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Evaluation of Haier electric water heater

  • Do you want to install a water purifier at home? These points must be known!

    label: Water purifier

    Do you want to install a water purifier at home? Water purifier is a product that can improve a person's happiness. At present, the quality of tap water in most areas can not reach the standard of direct drinking, so many people will choose to install water purifiers. Do you want to install water purifiers at home? These points must be known! Do you want to install a water purifier at home? Easy access to direct drinking water - buy a water purifier that meets the standard of direct drinking water, turn on the tap and you can drink it directly, which is the same standard as pure water. There is no scale when boiling water - Chinese people like to drink boiled water, even if they drink it directly. Usually, tap water is directly boiled. Within a few days, the kettle is full of white scale, and it is difficult to clean it with any vinegar. But the direct drinking water from the water purifier is complete! No scale, just so confident! Washing the glass without leaving water stains - people who often drink from a glass should have this trouble. Tap water is used to clean the glass. Unless it is cleaned, there are always water stains left on the glass surface. It can be solved with a water purifier. The glass can be flushed with direct drinking water without drying and without any water stains. If you have to mention the disadvantages of installing water purifiers, there are also costs. The average water purifier in the shop is about 2000. I think it is worth the money. Some people argue that drinking straight water for a long time is bad for your health. Oh, you can drink tap water for a long time. I wish you good health. Type of water purifier: prefilter: it is installed at the inlet pipe to filter large particles, such as sediment and rust. It can be put into operation at one time without electricity and consumables. Its main function is to extend the replacement time of domestic water purifier consumables and protect water equipment. RO membrane water purifier: it is the water purifier with the highest technical precision at present, which can filter heavy metals, viruses, etc. Except for water molecules, almost all other impurities can not pass through, and the water can be directly drunk even without boiling. There is waste water and consumables to plug in. Ultrafiltration water purifier: Although the filtration precision is not as good as RO membrane, it is also enough to filter bacterial substances, but heavy metals, viruses and trace elements cannot be filtered. The water must be boiled before drinking. No electricity, no waste water and consumables. Water softener: mainly remove calcium and magnesium ions in water through ion exchange resin, reduce water hardness and scale. Consumables are available. It is usually installed in the toilet for washing. Pipeline machine: in fact, it is an advanced water dispenser, which is used with RO membrane water purifier. The water from RO membrane water purifier is directly heated or cooled by the pipeline machine.

    2020-01-13 17:26:44
  • How to choose a water purifier with high performance price ratio?

    label: Water purifier

    The water purifier is a healthy butler dedicated to the field of healthy water life. Now it is favored by more and more friends, especially in the first and second tier cities. How to choose a water purifier with high performance price ratio? Xiao Bian tells you that these five points can help you! How to choose a water purifier with high performance price ratio 1. Different water purifiers have different water purification effects due to different structures. Generally speaking, the primary filter water purifier is simple in structure, mainly composed of activated carbon, with limited filtration capacity, and can only be used for rough filtration. The filtered water is best heated and boiled for drinking. Most of the primary filter water purifiers are low-grade water purification products, and the price of each set is between 10 yuan and 150 yuan. 2. Multi stage filter water purifier. The water purifier has two stages of coarse filtration and one group of fine filtration, and the fine filtration mostly adopts hollow fiber filter element, and the filtered water can be directly drunk. The multi-stage filter water purifier is a mid-range water purification product. The price of each set is between 300 yuan and 500 yuan, which can be accepted by wage earners and is widely used by families. 3. Ultrafiltration nanofiltration membrane water purifier, composed of multi-stage prefilter and ultrafiltration membrane, can intercept most of the bacteria and harmful substances. It is the most commonly used direct drinking water purification device in the market with the most common separation and filtration effect, while retaining the mineral trace elements beneficial to human body, and then using the advantages of KDF and activated carbon to effectively inhibit bacteria The growth of fungi and the removal of color and odor ensure that the filtered water can be used more safely and healthily. Moreover, the water yield is relatively large and the waste water discharge is small, so it is faster and more convenient to use in the home kitchen without waiting for a long time. It belongs to popular consumer goods, and the price of each set varies from 200 yuan to 5000 yuan according to different requirements. 4. RO reverse osmosis water purifier is the most ideal water purification product for treating rural water and groundwater. It has three-stage pre filtration, one-stage reverse osmosis membrane precision filtration and one-stage post filtration. The filtered water is free of bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, organics, minerals and peculiar colors and odors. It is pure water and can be drunk without heating. This kind of reverse osmosis water purifier is a high-end water purification product, and the price of each set is between 1000 yuan and 5000 yuan. 5. Self cleaning water purifier applies the principle of "running water does not rot, and household hinges do not bark". The most important thing of water purifier is pipeline design and garbage treatment.

