produce sewage treatment equipment with FRP and stainless steel as the main raw materials. The main purpose is to make domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater reach the discharge standard required by users after being treated by the equipment. The equipment is mainly used for domestic sewage treatment of residential quarters (including villa communities), high-level hotels, hospitals, comprehensive office buildings and various public buildings. The effluent quality treated by the equipment meets the national discharge standards. The whole set of equipment can be buried underground, so it is also called "underground domestic sewage treatment equipment". The buried domestic sewage treatment equipment of our company adopts the internationally advanced biological treatment process, which integrates the removal of BOD5, COD and NH3-N, and has the advantages of stable and reliable technical performance, good treatment effect, low investment, small land occupation and convenient maintenance. Our company can also provide reclaimed water reuse equipment according to customer requirements. 2、 Product features 1. HYYTH?? Buried integrated sewage treatment equipment is buried below the ground, and the ground above the equipment can be used for greening or other purposes, without building houses, heating and insulation. 2. The two-stage biological contact oxidation process adopts the plug flow biological contact oxidation process, and its treatment effect is better than the fully mixed or two-stage series fully mixed biological contact oxidation tank. It is smaller than the activated sludge tank, has strong adaptability to water quality, good shock load resistance, stable effluent quality, and will not produce sludge bulking. New elastic three-dimensional filler is used in the tank, which has a large specific surface area and is easy for microorganisms to hang and remove the membrane. Under the same organic load conditions, the organic matter removal rate is high, which can improve the solubility of oxygen in the air in water. 3. Biological contact oxidation method is adopted for biochemical tank. The volume load of its filler is relatively low, and the microorganism is in its own oxidation stage, so the sludge production is small. It only takes more than three months (90 days) to discharge the sludge (pumped or dehydrated into mud cake and transported out). 4. The underground domestic sewage treatment equipment is provided with soil deodorization measures in addition to conventional high altitude exhaust. 5. The whole equipment processing system is equipped with a fully automatic electrical control system and an equipment fault alarm system, which is safe and reliable in operation. Usually, there is no need for special personnel to manage the equipment, but only the timely maintenance of the equipment. Basement sewage lifting and forced drainage device 3、 Usage of HYYTH? Buried Integrated Sewage Treatment Equipment 1. Able to treat comprehensive wastewater of domestic system and similar organic wastewater; 2. The whole set of devices is simple in construction and easy to operate. All mechanical equipment are automatically controlled. All devices can be set below the ground; 3. Management and maintenance are convenient, and the equipment is equipped with a full-automatic control system. The service life is more than 30 years. 4、 Applicable scope of equipment 1. Hotels, restaurants, sanatoriums, hospitals; 2. Residential quarters, villages and market towns; 3. Stations, airports, seaports and docks, ships; 4. Factories, mines, troops, tourist spots and scenic spots; 5. Various industrial organic wastewater similar to domestic sewage. Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Weifang, Shandong, the International Kite City. With the company's growth from time to time, slaughtering wastewater treatment equipment/aquaculture wastewater treatment equipment/coal mine wastewater treatment equipment and other fields are involved in sales. Basement sewage lifting and forced drainage device With the constant growth of the company, the company is now in Harbin, Heilongjiang, Changchun, Jilin, Dalian, Liaoning, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Urumqi, Xinjiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Gansu, Lanzhou, Tibet, Chengdu, Sichuan, Changsha, Hubei, Wuhan, Jiangxi, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Fujian, Qinghai, Kunming, Yunnan, Nanning in Guangxi, Shenzhen in Guangdong, Guangzhou, Hangzhou in Jiangsu, Suzhou, Hefei in Anhui, and Jinan in Shandong all have sales networks, and are like smaller county-level cities, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing. Hong Kong, Macao. Shanxi: Datong, Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jinzhong, Lvliang, Jincheng, Houma, Linfen, Yuncheng, Xinzhou. Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Handan, Xingtai, Baoding, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Cangzhou, Langfang, Hengshui. Xinji, Gaocheng, Jinzhou, Xinle, Luquan, Zunhua, Qian'an, Wu'an, Nangong, Shahe, Zhuozhou, Dingzhou, Anguo, Gaobeidian, Botou, Renqiu, Huanghua, Hejian, Bazhou, Sanhe, Jizhou, Shenzhou. Hohhot, Xinmin, Wafangdian, Pulandian, Zhuanghe, Haicheng, Donggang, Fengcheng, Linghai, Beizhen, Dashiqiao, Gaizhou, Lighthouse, Diaobingshan, Kaiyuan, Lingyuan, Beipiao, Xingcheng City Changchun, Jilin, Siping, Liaoyuan, Tonghua, Baishan, Songyuan, and Baicheng in Jilin Province. Jiutai, Yushu, Dehui, Shulan, Huadian, Jiaohe, Panshi, Gongzhuling, Shuangliao, Meihekou, Ji'an, Linjiang, Da'an, Taonan, Yanji, Tumen, Dunhua, Longjing, Hunchun, Helong. Harbin, Qiqihar, Hegang, Shuangyashan, Jixi, Daqing, Yichun, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi, Qitaihe, Heihe, Suihua. Shangzhi, Shuangcheng, Wuchang, Nehe, Mishan, Hulin, Tieli, Suifenhe, Ning'an, Hailin, Muling, Tongjiang, Fujin, Bei'an, Wudalianchi, Anda, Zhaodong, Hailun, Nanjing, Wuxi, Xuzhou, Changzhou, Suzhou, Nantong, Lianyungang, Huai'an, Yancheng, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Taizhou, Suqian. Jiangyin, Yixing, Pizhou, Xinyi, Jintan, Liyang, Changshu, Zhangjiagang, Taicang, Kunshan, Wujiang, Rugao, Tongzhou, Haimen, Qidong, Dongtai, Dafeng, Gaoyou, Jiangdu, Yizheng, Danyang, Yangzhong, Jurong, Taixing, Jiangyan, Jingjiang, Xinghua. Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jiaxing, Huzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua, Quzhou, Zhoushan, Taizhou, Lishui. Jiande, Fuyang, Lin'an, Yuyao, Cixi, Fenghua, Rui'an, Yueqing, Haining, Pinghu, Tongxiang, Zhuji, Shangyu, Shengzhou, Lanxi, Yiwu, Dongyang, Yongkang, Jiangshan, Linhai, Wenling, Longquan. Hefei, Wuhu, Bengbu, Huainan, Ma'anshan, Huaibei, Baotou, Wuhai, Chifeng, Tongliao, Ordos, Hulunbeier, Bayannur, Ulanqab. Huolingol, Manzhouli, Yakeshi, Zhalantun, Genhe, Erguna, Fengzhen, Xilinhot, Erlianhot, Ulanhot, Arshan City. Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, Fushun, Benxi, Dandong, Jinzhou, Yingkou, Fuxin, Liaoyang, Panjin, Tieling, Xiangyang, Huludao, Liaoning Province. Tongling, Anqing, Huangshan, Chuzhou, Fuyang, Suzhou, Chaohu, Lu'an, Bozhou, Chizhou, Xuancheng. Tongcheng, Tianchang, Mingguang, Jieshou, Ningguo. Fuzhou, Xiamen, Putian, Sanming, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Nanping, Longyan, Ningde. Fuqing, Changle, Yong'an, Shishi, Jinjiang, Nan'an, Longhai, Shaowu, Wuyishan, Jianou, Zhangping, Jianyang, Fu'an, Fuding. Nanchang, Jingdezhen, Pingxiang, Jiujiang, Xinyu, Yingtan, Ganzhou, Ji'an, Yichun, Fuzhou, Shangrao. Leping, Ruichang, Guixi, Ruijin, Nankang, Jinggangshan, Fengcheng, Zhangshu, Gao'an, Dexing. Jinan, Qingdao, Zibo, Zaozhuang, Dongying, Yantai, Weifang, Jining, Tai'an, Weihai, Rizhao, Laiwu, Linyi, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou, Heze. Zhangqiu, Jiaonan, Jiaozhou, Pingdu, Laixi, Jimo, Tengzhou, Longkou, Laiyang, Laizhou, Zhaoyuan, Penglai, Qixia, Haiyang, Qingzhou, Zhucheng, Shouguang, Anqiu, Gaomi, Changyi, Qufu, Yanzhou, Zoucheng, Xintai, Feicheng, Rushan, Wendeng, Rongcheng, Leling, Yucheng, Linqing. Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang, Pingdingshan, Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, Puyang, Xuchang, Luohe, Sanmenxia, Nanyang, Shangqiu, Xinyang, Zhoukou, Zhumadian. Gongyi, Xinzheng, Xinmi, Dengfeng, Xingyang, Zhongmou County, Yanshi, Ruzhou, Wugang, Linzhou, Weihui, Huixian, Qinyang, Mengzhou, Yuzhou, Changge, Yima, Lingbao, Dengzhou, Yongcheng, Xiangcheng, and Jiyuan. Wuhan, Huangshi, Shiyan, Jingzhou, Yichang, Xiangfan, Ezhou, Jingmen, Xiaogan, Huanggang, Xianning, Suizhou. Daye, Danjiangkou, Honghu, Shishou, Songzi, Yidu, Dangyang, Zhijiang, Laohekou, Zaoyang, Yicheng, Zhongxiang, Yingcheng, Anlu, Hanchuan, Macheng, Wuxue, Chibi, Guangshui, Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang, Enshi, Lichuan. Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Hengyang, Shaoyang, Yueyang, Changde, Zhangjiajie, Yiyang, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, Huaihua, Loudi. Liuyang, Liling, Xiangxiang, Shaoshan, Leiyang, Changning, Wugang, Linxiang, Miluo, Jinshi, Yuanjiang, Zixing, Hongjiang, Lengshuijiang, Lianyuan, Jishou. Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Shaoguan, Foshan, Jiangmen, Zhanjiang, Maoming, Zhaoqing, Huizhou, Meizhou, Shanwei, Heyuan, Yangjiang, Qingyuan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Chaozhou, Jieyang, Yunfu. Conghua, Zengcheng, Lechang, Nanxiong, Taishan, Kaiping, Heshan, Enping, Lianjiang, Leizhou, Wuchuan, Gaozhou, Huazhou, Xinyi, Gaoyao, Sihui, Xingning, Lufeng, Yangchun, Yingde, Lianzhou, Puning, Luoding. Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, Wuzhou, Beihai, Fangchenggang, Qinzhou, Guigang, Yulin, Baise, Hezhou, Hechi, Laibin, Chongzuo. Cenxi, Dongxing, Guiping, Beiliu, Yizhou, Heshan, Pingxiang. Haikou, Sanya. Wenchang, Qionghai, Wanning, Wuzhishan, Dongfang, Danzhou. Chengdu, Zigong, Panzhihua, Luzhou, Deyang, Mianyang, Guangyuan, Suining, Neijiang, Leshan, Nanchong, Meishan, Yibin, Guang'an, Dazhou, Ya'an, Bazhong, Ziyang. Dujiangyan, Pengzhou, Qionglai, Chongzhou, Guanghan, Shifang, Mianzhu, Jiangyou, Mount Emei, Langzhong, Huaying, Wanyuan, Jianyang and Xichang. Guiyang, Liupanshui, Zunyi, Anshun. Tongren Prefecture and Bijie Prefecture. Qingzhen, Chishui, Renhuai, Tongren, Bijie, Xingyi, Kaili, Duyun, and Fuquan. Kunming, Qujing, Yuxi, Baoshan, Zhaotong, Lijiang, Puer, Lincang. Anning, Xuanwei, Gejiu, Kaiyuan, Jinghong, Chuxiong, Dali, Luxi, Ruili, Lhasa, Shigatse. Xi'an, Tongchuan, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan, Yan'an, Hanzhong, Yulin, Ankang, Shangluo, Xingping, Hancheng, Huayin. Lanzhou, Jinchang, Baiyin, Tianshui, Jiayuguan, Wuwei, Zhangye, Pingliang, Jiuquan, Qingyang, Dingxi, Longnan. Yumen, Dunhuang, Linxia, Hezuo. Xining City. Delingha and Golmud. Yinchuan, Shizuishan, Wuzhong, Guyuan, Zhongwei. Lingwu, Qingtongxia City. Urumqi, Karamay. Shihezi, Alar, Tumushuke, Wujiaqu, Turpan, Hami, Hotan, Aksu, Kashi, Atushi, Korla, Changji, Fukang, Miquan, Bole, Yining, Kuitun, Tacheng, Wusu, Altay. Taipei, Kaohsiung, Keelung, Taichung, Tainan, Hsinchu, Chiayi. It also has business contacts, and its performance is popular in all cities across the country. Headquartered in Weifang City, the company specializes in the R&D, production, sales and technical services of water treatment equipment. ? ? I am a clumsy learner. I don't have enough talent, but I study hard—— Mei Lanfang Take truth as the lamp, truth as the pillar, and nothing else as the pillar—— Sakyamuni To love science is to love truth. Therefore, honesty is the main virtue of scientists—— Feuerbach Separating from labor is a crime—— Leo Tolstoy I can't tell if it's easy to be alive—— Galsworthy