    2020-01-13 17:25:35
  • How to choose water purifier? Please accept this guide!

    label: Water purifier

    How to choose water purifier? The structures of household water purifiers include coarse filtration, activated carbon adsorption, ion exchange resin, hollow fiber and reverse osmosis membrane. Choose an ideal and practical water purifier. How to choose a water purifier? Please accept this guide! How to choose water purifier? 1、 Whether there is a product hygiene license. Users must recognize the importance of product quality when purchasing water purifiers. Provisions on the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Drinking Water Hygiene; It has obtained the hygiene license from the superior health supervision department, and has been identified by the technical supervision department to meet the national Drinking Water Quality Standards. 2、 It is important to choose the right filter element. The first generation water purifier is mainly filtered by activated carbon, ceramics and other simple filters, which is easy to breed bacteria and pollute the water source, and cannot achieve the effect of cleaning the water source; The second generation water purifier uses a variety of artificial polymer membrane filtration, which has a significant effect on removing harmful substances in water, but its fatal defect is that it filters out trace elements beneficial to the body. The third generation of water purifier uses nano microcrystalline filter technology, which solves the defects of the second generation of water purifier and filters out harmful substances and heavy metals in water. So when you choose a water purifier, you must ask about the filtering technology and filtering materials used to see whether they meet your own needs. 3、 Whether there is safe and effective sterilization technology. There are two ways to sterilize the water purification equipment. One is to add disinfectant, which can kill some bacteria, but contains trace chemical ingredients harmful to human health; The second is ultraviolet sterilization, which is internationally recognized as one of the most effective sterilization technologies. Because ultraviolet sterilization is safe and efficient, it can quickly kill almost all bacteria; And ultraviolet sterilization uses physical principles to sterilize, without any chemicals, and will not have side effects on human body. 4、 Whether there is a perfect after-sales service system. Many consumers can't find the repair service telephone or the address of the repair service company after purchasing some brands. This situation makes consumers helpless and also causes waste of resources. Many water purifiers have become decorations; After sales of the water purifier mainly focuses on the replacement of the filter element. If the filter element is not replaced for a long time, it will pollute the water source, and the water purifier will also become a "sewage machine". When choosing a water purifier, you must choose perfect after-sales service, such as using the customer service system to track customer information, prompting customers and the company to replace filter elements, etc. 5、 Choose those with high performance price ratio. Different water purifiers have different water purification effects. Generally speaking, the primary filter water purifier is simple in structure, mainly composed of activated carbon, with limited filtration capacity, and can only be used for rough filtration. The filtered water is best heated and boiled for drinking. Most of the primary filter water purifiers are low-grade water purification products, and the price of each set is between 10 yuan and 150 yuan.