 Domestic sewage treatment equipment in villages and towns

Domestic sewage treatment equipment in villages and towns

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Domestic sewage treatment equipment in villages and towns The main domestic sewage includes residential quarters, urban and rural areas, towns, dormitories, villas and houses. Medical sewage includes dentistry, laboratory, disease control center, small outpatient service and specialized hospital. Factory sewage includes slaughtering, breeding, laundry, pig farm and fresh milk factory. All kinds of large, medium and small water treatment equipment and disinfection equipment. If you feel that there are any technical problems or questions, our company can give you an analysis, proposal and quotation. Call us at any time. Advantages of domestic sewage treatment equipment: 1. HYQ domestic sewage treatment equipment has national patent technology. This domestic sewage treatment equipment is a national patent product designed and developed specifically for the characteristics of domestic sewage water quality, and enjoys national protection policies 2. Buried below the surface, the surface above the equipment can be used as greening or other land, without building houses, heating and insulation. Small floor area, convenient installation; 3. The biological contact oxidation treatment process adopted is smaller than the activated sludge tank, has strong adaptability to water quality, good shock load resistance, stable effluent quality, and will not produce sludge bulking. The specific surface area of the filler is large, and the microorganism is easy to hang the membrane and remove the membrane. Under the same organic load conditions, the removal rate of organic matter is high, stable and reliable. At the same time, there is no need to add chemicals, which saves subsequent costs and reduces operating costs; 4. The amount of sludge produced is small, and it only takes about three months to discharge the sludge (suction by manure truck or dehydration into mud cake for outward transportation); 5. Beautiful appearance, compact structure, easy to move; 6. Disinfection treatment, the sterilization rate reaches 99%, and the disinfection is complete; 7. The treatment system of domestic sewage treatment equipment is equipped with full-automatic electrical control system and equipment fault alarm system, which is safe and reliable in operation. Usually, no special person is required to manage the equipment, just timely maintenance and repair the equipment. 6、 After sales service commitment of Weifang Haoyu Water Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd. After the completion of the project, we will provide a detailed operation manual and provide free training for domestic sewage treatment equipment management and operators. After the completion of the domestic sewage treatment project, we will provide a six-month free warranty period for the normal operation of the equipment. During the free warranty period, various equipment faults should be eliminated in time. After the free warranty period, promise long-term maintenance. During the warranty period, if the operation and management personnel of the domestic sewage treatment equipment cannot remove the fault, we shall be notified in time, and we shall arrive at the site for treatment within 72 hours after receiving the notice. During the free warranty period, we will pay irregular return visits to assist the operation and management personnel of domestic sewage treatment equipment to do a good job in sewage treatment project management. The contact pool is divided into three levels. If we save water and cherish water resources, we will surely have a beautiful living environment with trees, clear water and fish. Domestic sewage treatment equipment in villages and towns Applicable scope of equipment 1. Hotels, restaurants, sanatoriums, hospitals; 2. Residential quarters, villages and market towns; 3. Stations, airports, seaports and docks, ships; 4. Factories, mines, troops, tourist spots and scenic spots; 5. Various industrial organic wastewater similar to domestic sewage. Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Weifang, Shandong, the International Kite City. With the company's growth from time to time, slaughtering wastewater treatment equipment/aquaculture wastewater treatment equipment/coal mine wastewater treatment equipment and other fields are involved in sales. Domestic sewage treatment equipment in villages and towns With the constant growth of the company, the company is now in Harbin, Heilongjiang, Changchun, Jilin, Dalian, Liaoning, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Urumqi, Xinjiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Gansu, Lanzhou, Tibet, Chengdu, Sichuan, Changsha, Hubei, Wuhan, Jiangxi, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Fujian, Qinghai, Kunming, Yunnan, Nanning in Guangxi, Shenzhen in Guangdong, Guangzhou, Hangzhou in Jiangsu, Suzhou, Hefei in Anhui, and Jinan in Shandong all have sales networks, and are like smaller county-level cities, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing. Hong Kong, Macao. Shanxi: Datong, Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jinzhong, Lvliang, Jincheng, Houma, Linfen, Yuncheng, Xinzhou. Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Handan, Xingtai, Baoding, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Cangzhou, Langfang, Hengshui. Xinji, Gaocheng, Jinzhou, Xinle, Luquan, Zunhua, Qian'an, Wu'an, Nangong, Shahe, Zhuozhou, Dingzhou, Anguo, Gaobeidian, Botou, Renqiu, Huanghua, Hejian, Bazhou, Sanhe, Jizhou, Shenzhou. Hohhot, Baotou, Wuhai, Chifeng, Tongliao, Ordos, Hulunbeier, Bayannur, Ulanqab. Huolingol, Manzhouli, Yakeshi, Zhalantun, Genhe, Erguna, Fengzhen, Xilinhot, Erlianhot, Ulanhot, Arshan City. Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, Fushun, Benxi, Dandong, Jinzhou, Yingkou, Fuxin, Liaoyang, Panjin, Tieling, Xiangyang, Huludao, Liaoning Province. Xinmin, Wafangdian, Pulandian, Zhuanghe, Haicheng, Donggang, Fengcheng, Linghai, Beizhen, Dashiqiao, Gaizhou, Lighthouse, Diaobingshan, Kaiyuan, Lingyuan, Beipiao, Xingcheng City Changchun, Jilin, Siping, Liaoyuan, Tonghua, Baishan, Songyuan, Baicheng City, Jilin Province. Jiutai, Yushu, Dehui, Shulan, Huadian, Jiaohe, Panshi, Gongzhuling, Shuangliao, Meihekou, Ji'an, Linjiang, Da'an, Taonan, Yanji, Tumen, Dunhua, Longjing, Hunchun, Helong. Harbin, Qiqihar, Hegang, Shuangyashan, Jixi, Daqing, Yichun, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi, Qitaihe, Heihe, Suihua. Shangzhi, Shuangcheng, Wuchang, Nehe, Mishan, Hulin, Tieli, Suifenhe, Ning'an, Hailin, Muling, Tongjiang, Fujin, Bei'an, Wudalianchi, Anda, Zhaodong, Hailun, Nanjing, Wuxi, Xuzhou, Changzhou, Suzhou, Nantong, Lianyungang, Huai'an, Yancheng, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Taizhou, Suqian. Jiangyin, Yixing, Pizhou, Xinyi, Jintan, Liyang, Changshu, Zhangjiagang, Taicang, Kunshan, Wujiang, Rugao, Tongzhou, Haimen, Qidong, Dongtai, Dafeng, Gaoyou, Jiangdu, Yizheng, Danyang, Yangzhong, Jurong, Taixing, Jiangyan, Jingjiang, Xinghua. Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jiaxing, Huzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua, Quzhou, Zhoushan, Taizhou, Lishui. Jiande, Fuyang, Lin'an, Yuyao, Cixi, Fenghua, Rui'an, Yueqing, Haining, Pinghu, Tongxiang, Zhuji, Shangyu, Shengzhou, Lanxi, Yiwu, Dongyang, Yongkang, Jiangshan, Linhai, Wenling, Longquan. Hefei, Wuhu, Bengbu, Huainan, Ma'anshan, Huaibei, Tongling, Anqing, Huangshan, Chuzhou, Fuyang, Suzhou, Chaohu, Lu'an, Bozhou, Chizhou, Xuancheng. Tongcheng, Tianchang, Mingguang, Jieshou, Ningguo. Fuzhou, Xiamen, Putian, Sanming, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Nanping, Longyan, Ningde. Fuqing, Changle, Yong'an, Shishi, Jinjiang, Nan'an, Longhai, Shaowu, Wuyishan, Jianou, Zhangping, Jianyang, Fu'an, Fuding. Nanchang, Jingdezhen, Pingxiang, Jiujiang, Xinyu, Yingtan, Ganzhou, Ji'an, Yichun, Fuzhou, Shangrao. Leping, Ruichang, Guixi, Ruijin, Nankang, Jinggangshan, Fengcheng, Zhangshu, Gao'an, Dexing. Jinan, Qingdao, Zibo, Zaozhuang, Dongying, Yantai, Weifang, Jining, Tai'an, Weihai, Rizhao, Laiwu, Linyi, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou, Heze. Zhangqiu, Jiaonan, Jiaozhou, Pingdu, Laixi, Jimo, Tengzhou, Longkou, Laiyang, Laizhou, Zhaoyuan, Penglai, Qixia, Haiyang, Qingzhou, Zhucheng, Shouguang, Anqiu, Gaomi, Changyi, Qufu, Yanzhou, Zoucheng, Xintai, Feicheng, Rushan, Wendeng, Rongcheng, Leling, Yucheng, Linqing. Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang, Pingdingshan, Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, Puyang, Xuchang, Luohe, Sanmenxia, Nanyang, Shangqiu, Xinyang, Zhoukou, Zhumadian. Gongyi, Xinzheng, Xinmi, Dengfeng, Xingyang, Zhongmou County, Yanshi, Ruzhou, Wugang, Linzhou, Weihui, Huixian, Qinyang, Mengzhou, Yuzhou, Changge, Yima, Lingbao, Dengzhou, Yongcheng, Xiangcheng, and Jiyuan. Wuhan, Huangshi, Shiyan, Jingzhou, Yichang, Xiangfan, Ezhou, Jingmen, Xiaogan, Huanggang, Xianning, Suizhou. Daye, Danjiangkou, Honghu, Shishou, Songzi, Yidu, Dangyang, Zhijiang, Laohekou, Zaoyang, Yicheng, Zhongxiang, Yingcheng, Anlu, Hanchuan, Macheng, Wuxue, Chibi, Guangshui, Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang, Enshi, Lichuan. Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Hengyang, Shaoyang, Yueyang, Changde, Zhangjiajie, Yiyang, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, Huaihua, Loudi. Liuyang, Liling, Xiangxiang, Shaoshan, Leiyang, Changning, Wugang, Linxiang, Miluo, Jinshi, Yuanjiang, Zixing, Hongjiang, Lengshuijiang, Lianyuan, Jishou. Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Shaoguan, Foshan, Jiangmen, Zhanjiang, Maoming, Zhaoqing, Huizhou, Meizhou, Shanwei, Heyuan, Yangjiang, Qingyuan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Chaozhou, Jieyang, Yunfu. Conghua, Zengcheng, Lechang, Nanxiong, Taishan, Kaiping, Heshan, Enping, Lianjiang, Leizhou, Wuchuan, Gaozhou, Huazhou, Xinyi, Gaoyao, Sihui, Xingning, Lufeng, Yangchun, Yingde, Lianzhou, Puning, Luoding. Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, Wuzhou, Beihai, Fangchenggang, Qinzhou, Guigang, Yulin, Baise, Hezhou, Hechi, Laibin, Chongzuo. Cenxi, Dongxing, Guiping, Beiliu, Yizhou, Heshan, Pingxiang. Haikou, Sanya. Wenchang, Qionghai, Wanning, Wuzhishan, Dongfang, Danzhou. Chengdu, Zigong, Panzhihua, Luzhou, Deyang, Mianyang, Guangyuan, Suining, Neijiang, Leshan, Nanchong, Meishan, Yibin, Guang'an, Dazhou, Ya'an, Bazhong, Ziyang. Dujiangyan, Pengzhou, Qionglai, Chongzhou, Guanghan, Shifang, Mianzhu, Jiangyou, Mount Emei, Langzhong, Huaying, Wanyuan, Jianyang and Xichang. Guiyang, Liupanshui, Zunyi, Anshun. Tongren Prefecture and Bijie Prefecture. Qingzhen, Chishui, Renhuai, Tongren, Bijie, Xingyi, Kaili, Duyun, and Fuquan. Kunming, Qujing, Yuxi, Baoshan, Zhaotong, Lijiang, Puer, Lincang. Anning, Xuanwei, Gejiu, Kaiyuan, Jinghong, Chuxiong, Dali, Luxi, Ruili, Lhasa, Shigatse. Xi'an, Tongchuan, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan, Yan'an, Hanzhong, Yulin, Ankang, Shangluo, Xingping, Hancheng, Huayin. Lanzhou, Jinchang, Baiyin, Tianshui, Jiayuguan, Wuwei, Zhangye, Pingliang, Jiuquan, Qingyang, Dingxi, Longnan. Yumen, Dunhuang, Linxia, Hezuo. Xining City. Delingha and Golmud. Yinchuan, Shizuishan, Wuzhong, Guyuan, Zhongwei. Lingwu, Qingtongxia City. Urumqi, Karamay. Shihezi, Alar, Tumushuke, Wujiaqu, Turpan, Hami, Hotan, Aksu, Kashi, Atushi, Korla, Changji, Fukang, Miquan, Bole, Yining, Kuitun, Tacheng, Wusu, Altay. Taipei, Kaohsiung, Keelung, Taichung, Tainan, Hsinchu, Chiayi. It also has business contacts, and its performance is popular in all cities across the country. Headquartered in Weifang City, the company specializes in the R&D, production, sales and technical services of water treatment equipment. ? Human nature is not an inherent abstraction of a single person. In fact, it is the sum of all social relations—— Marx, Engels Chastity is an asset derived from rich love—— Tagore A man should have three minds, one born, one derived from books, and one derived from life—— Montaigne Blunt tools can often be used for work that cannot be done with sharp tools—— Dickens ?

 Fuzhou Hospital Sewage Treatment Equipment/Investment Promotion

Fuzhou Hospital Sewage Treatment Equipment/Investment Promotion

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: RMB 20000-50000
  • Franchise fee: 0

? Fuzhou Hospital Sewage Treatment Equipment 150 6566 2693 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sun Guoliang Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in the International Kite City ---- Weifang, Shandong Province. With the constant growth of the company, Jiangsu Small Sewage Equipment/Nanjing Small Sewage Treatment Equipment/Yancheng Hospital Small Sewage Equipment/Shanghai Dental Clinic Small Sewage Treatment Equipment/Xiamen Dental Hospital Sewage Equipment/Tianjin Small Sewage Equipment/Jiangsu Pet Hospital Small Sewage Equipment/Anhui Pet Hospital/Chengdu Small Sewage Equipment/Xuzhou Cavity Hospital Small Sewage Equipment/Disinfector/Gansu Small Sewage Equipment/Dental Hospital Small sewage equipment/Jiangsu Pet Hospital small sewage equipment/Shanghai Dental Outpatient Sewage Equipment/Hebei Hospital sewage equipment/Shanghai Small Outpatient Sewage Equipment/Dental Hospital sewage equipment/Shanghai Pet Hospital small sewage equipment/Anhui Hefei Pet Hospital small sewage equipment sterilizer/community sewage disposal equipment/community sewage disposal equipment/community reclaimed water reuse equipment/buried Integrated sewage disposal equipment/hospital sewage disposal equipment/orthopaedic hospital sewage disposal equipment/hospital sewage disposal equipment/hospital sewage disposal equipment, hospital small sewage disposal equipment/slaughtering wastewater disposal equipment/aquaculture wastewater disposal equipment/coal mine wastewater disposal equipment and other fields have participated in sales. after-sale service 1) The warranty period of the project is one year, that is, within one year after the commissioning is qualified, free on-site maintenance is provided to help optimize the project operation. 2) After sales service personnel shall arrive at the site within 24 hours after receiving the warranty notice from the user to solve the problems in the operation of the equipment in a timely manner. 3) One year later, we will pay a return visit to the project regularly to provide technical consulting services. Lifelong maintenance is implemented for the project, and only cost is charged after the warranty period. 4) In order to strengthen the contact with users and feed back user information in a timely manner, our factory has set up a number of offices all over the country to solve problems occurred in the operation of equipment for users in a timely manner. 5) Provide various environmental protection consulting services. Sewage treatment system equipment of Fuzhou Hospital Maintenance and precautions of sewage treatment equipment 1、 Precautions:? 1、? Ensure stable power supply for sewage equipment; 2、? Ensure the surface of equipment distribution cabinet and support is dry; 3、? Ensure that the integrated equipment does not bear heavy objects; 4、? Precautions for stopping water inflow:?? When the water supply is cut off for more than a week, the biofilm in the pool will be thinned continuously under the condition of intermittent air intake and oxygenation according to the above procedures, so it is necessary to clean the biofilm in the pool? The nutrient source with the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can continue for one week every time, but the supply cannot be stopped. 2、 Daily maintenance 1. Check the V-belt: after the fan has been running for a period of time, the V-belt will stretch. At this time, loosen the fixing bolts of the fan, move the motor, tighten the V-belt to a proper position, and then tighten the fixing bolts of the motor? Fasten, and note that the section of motor pulley and fan pulley shall be on the same plane. At the same time, check whether the jacking bolts of the two pulleys are loose. If they are loose, please tighten them. 2、? Daily check whether there is any oil or gas leakage and repair it. If it cannot be repaired, please inform us immediately.? 3、? Clean the fan room daily to keep it clean and well ventilated.? 4. Frequently check the operation of the fan and motor, and timely shut down for maintenance in case of abnormal noise and temperature.? 5. Inspection of fan lubrication system: daily check whether the oil storage in the oil tank is lower than the marking, and add oil if the oil is insufficient. Daily check whether the engine oil deteriorates due to mixing with water and other dirt. If it deteriorates, please change the engine oil in time; Check the oil filter daily. Check whether the oil dripping condition of the oil drip nozzle is normal. If the oil drip nozzle is dirty, remove the adjusting screw for cleaning.? 6. Check the air filter of the fan: check whether the air filter is dirty daily. If it is dirty, remove the air filter, unscrew the castellated nuts, remove the cover, and clean the filter sponge. (When removing the filter, be careful not to drop dirt into the fan host)? 7. After being put into normal operation, the water quantity and quality of the incoming water must be stable without major changes? Impact. In case of sudden water stop, that is, no sewage enters the equipment or water cannot flow out, set the operation program to automatic operation, and then the equipment can automatically control the operation program according to the water level Automatic intermittent oxygenation is carried out at the specified oxygenation amount to ensure that the biofilm is not affected in any way. If more than 12 hours, the biofilm will gradually lack nutrition and become thin. The treatment method is to properly add some nutrients, such as compound fertilizer and human feces, into the pool from the second day after the water supply is cut off, once every two days. The dosage is generally about 1-1.5 kg of compound fertilizer or 8 kg of human feces per cubic meter of sewage.