    2020-01-13 17:24:24
  • How does the water purifier work?

    label: Water purifier

    How does the water purifier work? Water purifier, also called water purifier, is a water treatment equipment that deeply filters and purifies water according to the requirements of water use. Generally speaking, the water purifier refers to a small purifier for household use. How does the water purifier work? Working principle of water purifier Level 1: PP cotton: remove all kinds of visible objects/dust and impurities in tap water. The second and third stages: pre activated carbon: the third stage of some low distribution water purifiers is also PP cotton, and the carbon removes chlorine and organic impurities. It can also absorb the odor, color and smell produced by organic compounds in water. Level 4: ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis membrane: the membrane can remove bacteria, viruses, spores and other substances in the water. Level 5: Post activated carbon device: further improve the taste and remove odor. Most water purifiers adopt the progressive structure mode of screen blocking filtration principle, which is made of multi-stage filter elements connected in series from the beginning to the end. The filter elements are arranged in order from low to high precision, so as to realize the multi-stage filter elements to share and intercept the dirt, thus reducing the filter element blockage, manual blowdown, removal and cleaning times, and prolonging the cycle of filter element replacement.

    2020-01-13 17:23:13
  • Is it necessary to install a water purifier at home

    label: Water purifier

    Is it necessary to install a water purifier at home? With the increase of water quality security risks in China, for example, the water quality in the southern region is generally hard, which is easy to cause lithiasis and affect human health; Heavy metals generally exceed the standard in northern regions, which is harmful to people's liver, gallbladder and kidney. Some friends have installed water purifiers at home. Many people will ask if it is necessary to install water purifiers at home? Is it necessary to install a water purifier at home? The household purifier is mainly used to filter out impurities in the water. If you have used it, you will see that the filter element filters out some small particles, some of which are impurities in our water supply pipeline. There is also a purifier with disinfection function to disinfect the water quality again. If you live in a small city, you'd better use the purifier to boil the tap water and still cannot remove scale, heavy metals Purification of volatile substances and bacterial carcasses. After chlorine disinfection, tap water can kill viruses and bacteria, but it can't remove scale, heavy metals, volatile substances, etc., and the bodies of viruses and bacteria still exist, and after chlorine disinfection, there will be insufficient chlorine in the water, so tap water will simply choose to boil before drinking, but boiling can only deal with bacterial issues, and can't deal with sediment, rust Issues such as scale, heavy metals, volatile substances and bacterial carcasses need to be installed to solve these problems. How to identify the quality of water at home? 1. Fill the water with a glass with high transparency, and look at the light to see whether there are suspended impurities and precipitated impurities in the water. If there are impurities in the water, it means that the water quality is too poor to meet the drinking standard. 2. Smell the water after receiving water from a glass. If you can smell the smell of bleaching powder (chlorine), it means that the residual chlorine in tap water exceeds the standard. 3. Taste boiled water. If the taste is astringent, the hardness of water is too high. 4. Check the kettle to see if there is a layer of yellow dirt on the inner wall of the kettle commonly used at home? If any, it indicates that the hardness of water is too high (the content of calcium and magnesium salts is too high). 5. The water feels sticky and slippery. If the water body is found to be sticky to some extent, the specific performance is that there is a hanging wire when the tap is turned off, the chopsticks can draw wire, and it feels greasy when washing hands, indicating that the water body may be polluted by organic substances.

    2019-12-24 18:28:44
  • How to judge the quality of water purifier? Look at these three points!