 Investment invitation for small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment manufacturers

Investment invitation for small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment manufacturers

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: below 20000 yuan
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment manufacturers Process description: The design of integrated buried domestic sewage treatment equipment is mainly aimed at domestic sewage and similar industrial organic sewage treatment. The main treatment method is to use a more mature biochemical treatment process biological contact oxidation method. The water quality design parameters are calculated according to the general domestic sewage quality design. The average value of inlet BOD5 is less than 200mg/L, and the average value of outlet BOD5 is 10-20mg/L. The regulating tank (original) is of steel concrete structure. The regulating pool stores waste water and regulates the imbalance of water quality and quantity to ensure the continuous and stable operation of the sewage treatment system. The lift pump sends the sewage in the regulating tank to the biological contact oxidation tank in the integrated sewage treatment equipment. The biological contact oxidation tank is full of combined fillers. The integrated sewage treatment equipment is equipped with air blower. When the primary lift pump is started, the blower works continuously; When the primary lift pump stops, the blower works intermittently. Such operation mode not only ensures the oxygen demand of microorganisms, but also fully saves energy and reduces unnecessary power consumption. Rural domestic sewage includes drainage for washing, bathing, kitchen cooking, feces and washing. Due to the imbalance of rural economic development, the quantity and quality of rural domestic sewage vary greatly. The amount of domestic sewage of rural residents in economically developed areas is far higher than that in underdeveloped areas, and the nitrogen and phosphorus in sewage are also higher than those in underdeveloped areas, while the organic pollutants are lower than those in underdeveloped areas. In general, rural domestic sewage in China is characterized by wide dispersion, multiple sources, rapid growth, complex sewage composition, and large changes in water quality and quantity. Rural domestic sewage in China is mainly discharged directly onto the ground, into nearby rivers or through sewers. Problems in rural sewage discharge are mainly shown in: First, many farmers have built three format septic tanks in the process of building new houses and renovating sanitary facilities in old houses, but they do not have drainage facilities. Instead, they rely on soil infiltration. Although this method is simple, it has seriously polluted the surrounding groundwater; Second, even if there is a drainage system, most of them are combined drainage, and open ditch drainage is generally used. Due to the lack of scientific and reasonable planning, the large use of pesticides, and the livestock manure flowing into the ditch with rain, the smell is unpleasant in sunny days, which seriously pollutes the rural living environment; Third, irrigation canals often run through rural areas. With the widespread use of flushing toilets by all households, a large number of sewage and wastewater are discharged into irrigation canals without treatment, which pollutes agricultural irrigation water. The mode of rural domestic sewage treatment in China can be selected according to the principle of classified disposal. It is reasonable to use domestic sewage treatment equipment. The equipment treatment mode combines anaerobic technology with ecological technology. Sewage is used as a resource while being treated. At the same time, the concept of landscape design is added. No other power is required for the system operation, Simple management and maintenance, therefore, it is suitable for villages with natural slopes and rich land resources, and can be built underground.    The removal of organic pollutants and ammonia nitrogen by domestic sewage treatment equipment mainly depends on the AO biological treatment process in the equipment. The working principle is at level A. Because the concentration of organic matter in sewage is very high and the microorganism is in anoxic state, the microorganism is facultative, so the level A tank not only has a certain organic matter removal function, but also reduces the organic load of the subsequent aerobic tank. The concentration of organic matter decreases, but there is still a certain amount of organic matter and higher NH3-N. In order to further oxidize and decompose organic matters, and at the same time, nitrification can be carried out smoothly under carbonization, aerobic biological contact oxidation tank with low organic load is set at Level O. There are mainly aerobic microorganisms and oxygen producing bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) in the O level tank. Aerobic microorganism decomposes organic matter into CO2 and H2O; Autotrophic bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) use inorganic carbon generated from organic matter decomposition or CO2 in the air as the nutrient source to convert NH3-N in sewage into NO-2-N, NO-3-N, and the effluent part of the O level pool returns to the A level pool to provide an electronic acceptor for the A level pool, and finally eliminate nitrogen pollution through denitrification. Merchants, a small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment manufacturer, has focused on water treatment for many years. Its water treatment equipment adopts internationally advanced biological treatment process, which can remove BOD5, COD and NH3-N, with stable and reliable technical performance, good treatment effect, less investment, less land occupation and convenient maintenance. The sewage treatment scheme can also be customized for you. summary ? ? With the growth of economic population, human beings pay more and more attention to the pollution of nature. On the basis of summing up the operation of sewage devices, and combining our own scientific research achievements and manual practice, we have designed a set of organic wastewater treatment device, whose equipment adopts advanced processes and production and manufacturing technologies at home and abroad in the late 1990s, The sewage treatment device mainly made of glass fiber reinforced plastic and stainless steel aims to make domestic sewage and industrial wastewater reach the purpose requirements of users for discharge or reuse through the device. The domestic sewage is collected in the collecting tank, and a grid is set at the inlet of the collecting tank to remove the large granular and fibrous impurities in the sewage. The grid slag intercepted by the grid is regularly removed and transferred manually. The sewage in the collecting tank flows automatically to the sewage regulating tank through the collecting tank. The sewage in the sewage regulating tank flows evenly, regulates the water volume and preliminarily degrades organics, and then sends the domestic sewage into the domestic sewage treatment system through the sewage pump. The domestic sewage treatment system consists of anoxic tank, contact oxidation tank, sedimentation tank and disinfection discharge tank. In the anoxic tank, the raw sewage is fully mixed with the reflux mixture, and denitrification is achieved through the action of facultative microorganisms. The contact oxidation tank is a biological treatment device mainly based on the biofilm process and also with the activated sludge process. The oxygen source is provided by the blower, so that the organic matter in the sewage can fully contact the biofilm in the tank, and the water quality can be purified through the adsorption and degradation of microorganisms. The effluent from the contact oxidation tank flows into the sedimentation tank automatically to remove the peeled biofilm and activated sludge. The effluent from the sedimentation tank meets the Class I standard of the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants GB18918-2005. The sludge in the sedimentation tank is discharged into the sludge tank through air lift for aerobic digestion. The amount of residual sludge after digestion is very small, and it is cleared every three months or so. The sludge is removed and transported outside by the sanitation septic truck, thus effectively avoiding secondary pollution. Process principle of urban domestic sewage treatment equipment HYYTH combines the advantages of activated sludge process and biofilm process. At the same time, it overcomes the shortcomings of both and develops a new type of high-efficiency reactor. Its core technology is to select a suspended biological carrier with huge specific surface area to be added into the aeration zone. Inoculate nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria and other biochemical bacteria. Microbial flora grows and propagates rapidly in suspended biological carrier and activated sludge. During aeration, suspended biological carrier flows disorderly in the reactor in a fluidized state. Gas, liquid and solid (membrane) are fully contacted. Pollutants in sewage are intercepted and adsorbed by biofilm and activated sludge, and are used as the nutrient source of microorganisms. They are digested during their growth and propagation, The final pollutants become harmless CO2H2ON2, etc. Phosphorus is deposited at the bottom of the equipment in the form of phosphate precipitation in biological sludge, which is discharged when sludge is discharged, and the sewage can be degraded. Technical advantages of urban domestic sewage treatment equipment 1. The nano suspended biological carrier has excellent performance. The internal porosity is high, the specific gravity is slightly larger, the specific surface area is huge, and the adsorption capacity is very strong, The microorganism is easy to attach, and creatively realizes the dynamic cycle process of adsorption degradation adsorption degradation with both physical adsorption and biochemical action. It can be directly added to the aeration tank, which is easy to be mixed and miscible with the activated sludge, and never worry about blocking the system. It can always be repaired without stopping water. 2. The aeration system has excellent performance. The aeration system of MBR is composed of high-pressure vortex fan and lifting aeration pipe. The aerator has low energy consumption, low noise, long service life, almost no maintenance, and is installed on the ground within reach. The maintenance is very convenient. The aeration pipe can be lifted to the top inspection port for maintenance, and the system does not need to shut down water. Personnel never have to go down to the bottom of the equipment to maintain the aeration system. If the small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment manufacturer's investment promotion integrated sewage treatment equipment is installed on the ground, only the foundation is laid according to the drawings, and the foundation bearing must be more than 2 times of the operating weight of the equipment. If the integrated steel structure pool body is buried below the floor. During the construction of steel structure pool foundation, in order to facilitate the installation of pipes, the excavation width around must be more than 500mm larger than the plane size of the equipment. According to the installation drawing, use a crane to lift the steel structure pool body into the pool. When installing in place, it must be carried out under the guidance of our company's technicians. Do not put the box in the wrong position and direction, and then connect the pipes between the pools. After installation, fill the equipment with water, and fill the gaps around the equipment with soil and level the ground only when there is no leakage in the pipeline joints. Connect the electric control cabinet line to the equipment, and connect the electric control cabinet to the power supply. Pay attention to the rotation of fan and water pump when wiring. After the equipment is installed, it must be ensured that there is no ponding on the rainy ground, there is no biological pressure above the steel structure pool body, and the equipment generally does not evacuate the internal sewage to prevent the underground water from floating the equipment. Commissioning: Our company is responsible for the commissioning. In order to speed up the commissioning progress, strain can be put into use. In order to avoid the loss of bacteria, the water inflow can be reduced and the fan can be started for aeration until a layer of orange biofilm grows on the packing, that is, the packing film has been formed, and then the water inflow can be increased to the rated flow. After the completion of the packing membrane, the microorganisms in the anaerobic biochemical tank shall be domesticated, that is, gradually reduce the aeration to make the anaerobic biochemical tank in an anoxic state, so that the microorganisms on the packing become facultative microorganisms. Then, the microorganism shall be operated adaptively until it meets the design requirements. In order to promote sludge treatment and disposal in various regions, the "Ten Articles of Water" clearly states that "sludge produced by sewage treatment facilities should be stabilized, harmless and resource-based treatment and disposal, and it is prohibited to treat and dispose substandard sludge into cultivated land. Illegal sludge stacking sites should be banned. The existing sludge treatment and disposal facilities should basically complete the transformation to meet the standard by the end of 2017, and the harmless treatment and disposal rate of municipal sludge and above should reach more than 90% by the end of 2020. "

 Investment invitation for beautiful rural sewage treatment equipment project

Investment invitation for beautiful rural sewage treatment equipment project

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: below 20000 yuan
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for beautiful rural sewage treatment equipment project The company's rural sewage treatment equipment adopts advanced biological treatment process, which integrates the removal of BOD5, COD and NH3-N, and has the advantages of stable and reliable technical performance, good treatment effect, low investment, small land occupation, convenient maintenance, etc. Our company can also provide reclaimed water reuse equipment according to customer requirements. Product features 1. Buried below the surface, the surface above the equipment can be used as greening or other land, without building houses, heating and insulation. 2. The two-stage biological contact oxidation process adopts the plug flow biological contact oxidation process, and its treatment effect is better than the fully mixed or two-stage series fully mixed biological contact oxidation tank. It is smaller than the activated sludge tank, has strong adaptability to water quality, good shock load resistance, stable effluent quality, and will not produce sludge bulking. New elastic three-dimensional filler is used in the tank, which has a large specific surface area and is easy for microorganisms to hang and remove the membrane. Under the same organic load conditions, the organic matter removal rate is high, which can improve the solubility of oxygen in the air in water. 3. Biological contact oxidation method is adopted for biochemical tank. The volume load of its filler is relatively low, and the microorganism is in its own oxidation stage, so the sludge production is small. It only takes more than three months (90 days) to discharge the sludge (pumped or dehydrated into mud cake and transported out). 4. The underground domestic sewage treatment equipment is provided with soil deodorization measures in addition to conventional high altitude exhaust. 5. The whole equipment processing system is equipped with a fully automatic electrical control system and an equipment fault alarm system, which is safe and reliable in operation. Usually, there is no need for special personnel to manage the equipment, but only the timely maintenance of the equipment. 6. All pipes of the equipment shall be PVC pipes or stainless steel pipes, and the connection between pipes shall be bonded with PVC adhesive or welded with stainless steel. The filler shall be suspended biological filler as biological carrier, with large biomass, easy to hang film, free of agglomeration and blockage. usage method ? Able to treat comprehensive wastewater of domestic system and similar organic wastewater; ? It is made of glass fiber reinforced plastic and stainless steel, and has excellent characteristics such as corrosion resistance and aging resistance, with a service life of more than 50 years; ? The whole set of devices is simple in construction and easy to operate. All mechanical equipment are automatically controlled. All devices can be set on the ground; Scope of application 1. Hotels, restaurants, sanatoriums, hospitals; 2. Residential quarters, villages and market towns; 3. Stations, airports, seaports and docks, ships; 4. Factories, mines, troops, tourist spots and scenic spots; 5. Various industrial organic wastewater similar to domestic sewage. Foundation installation, use and maintenance 1. Foundation: If WSZ series equipment is placed above the floor, only a concrete floor with the same shape as the equipment needs to be prepared as the foundation. The bearing capacity of the foundation must be greater than 4T/m2, and it is also required to be horizontal and flat. If the equipment is buried below the floor, the foundation elevation must be less than or equal to the equipment elevation and ensure that there is no ponding in rain. The foundation is generally plain concrete (whether reinforcement is provided depends on the local geological conditions). 2. Installation: the boxes shall be placed in place according to the installation drawing. The box position and direction shall not be misplaced. The spacing between the boxes must be accurate, and the pipes must be connected. Fill the equipment with clean water and check whether there is leakage in each pipe. If there is no leakage, cover the box with soil until the equipment inspection hole is reached and level the ground. Connect the control line of the electric cabinet to the water pump, and the electric cabinet to the power supply. When wiring, pay attention to the rotation direction of the fan and motor, which must be the same as the direction of the fan. Beautiful rural sewage treatment equipment project investment attraction Detailed explanation of beautiful rural domestic sewage treatment equipment process? Biochemical treatment of sewage Biochemical treatment of sewage is a secondary treatment, with the main purpose of removing insoluble suspended solids and soluble biodegradable organics. Its process composition is diverse, which can be divided into four major categories: activated sludge method, biofilm method, biological pond method and land treatment method. Large amount of waste water can be treated and continuous car washing can be required; Low operation cost, no chemical charges, and power consumption per hour is only about 1-4 degrees; Reliable operation, low noise, suitable for all-weather operation. Anaerobic hydrolysis tank constructed wetland technology is characterized by multi-stage digestion of organic pollutants in sewage through multi-stage anaerobic tank and then entering the constructed wetland. Pollutants in the constructed wetland can be removed through filtration, adsorption, plant absorption and biodegradation. The characteristics of oxidation canal constructed wetland technology are: the improvement of constructed wetland technology, through the oxidation process section after the anaerobic hydrolysis tank, the removal rate of nitrogen and phosphorus. The technology has simple process, no power loss and convenience. The technical characteristics of anaerobic hydrolysis tank - constructed wetland - ecological ditch are as follows: domestic sewage enters the anaerobic hydrolysis tank, intercepts most organics, and is decomposed into small molecule organics and sediment under anaerobic hydrolysis. The anaerobic hydrolysis tank enters the constructed wetland, where the pollutants are removed through filtration, adsorption, plant absorption and biodegradation; The ecological ditch uses the growth of aquatic plants to absorb nitrogen and phosphorus, and further the content of organic matter. The treatment of rural domestic sewage and the pollutants in process domestic sewage are mainly organic substances, which are biochemical. Generally, the treatment of domestic sewage is biological treatment. According to the characteristics of rural settlement in Guangzhou, it is generally based on natural villages. The population of villages varies from dozens to thousands. The distance between villages ranges from several kilometers to tens of kilometers. The life and economic structure of villagers in different villages are relatively compared. After a long time of investigation, our hospital decided to cancel centralized sewage treatment, and take the natural village as the unit to conduct decentralized treatment in combination with the current drainage characteristics. Decentralized treatment of domestic sewage is applicable to the current situation of rural areas in Guangdong, with the following characteristics: (1) The economic structure of rural areas is based on natural villages, and the cost of sewage treatment stations and equipment needs to be shared by villagers, usually supported by collective funds in villages. Therefore, decentralized treatment is in line with the rural economy of Guangdong. (2) China's land policy is that rural land is owned by farmers, so it is difficult to select a centralized sewage treatment plant site, let alone farmers' support. (3) The road construction lags behind the economic development, and the rural roads can no longer meet the requirements of villagers' travel after being rich. The centralized sewage pipe network must be constructed on the narrow village road, which causes inconvenience to the villagers' travel, and the villagers strongly oppose it. (2) If there is enough space left in the residential area to lay the sewage pipe network, the sewage pipe shall be constructed close to the original ditch. If the drainage elevation is required, the buried depth shall be as deep as possible to meet the cost. In view of the above characteristics and requirements, as well as the characteristics of the existing urban sewage treatment technology, the sewage treatment plant adopts the C process, which has the following characteristics: (1) good water quality; (2) adaptive impact load C pool has considered the factors of flow change when designing. The sewage can be precipitated and discharged only after it stays inside for a predetermined treatment time. C process can adapt to the change of water inflow and quality by adjusting the operation cycle and time allocation of each stage. Years of operation and practice show that the treatment effect is still satisfactory when the flow impact and organic load impact exceed the design value by 2-3 times. However, the auxiliary flow balance regulation facilities may also cause the loss of activated sludge due to the change of hydraulic load, which will seriously affect the drainage quality. (4) Buried domestic sewage treatment technology with low energy consumption refers to the sewage treatment technology that buries the main structures in the sewage treatment facilities underground or semi underground. It is characterized by small area, low noise, no odor, little climate impact, convenience, high processing efficiency, etc. The beautiful rural sewage treatment equipment project attracts investment. Most sewage treatment plants in China do not have sludge disposal facilities, and the sewage treatment fee standard does not fully consider the cost of sludge disposal. According to the data of the Prospective Industry Research Institute, the total cost of high standard sludge treatment and disposal and making it harmless generally exceeds 330 yuan/ton, which translates into a sewage treatment fee of more than 0.23 yuan/ton. It can be seen from the above that the harmless treatment rate of sludge in China was only 55.08% in 2015. In the future, with the advancement of sludge treatment, the overall cost of sewage treatment will further increase.