    label: Water purifier

    How to judge the quality of water purifier? The poor water environment has directly affected the lives of many urban residents, making more and more people drinking tap water less reliable. Therefore, water purifiers have become the choice of thousands of families. How to judge the quality of water purifiers? I remind you to pay attention to these three points! How to judge the quality of water purifier? 1. Electronic components. The water purifier is composed of two parts: circuit and waterway (mainly water purifier). Electronic components include: water pump, power supply, computer version, water inlet solenoid valve, waste water solenoid valve, high voltage switch, low voltage switch. The water pump is like a car engine; The 2.0T must be higher than 1.5T, so the size of the pump is also a necessary option for a constant price. Of course, the brand of the pump is also a factor to consider. The electronic components mainly lie in the stability and design limit times. At present, the design standard of the water purifier industry is between 100000 and 130000 times. For example, the quality of solenoid valves and high and low voltage switches is determined by the opening and closing times, as well as the high and low withstand voltage. 2. Waterway accessories. Water circuit includes connectors, filter bottles, water pipes and other devices in contact with water; One of the most critical criteria for waterway is leakproofness. It seems simple, but it is a very quality testing environment. The water pipes in our house must bear different water pressures. The water pressure in the daytime must be lower than that at night. If these accessories cannot meet the high pressure resistance standard, they will collapse and leak. 3. Filter element accessories. The filter element is the core of the water purifier. It can be said that the operation of the water purifier depends on the filter element of the water purifier. The quality of the outlet water and the service life are all determined by the filter element. There are multi-stage filter elements in the water purifier, and each filter element has different functions. PP cotton filter element is the first stage of a water purifier; It can effectively filter sediment, rust and other large particles visible to the naked eye in the water, and is also the most frequently replaced filter element in the water purifier. Activated carbon - activated carbon is the most important filter element. As a filter material, it also has the function of adsorption, which can remove discoloration, odor, residual chlorine, some organics and adsorb some trace heavy metals in water. Especially for non reverse osmosis water purifiers, activated carbon is an important means to absorb harmful organic substances, so activated carbon filter element is indispensable in water purifiers, and other filter elements cannot be replaced. Ultrafiltration membrane - the filter element has high filtration precision, which can filter some macromolecular pollutants such as colloid, bacteria, algae, etc., but cannot filter metal ions. It is still not pure water, and scale may occur after a long time. Boiling water is recommended for drinking in areas with poor water quality. When we choose water purifiers, we must see more and understand more relevant knowledge, and select high-quality products from details.

    2019-12-24 18:28:03
  • How to save money when purchasing water purifier?

    label: Water purifier

    How to save money when purchasing water purifier? Nowadays, water in daily life is a concern of many residents, and the water quality problem affects most people, so purchasing water purifiers is the top priority. However, in the face of the variety of products in physical stores, the shopping guides have eloquent words, and the e-commerce channels have a variety of photo promotions. Many friends do not know how to purchase water purifiers. The editor reminds us how to save money! How to save money when purchasing water purifier? 1、 Don't buy the most expensive. The most expensive water purifier may be the best configuration, but you should choose the one that best suits your most real needs at the moment. The configuration is very high, but many of them are virtual brain functions, which are included in the price, but in fact, most of them are unnecessary, and the subsequent use costs are also high! 2、 Don't buy the cheapest. "Cheap but not good" and "every penny, every penny" are eternal business laws. Either the product quality is poor or the after-sales service is missing, there must be defects in some aspect. Generally speaking, the cheap water purifier is faulty except for its low price! 3、 The advantages and disadvantages of shopping in physical stores are compared. You can ask the shop guides more about the differences, advantages and disadvantages of various water purifier models, without listening to one side of the story. Only after comparison can you make a clear and rational purchase. 4、 Only in trinity can we buy a satisfactory water purifier. While applauding for your health awareness, it is also recommended that you should consider the purchase cost, use cost and maintenance cost of the water purifier comprehensively when purchasing it.

    2019-12-24 18:26:40
  • What are the precautions for installing the water purifier?