 Shanghai medical sewage treatment equipment installation completed investment attraction

Shanghai medical sewage treatment equipment installation completed investment attraction

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

Shanghai medical sewage treatment equipment installation completed investment attraction The equipment is a domestic sewage treatment device mainly based on A/O biochemical process, integrating biodegradation sewage sedimentation, oxidation disinfection and other processes. The device adopts the principle of biochemical method to treat domestic sewage. The aerobic bacteria can quickly reproduce into aerobic bacteria with certain activity by using their own microorganisms in the sewage through certain cultivation. The aerobic bacteria can carry out biological oxidation and decomposition by absorbing the organic matter in the sewage and the oxygen in the air and water. Some of them generate carbon dioxide, water and inorganic matter, and the other part generates new biological membrane with certain activity, Continue to degrade the pollutants in the sewage. Sewage flows into tank A and tank O through the grid. In pool O. Aerobic bacteria grow on the surface of the filler and form a biofilm. Under the condition of oxygenation, sewage flows through the filler at a certain speed to contact the biofilm, so that the organic matter in the sewage can be degraded. At the same time, aerobic bacteria in the biofilm can be further multiplied. The sewage after aerobic treatment enters the sedimentation tank for sedimentation, and the clarified water is disinfected, Discharge the qualified treated water to the reservoir. This device is composed of seven parts: ⑴ primary sedimentation tank; ⑵ Biochemical tank; ⑶ Level O biochemical tank; ⑷ Secondary sedimentation tank; ⑸ Disinfection tank and disinfection device; (6) Sludge tank; (7) Composition of fan room. Process advantages: 1. Energy saving: oxygen required for biological nitrification and denitrification, mainly including oxygen demand during digestion, endogenous respiration and organic matter degradation. A/O process degrades organics while de selling, which greatly reduces oxygen demand. It is an energy-saving biological treatment system.   2. Good sludge settling performance: in order to maintain a high digestibility, the reaction residence time is longer than that of ordinary activated sludge method, which will lead to microbial endogenous respiration, low sludge growth rate, less excess sludge, high digestion process and good settling performance.    3. Water treatment agent saving: in the A/O process, the removal of 1mg/l NO3-N during the delisting process can produce 3.75mg/l alkalinity, and the nitrification of 1mg/l NH4-N during the nitrification process needs 7.141mg/l alkalinity. The alkalinity of the whole system can compensate each other, without adding alkali for neutralization. The organic matter in the garden sewage is used as the hydrogen supplier during the delisting process, without adding carbon sources.   4. Before the anoxic tank, the organic carbon in the sewage is used by the denitrifying bacteria, which can reduce the organic load of the subsequent aerobic tank. At the same time, the alkalinity produced by denitrification in the anoxic tank can compensate the demand for alkalinity for nitrification in the aerobic tank.    5. After the anoxic tank, the aerobic tank of A/O process can further remove the residual organic pollutants in denitrification and improve the effluent quality.   The installation, use and maintenance of investment attraction foundation of Shanghai medical sewage treatment equipment have been completed 1. Foundation: If the equipment is placed above the floor, only a concrete floor with the same shape as the equipment needs to be prepared as the foundation. The bearing capacity of the foundation must be greater than 4T/m2, and it is also required to be horizontal and flat. If the equipment is buried below the floor, the foundation elevation must be less than or equal to the equipment elevation and ensure that there is no ponding in rain. The foundation is generally plain concrete (whether reinforcement is provided depends on the local geological conditions). 2. Installation: the boxes shall be placed in place according to the installation drawing. The box position and direction shall not be misplaced. The spacing between the boxes must be accurate, and the pipes must be connected. Fill the equipment with clean water and check whether there is leakage in each pipe. If there is no leakage, cover the box with soil until the equipment inspection hole is reached and level the ground. Connect the control line of the electric cabinet to the water pump, and the electric cabinet to the power supply. When wiring, pay attention to the rotation direction of the fan and motor, which must be the same as the direction of the fan. After the installation of medical sewage treatment equipment in Shanghai, if a river is connected to the equator and a drop of water flows from the source to the end, it will run more than 37 circles around the equator. The continuous river may not only nourish the land it passes through, but also be affected by the pollution caused by industry, agriculture and life. According to the China Water Governance Research released by the Development Research Institute of the State Council in 2018, 32.1% of the national surface water control sections in China still have water quality of Class IV or below, 8.3% of the water quality is inferior to Class V, and 31% of the monitored lakes (reservoirs) are in mild and moderate eutrophication. It is expected that in the future, the total water consumption will be at a high level, the wastewater discharge will continue to rise, the agricultural source pollutants and unconventional water pollutants will rapidly increase, the trend of water pollution from single pollution to complex pollution will further intensify, the pollution situation will become more complicated, and the prevention and control will become more difficult.

 Investment invitation for Tianjin medical sewage treatment equipment manufacturers

Investment invitation for Tianjin medical sewage treatment equipment manufacturers

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for Tianjin medical sewage treatment equipment manufacturers The sewage treatment system adopts a mature contact oxidation process (A/O). The process connects the front anoxic section and the rear aerobic section together. In the anoxic section (A section), heterotrophic bacteria hydrolyze the soluble organic matter in the sewage into organic acids, so that macromolecular organic matter can be decomposed into small molecular organic matter, insoluble organic matter can be converted into soluble organic matter, and protein Fat and other pollutants are ammoniated (N on the organic chain or amino acid in the amino acid) to free ammonia (NH3, NH4). In the aerobic section (O section), there are aerobic microorganisms and autotrophic bacteria (nitrifying bacteria), in which aerobic microorganisms decompose organic matter into CO2 and H2O; Under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply, the nitrification of autotrophic bacteria oxidizes NH3-N (NH4) to NO3 -, which is returned to pool A through backflow control. Under anoxic conditions, the denitrification of heterotrophic bacteria reduces NO3 - to molecular nitrogen (N2) to complete the circulation of C, N, and O in the ecology, and achieve water free and harmless treatment. after-sale service Weifang Haoyu Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. adopts the after-sales mode of full service for sewage treatment equipment. The warranty period starts from the date when the installation and commissioning of the equipment are completed and the acceptance of both parties is qualified. Within one year, if the equipment accessories are damaged by non-human factors, our factory is responsible for replacing the old parts with new ones for free and installing them; One year later, our factory will charge a maintenance fee lower than the market cost price, and provide technical services for life; Establish files for installation, daily repair and maintenance services, and record the use, repair and maintenance of equipment in detail. Provide technical services for equipment installation and free pei training for operators II. Provide technical pei training for the use, simple repair and maintenance of the whole set of equipment. 3、 Regularly return visit to the site to solve specific problems encountered in the operation of the equipment and take precautions. This equipment adopts the internationally advanced biological treatment process. On the basis of summarizing the operating experience of domestic sewage treatment devices at home and abroad, and combining our own scientific research achievements and engineering practice, we have designed a complete set of buried organic wastewater treatment device to remove BOD5 COD and NH3-N are integrated, which has the advantages of stable and reliable technical performance, good treatment effect, low investment, automatic operation, convenient maintenance and operation, no occupation of surface area, no building, no heating and insulation, etc. Flowers and grass can be planted on the ground without affecting the surrounding environment. Tianjin medical sewage treatment equipment manufacturers invite investment This equipment is suitable for domestic sewage and similar slaughtering, aquatic product processing Treatment and reuse of organic wastewater from food and other small and medium-sized industries. The quality of sewage treated by the equipment meets the national discharge standard. Our company can also provide reclaimed water reuse equipment according to user requirements. Liu Yongming, a Tianjin medical sewage treatment equipment manufacturer, took the "river watchers" from all over the country to Loudi to set out from the hotel in the urban area and filled the No. 3 bus to Loudi Bridge. After counting the number of people, there were 30 of them. Liu Yongming stuffed everyone's ticket money into the coin box and took everyone to patrol one section of the Lianshui River. In their respective cities, towns and villages, volunteers will also take time or regularly patrol a section of the river. This time, they will come to Loudi to participate in the "Hunan River Watchers 2019 Annual Conference" and learn from the experience of "brother institutions". Who knew that dead fish just floated on the river without soul.

 Investment invitation for quotation of sewage treatment equipment of Beijing Medical Clinic

Investment invitation for quotation of sewage treatment equipment of Beijing Medical Clinic

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for quotation of sewage treatment equipment of Beijing Medical Clinic According to the national "Medical Treatment", our company has finally designed a series of small sewage treatment equipment after years of research and tackling key problems based on the characteristics of small available area of medical clinics and low sewage volume. The equipment adopts the treatment process of grid efficient filtration and disinfection, which has the advantages of small floor area, no noise, no secondary pollution, convenient installation, low one-time investment, simple maintenance It is easy to reach the standard and has been widely used in pet hospitals, medical clinics, laboratories and other sewage treatment projects. ? ? With the vigorous development of small hospitals, their geographical location is not only limited to the stratum of buildings, but also developing into high-rise office buildings, commercial buildings and department stores. Whether the sewage treatment is up to the standard will be an important basis for the establishment of the clinic. Because hospital sewage contains a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and toxic substances, the country has formulated the Hospital Sewage Discharge Standard, which requires that the sewage from clinics and hospitals must be subject to primary disinfection before being discharged to the municipal pipe network. Beijing Medical Outpatient Sewage Treatment Equipment Quotation Merchants Small hospital sewage treatment equipment has the advantages of small floor area, no noise, good treatment effect, simple maintenance, fully up to standard, etc. The pretreatment and disinfection in the sewage disinfection treatment of small hospitals are carried out simultaneously and discharged up to the standard. Radioactive wastewater discharged from hospitals is usually treated by storage attenuation method. Radioisotopes commonly used in hospitals, such as 131 iodine, 32 phosphorus, 198 gold and 24 sodium, are isotopes with short half-life. Therefore, radioactive sewage can be stored in a dedicated underground decay tank for 10 times the half-life to reduce the radioactive concentration to the level of allowable discharge. If the concentration of radioactive sewage is very low and the amount of water is very small, dilution method can also be used for treatment. The sludge discharged from the hospital sewage treatment process is 0.7~1 liter per sickbed per day on average, with 95% water content and 70~80% of the total amount of pathogens in the sewage. It must be disinfected. The disinfection methods include heating disinfection, chemical disinfection, gamma ray disinfection, etc. The heat source for heating and disinfection is usually steam, electric energy or biological energy (high-temperature compost), and solar energy can be used in some areas. Or it can be treated by incineration (see sludge incineration). When alkaline agent is used, the pH value of sludge reaches 12, and it is maintained for more than half an hour, * * good. Compared with A-share market, the operating assets that account for a large proportion of the environmental protection industry in the quotation of sewage treatment equipment of Beijing Medical Outpatients have a great valuation advantage. Among them, the water operation will maintain a steady growth trend at a low speed, and the garbage incineration sector is expected to achieve an increase of more than 20% in 2020 and will continue to grow until 2021. In terms of cash flow, the waste incineration sector will increase investment expenditure in 2020 to speed up the project construction progress, and then enter the report repair period, and the cash flow will continue to improve. In addition, after the state-owned capital becomes the main water engineering company, it will enter the deepening cooperation period in 2020, and the profit and cash flow will bottom out and rise again.

 Investment invitation for small hospital sewage treatment system equipment

Investment invitation for small hospital sewage treatment system equipment

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

The hospital wastewater treatment equipment produced by our company adopts the internationally advanced biological treatment process. On the basis of summing up the operating experience of domestic wastewater treatment devices at home and abroad, combined with our own scientific research achievements and engineering practice, we designed a complete set of buried organic wastewater treatment device to remove BOD5 COD and NH3-N are integrated, which has the advantages of stable and reliable technical performance, good treatment effect, low investment, automatic operation, convenient maintenance and operation, no occupation of surface area, no need to build houses, no need for heating and insulation, etc. Equipment process flow: the sewage collected in the hospital flows into the regulating pool by itself. The regulating pool is used to collect, store and balance the quality and quantity of wastewater. It is lifted into the sewage treatment equipment by the submersible sewage pump. The equipment is equipped with an automatic water distribution system to realize automatic water inlet and outlet. The biochemical tank is equipped with an aeration system, which can realize the processes of water inflow, aeration, sedimentation, drainage, idleness, filtration, etc. under the control of the automatic control system. This process can enable the activated sludge reaction tank to be spatiotemporally divided for aerobic, facultative, and anaerobic treatment, with many microbial species, large biomass, good ammonia nitrogen removal effect, and no need for sludge backflow. The separation and precipitation of mud and water are carried out in the static state or near static state, so the solid-liquid separation is stable. In one operation cycle, anaerobic and aerobic conditions can be set up to achieve biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal; Even if there is no anaerobic section, certain nitrogen removal will occur in the sedimentation and discharge processes due to the low concentration of dissolved oxygen. In terms of organic matter degradation, the content of organic matrix decreases with time, meeting the treatment requirements. It is not easy to produce sludge bulking, especially when the sewage enters the biochemical treatment unit and is maintained in an anaerobic state, which reduces SVI and also reduces the power cost of aeration. Small hospital sewage treatment system equipment Merchants Hospital has a variety of sewage treatment processes. On the premise that the effluent reaches the standard, the outstanding advantages are: the equipment can be buried under the ground, greening can be carried out on the surface, and the environment is beautiful, which generally does not need special management. It can reduce the floor area. Parking lots can be built above the equipment, without the need to build plants and other facilities. Simple operation, new process, good effect and long service life. The equipment can be arranged according to the standard or special arrangement according to the terrain needs. To sum up, the process characteristics of this equipment conform to the development trend of simplicity, efficiency, energy conservation, flexibility and multi-function required by modern sewage treatment, and also meet the technical requirements of "three low and one low", that is, low construction cost, low operation cost, low operation and management requirements Sewage treatment technology with less secondary pollutant discharge. The hospital sewage treatment equipment is mainly used for the treatment of domestic sewage and industrial sewage, to prevent sewage and pollutants from flowing directly into the water area, effectively improving our living environment. Investment invitation for sewage treatment system equipment of small hospitals In terms of sewage treatment plant construction, a total of 13 new sewage treatment plants will be built and expanded, including the construction of Hongling Sewage Treatment Plant in 2020, and the expansion of six sewage treatment plants, including South Sewage Phase III, North Sewage Phase II, Yong'an Phase II, Zhuer Phase II, Daoyi Phase IV, and Xinmintun Sewage Treatment Plant; By 2025, the Sujiatun Cultural Tourism Town Sewage Treatment Plant and Mobile Phone Park Sewage Treatment Plant will be newly built, and six sewage treatment plants will be expanded, including Dongshui Phase II, Taoxian Phase II, Hushitai South Phase II and Sujiatun Phase III; In 2020, the closure plan of Jiahe Sewage Treatment Plant will be completed, and the sewage it undertakes will be transferred to the southern sewage treatment plant.

 Investment invitation for small domestic wastewater treatment equipment manufacturers

Investment invitation for small domestic wastewater treatment equipment manufacturers

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: unlimited
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for small domestic wastewater treatment equipment manufacturers The integrated small domestic sewage treatment equipment buried in the ground not only has a good water outflow effect, but also has a greening rate of more than 90%. If the special landmark tree species or lawn that is cold and water loving are used, a water treatment landscape integrating streams, fountains, ponds, and fish ponds will be formed, which will transform the turbid water into clear springs, not only treat the sewage but also beautify the environment, and meet people's desire to live near mountains and rivers. HY-DS integrated small domestic sewage treatment equipment is applicable to 1. hotels, restaurants, sanatoriums, small; 2. Small residential buildings, villages and market towns; 3. Stations, airports, seaports and docks, ships; 4. Factories, mines, troops, tourist spots and scenic spots; 5. Various industrial organic wastewater similar to domestic sewage. The structure of HY-DS type integrated small domestic sewage treatment equipment. All pipes of HY-DS type integrated small sewage treatment equipment series developed and produced by the company are PVC pipes or anti-corrosion treated carbon steel pipes. The connections between pipes are bonded with PVC adhesive or welded with carbon steel. The elastic or soft filler is used as the biological carrier, which has large biomass, easy film hanging, no nodulation and no blockage. Foundation installation, use and maintenance of HY-DS integrated small domestic sewage treatment equipment 1. Foundation: If the HY-DS integrated small sewage treatment equipment developed and produced by the company is placed above the floor, only a concrete floor with the same shape as the equipment needs to be prepared as the foundation. The bearing capacity of the foundation must be greater than 4T/m2, and it is also required to be horizontal and flat. If the equipment is buried below the floor, the foundation elevation must be less than or equal to the equipment elevation and ensure that there is no ponding in rain. The foundation is generally plain concrete (whether reinforcement is provided depends on the local geological conditions). 2. Installation: the box shall be in place according to the installation drawing, and the position and direction of the box shall not be misplaced, and then it shall be connected with the water inlet pipe. Before use, clean water shall be injected into the equipment to check whether there is leakage in each pipe. If there is no leakage, the box shall be covered with soil until the equipment inspection hole is reached, and the ground shall be leveled. Connect the control line of the electric cabinet with the water pump, and the electric cabinet with the power supply. When wiring, pay attention to the rotation direction of the fan and motor, which must be the same as the direction of the fan. The after-sales service commitment of China Merchants Co., Ltd., a small domestic wastewater treatment equipment manufacturer, has been adhering to the business philosophy of "all-round service to make users more satisfied" for many years, striving to provide users with high-quality products and excellent services. The company attaches great importance to every project, and has a specialist responsible for after-sales service for users. Here, we solemnly promise: 1 The warranty period of HY-DS integrated small sewage treatment equipment is one year (that is, the project warranty period is one year after the project is put into operation). During the warranty period, free warranty service is provided for users. After the warranty period, we can provide long-term paid warranty business and technical guidance according to users' needs. 2. During the warranty period, no matter on ordinary days or holidays, after receiving the user's fault notice, our handling specialists will immediately arrive at the site to handle the fault. 3. Three months after the commissioning of HY-DS type integrated small sewage treatment equipment is completed and handed over to Party A, technical personnel shall be sent to pay a return visit to understand the operating conditions and listen to the user's opinions, and further improve them. 4. Operation management services can be provided as required by users. Installation instructions for small domestic sewage treatment equipment The process of synthesis and catabolism of nutrients. The aerobic process uses activated sludge aeration and biological contact oxidation aeration. Activated sludge aeration relies on aerobic microorganisms to oxidize and decompose pollutants in water, The oxygen required for microbial metabolism is supplied by the blower and the aerator. The mechanism of aerobic microorganism degradation of organics in wastewater is that under aerobic conditions, microorganisms can live and grow for themselves, The process of adsorbing organics in sewage as nutrients for synthesis and catabolism. Biological contact oxidation tank is the main part of aerobic treatment, which consists of tank body, filler, water distribution and air distribution system Points. Push flow structure is adopted, and different biological fillers are set according to the change of sewage concentration to adapt to the change of treatment load. The aeration device in the tank adopts microporous aerator, which has reliable operation It has the advantages of high oxygen charging rate and can effectively reduce power consumption during operation. Roots blower is used as the blower, and sound insulation measures are taken to prevent secondary pollution. After the wastewater enters the biological contact oxidation tank, it contacts with the filler, and the microorganism attaches to the filler. The organic matter in the water is adsorbed, oxidized and decomposed by the microorganism, and partially transformed into a new biofilm. The net impact of the wastewater on field cultivation and labor intensity are two major problems that need to be solved urgently in the process of popularizing the pipeline sprinkler irrigation technology. To solve this problem, we innovatively developed an underground automatic lifting integrated sprinkler irrigation equipment, which is buried below the tillage layer and does not affect farming; At the same time, it integrates underground pipes, vertical pipes and lifting sprinklers, and has the functions of water spraying and ejection. No facilities need to be installed or dismantled before and after the sprinkler operation, which greatly reduces the labor intensity and improves the work efficiency. The application results of the existing demonstration projects show that the equipment can meet the construction and use requirements of sprinkler irrigation projects, with stable operation, convenient use, reasonable economy, and durable buried integrated sewage treatment equipment, so that domestic sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater can reach the discharge standards required by users after being treated by the equipment. Buried sewage treatment equipment is a modular and efficient sewage biological treatment equipment, which is a sewage biological treatment system with biofilm as the purification main body. The effluent quality treated by buried integrated treatment equipment meets the national discharge standard. The whole set of equipment can be buried underground, and the surface above the equipment can be used as greening or other land, without building houses, heating and insulation. The small domestic wastewater treatment equipment manufacturer Merchants adopts the two-stage biological contact oxidation treatment process, which adopts the push flow biological contact oxidation process, and its treatment effect is better than that of the fully mixed or two-stage tandem fully mixed biological contact oxidation tank. It has high removal rate of organic matter and can improve the solubility of oxygen in air in water. Biochemical tank adopts biological contact oxidation method, and the volume load of its filler is relatively low, the microorganism is in its own oxidation stage, and the sludge production is small. The deodorization method of buried domestic sewage treatment equipment is not only conventional high altitude exhaust, but also soil deodorization measures. The whole equipment processing system is equipped with a fully automatic electrical control system and an equipment fault alarm system, which is safe and reliable in operation. Usually, there is no need for special personnel to manage the equipment, but only the timely maintenance of the equipment. Entrusted by the owner, our company, based on a highly responsible attitude towards the owner, according to the relevant design basis of water supply and drainage, combined with the company's experience in sewage engineering, and according to the relevant national discharge standards, has made the following specific scheme design for the project, to provide users with more ideal, less investment, and good treatment effect process equipment. The equipment adopts A/O biological treatment new process, equipped with automatic control system device, automatic switching and alarm functions, and does not need special management. Carry out scheme design for sewage treatment facilities, equipment and processes for decision-making and reference of all parties. In recent years, China has continuously deepened the "marketization" reform of sewage treatment, and promoted the full implementation of PPP mode in sewage treatment projects. The entire environmental protection industry has experienced the development process from crazy project acquisition to careful assessment of project income, and the sensitivity of social capital to the unit price of sewage treatment services has been constantly improved. Superposing the great impact of the current financing environment change, the untimely adjustment of the unit price of sewage treatment services will have a negative impact on the entry of social capital.

 Investment invitation for small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment

Investment invitation for small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment

  • Brand: Haoyu Zhongxing
  • Guarantee amount: 0
  • Investment amount: below 20000 yuan
  • Franchise fee: 0

Investment invitation for small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment The basic process is: domestic sewage → anaerobic digestion → anaerobic biological filtration → oxidation → discharge. Domestic sewage purification pool biogas domestic sewage purification biogas pool uses anaerobic fermentation technology to decompose and transform organic matter in domestic sewage into CH4, CO2 and water under anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying and treating domestic sewage. Its treatment process: domestic sewage → grid tank → anaerobic fermentation → discharge. The biogas purification tank for domestic sewage has been promoted in most areas. Its advantages are: no power consumption, simple operation, less surplus sludge, energy recovery (biogas), and it is built under greening or vegetables. However, judging from the current use, there are also some technical problems in the biogas digester for domestic sewage purification. Mainly: the sewage stays for a long time, and some indicators do not reach the discharge level. Buried unpowered purification treatment device Buried unpowered purification treatment device is developed on the basis of cylindrical facultative filter. Its treatment process is: domestic sewage → anaerobic acidification → facultative filtration → ecological ditch (natural ventilation) → discharge. The main feature of the process zui at this place is the ecological ditch. The purpose of the ecological ditch is to oxidize the sewage after anaerobic fermentation to further the water quality. However, due to the poor natural oxygenation effect, the treatment effect is similar to that of ordinary septic tanks, and the investment is much higher than that of septic tanks, so it is less used. Oxidation pond The oxidation pond is a natural pond with the ability to treat sewage and waste water after artificial transformation. It is a purification with simple structure, convenient treatment effect and energy saving. After a long period of stay and storage in the pond, the organic pollutants and other pollutants can be degraded and removed through the metabolic activities of microorganisms, the interaction of bacteria and algae, or the combined action of bacteria and algae, and aquatic organisms. Drop water oxygenation oxidation technology Drop water oxygenation oxidation technology is to use sewage pump sewage or use the terrain difference to make sewage fall by stages, forming a water curtain and water drops for natural oxygenation. No aeration device is required, and nitrogen, phosphorus and other pollutants are removed at the same time of organic matter. Constructed wetland is to simulate and strengthen the function of natural wetland, and to control the allocation of sewage to the land where the soil (filler) is often saturated and aquatic plants such as reeds and cattails grow. When sewage flows along a certain direction, under the triple synergetic effect of water resistant plants and soil (filler), the organic matter in sewage passes through filtration, root interception Adsorption, absorption and plant photosynthesis, oxygen delivery, promote facultative microbial decomposition to achieve sewage purification. Constructed wetland has the advantages of good effect, low investment and low operation cost in treating domestic sewage. However, there is also the problem that the area is large and the treatment effect in winter is affected to some extent. Application of Molecular Biotechnology in Buried Integrated Sewage Treatment Equipment At present, molecular biotechnology has begun to be applied in the field of sewage treatment. In order to understand the biochemical mechanism of phosphorus removal by phosphorus accumulating bacteria, molecular diagnostic techniques have been used to obtain genetic information of phosphorus accumulating bacteria. Of the more than 30 kinds of filamentous bacteria found in activated sludge, only 4 have accurate names and biological taxonomic positioning, because most of these filamentous bacteria cannot be isolated and purified. At present, molecular diagnostic techniques are being used for biological localization of these filamentous bacteria to further understand their characteristics. The current popular sewage treatment processes are: R method, oxidation ditch method, ordinary aeration method, C method, A2/O process, etc. These processes are derived from the activated sludge process, and each has its own characteristics. (2) R method R method has been in the early 20th century, but it has not been popularized due to tedious manual work. This method (5) The anaerobic aerobic biological phosphorus removal process (A2/O process) is actually another kind of "AO process", in which "A" refers to "anaerobic anaerobic, which is a process designed directly based on the basic principle of biological phosphorus removal. Its characteristics are: the hydraulic retention time is 3~6h; the sludge concentration in the aeration tank is generally 2700~3000mg/l; The removal effect of phosphorus is good (76%), and the content of medium phosphorus is less than 1mg/l; The phosphorus content in the sludge is about 4%, with good fertilizer efficiency; The SVI of sludge is less than 100, which is easy to precipitate but not easy to precipitate. Investment attraction of small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment Investment attraction structure characteristics of small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment: integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment adopts integrated structure, with compact internal structure, small area and beautiful appearance; The integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment has high treatment efficiency, excellent water quality, SS free treatment, extremely clear, and good sense. The integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment is easy to be accepted by reclaimed water users; The water production rate is close to 100%, and the process itself almost consumes no water, which can be reused after treatment. The start and stop of the pump is controlled by the water level in the bioreactor. The filtration operation and backwashing operation of membrane unit can be controlled automatically or manually. When the membrane unit needs chemical cleaning operation, close the water inlet valve and sewage circulating valve, open the chemical cleaning valve and chemical circulation valve, start the chemical circulation pump, and carry out chemical cleaning operation. Equipment features: 1. Integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment control, with formed structure and perfect, simple and fast commissioning, short construction period, high efficiency, which simplifies reclaimed water commissioning. Integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment is the choice of reclaimed water monitoring; 2. The control of integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment adopts humanized human-machine interface design, and the operator can control the whole equipment only by operating on the human-machine interface. The man-machine interface has screen operation, fault prompt and other functions, and the integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment zui greatly improves the workload of reclaimed water station operation; 3. The integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment is designed with online automatic cleaning to reduce membrane pollution and membrane service life. The integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment group uses two innovative technologies of online hydraulic cleaning and online chemical cleaning, which makes the cleaning effect of the whole cleaning under the condition of zui economy; 4. The aeration device of the integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment also adopts a unique design. The aeration device can be taken out without going down to the bottom of the tank or emptying the sludge in the equipment. The integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment is convenient for maintenance or replacement of the aeration device, and also preserves the valuable micro biological resources in biological treatment; 5. The integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment adopts floating membrane module, which is only connected at one end and adopts movable connection, so it is easy to disassemble. The membrane module of the integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment is light in weight, weighing only 15kg in wet state, and can be taken out manually, which saves the trouble of mechanical lifting of membrane modules in the past and is extremely convenient; 6. The integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment has specially treated the noise. First, we use low-noise equipment and noise elimination treatment for the equipment that produces noise. Second, we have taken certain noise prevention measures for the integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment as a whole. The aerobic biological treatment stage of the integrated reclaimed water treatment equipment is designed and equipped with a separate vent, which can be directly connected with the adjacent ventilation pipes, thus greatly reducing the air problem in the whole reclaimed water machine room; Sedimentation is a treatment process that separates suspended substances heavier than water from water under the action of gravity, and is one of the widely used zui in sewage treatment. At present, all farms with sewage treatment facilities basically connect 2 to 3 sedimentation tanks outside the house to treat the fecal water through filtration, sedimentation and oxidative decomposition. The screen is the facility used for screening. The sewage flows through the gaps in the screen, while the solid part is intercepted or pushed to the edge of the screen by machinery (. com/sell/22/) or its own weight. Investment attraction of small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment Investment attraction of small rural domestic sewage treatment equipment The commonly used livestock manure solid-liquid separation screens include fixed screens, vibrating screens and rotary screens. In addition, there are commonly used mechanical filtration equipment, such as automatic drum filter, rotary roller filter press, centrifugal disc separator, etc. According to the sewage discharge characteristics, water quality characteristics and required discharge requirements, the process is divided into three parts: first, pre-treatment, removal of suspended solids and oil slick in the water, load of subsequent treatment and prevention of subsequent treatment (especially biochemical treatment) unit blockage affecting the treatment effect, using physical and chemical; The second is biochemical treatment, which is the core of the whole treatment process. It decomposes dissolved organic matter in sewage through the metabolism of microorganisms; The third is advanced treatment, which adopts physico-chemical method to further remove pollutants in water to ensure up to standard discharge. The pretreatment integrated sewage treatment equipment shall take certain pretreatment measures for the treatment of livestock production sewage regardless of the process or comprehensive measures. Through pretreatment, sewage pollutants can be loaded, and large solids or sundries can be prevented from entering the subsequent treatment links, causing equipment blockage or the like. The livestock and poultry breeding industry adopts filtration, centrifugation, sedimentation and other solid-liquid separation technologies for pretreatment of large particles in the sewage or those easy to settle. The commonly used equipment includes grids, sedimentation tanks, screens, etc. Grating is an indispensable part of the process flow of sewage treatment. Its role is to block floating and suspended solids in sewage, so as not to block holes, gates and pipes, and protect mechanical equipment such as pumps. Since the sewage treatment fee is in the "revenue and expenditure two lines" mode, the gap between the sewage treatment service fee paid by the government to the sewage treatment plant and the sewage treatment fee collected by the water company has always been borne by the local finance. In the face of the continuous increase in the operating cost of sewage treatment, the standard of sewage treatment fees has been "unchanged for many years", which has led local governments and sewage treatment enterprises into a dilemma and made it difficult to implement policies.

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