    label: Water purifier

    What are the precautions for installing the water purifier? Attention should also be paid to the installation of the water purifier, because a big hidden trouble will happen if you are not careful. For example, we often have the explosion of the water purifier bottle, which will damage the kitchen; There are also accidents caused by electric leakage and water leakage, so we must pay attention to these matters! What are the precautions for installing the water purifier? The installation environment of the water purifier does not conform to (1) There is a fungus called spore in the air in the high temperature and humidity environment of the water purifier. This fungus is easy to grow moss when it contacts water and is exposed to high temperature, which is harmful to human health. The water purifier or water dispenser should be placed in a cool place without sunlight, or covered with cloth. If moss is found, it needs to be disinfected and cleaned immediately to avoid damage to health. (2) The water purifier shall be installed outdoors. If it is installed outdoors, anti freezing measures must be taken. Without anti freezing measures, the filter bottle, membrane shell, etc. may freeze and crack. When the temperature is below zero, the water purifier must be stopped. Because the volume of water will expand during solidification, if it freezes, all pipes, filter bottles, membrane shells, etc. of the water purifier will burst, resulting in water leakage. Especially in winter, the water purifier may also freeze. During this period, it is not allowed to start the machine to make water. After starting the machine, check whether there is water leakage. If it is found that the unopened reverse osmosis membrane is frozen, it can be placed in cold water with its package and soaked for more than 24 hours before use. The power supply of the water purifier is connected in series with a variety of electrical appliances. The power line of the water purifier is not allowed to be installed together with the gas pipe and biogas pipe. It is forbidden to use the equipment power supply in series with any electrical appliance with power exceeding 500 W, such as induction cooker, electric rice cooker, electric water heater, air conditioner, electric pressure cooker, electric cake pan, electric frying pan, electric kettle, electric heater, etc., so as to avoid fire caused by exceeding the electrical load. If the water purification equipment is not closed for a long time after going out, the water faucet will fall off due to too high water pressure, which will lead to flood and unnecessary loss. If the water purifier is not used for a long time, it is easy to breed bacteria, and at the same time, it may lead to a decline in the water output of the filter element. When it is used again, the filter element of the water purifier should be washed first, and the filter element should be replaced if necessary, otherwise the filter element will be secondary polluted, and the water purifier will reverse into a sewage disposal device, which is not good for your health. When installing the water purifier, pay more attention to these details. Once the above problems are found in the water purifier, they must be handled in a timely manner, or the safety of the family will be affected. At the same time, the choice of brand water purifier products is also the key, we must be careful to choose!

    2019-12-24 18:25:51
  • What are the common mistakes in purchasing water purifiers?

    label: Water purifier

    What are the common mistakes in purchasing water purifiers? Now everyone has high requirements for water quality, so the water purifier industry is becoming increasingly popular. Many families are ready to install water purifiers, but many friends are a little confused when choosing water purifiers, which is easy to fall into the wrong zone. What are the common mistakes in choosing water purifiers? What are the common mistakes in purchasing water purifiers? 1. The blind pursuit of water with various functions is too common for people to drink pure water and mineral water every day. Therefore, some businesses have launched many aquatic products, such as alkaline water, oxygen rich water, small molecule water, and so on, and have taken the banner to promote that drinking these water is good for health. What are the facts? Actually not. As early as 2013, the National Health and Family Planning Commission formulated and implemented the Management Specification for the Labels and Instructions of Hygienic and Safe Products Involving Drinking Water, which clearly stipulated that the water related products should not contain "acidic water", "alkaline water", "activated water", "small molecule group water", "functional water", "energy water", "oxygen enriched water" and other contents, which is enough to show the attitude of the country, It is enough to show that these aquatic products are unreliable. 2. The view that the more filtering stages of the water purifier, the better is not correct. Generally speaking, a water purifier product with 5 filter elements is enough to purify pure water. More than 5 filter elements can not make your drinking water more pure, but it is easy to cause secondary pollution of water due to problems such as untimely replacement of filter elements. Moreover, the more filter elements, the higher the cost of replacing filter elements. Therefore, this view is just a marketing gimmick of businesses, not scientific. 3. The longer the service life of the water purifier, the more durable the product is? Many people have a misunderstanding that good products are durable, and one of the criteria for durability is long service life. This view cannot be said to be correct or wrong, but many water purifier businesses often use it to promote, claiming how many years the water purifier can be used, giving an illusion of good product quality. In fact, the service life of the water purifier is related to many factors, such as the frequency of use, local water quality, and whether the daily use is standardized. There is no exact data. Moreover, many manufacturers only talk about "long life" and do not mention the replacement cycle of the filter element of the water purifier, deliberately guiding consumers into a consumption trap. Why buy water purifier? 1. Is there a pungent smell in the water? The pungent smell is caused by the excessive addition of water in the process of water purification by the state to sterilize. However, it is difficult to completely remove residual chlorine during purification. 2. Is the water yellow? Is there sediment? Water yellowing is due to sediment, rust, fluorine, etc., mainly from pesticides and fertilizers. 3. Is there scale in the water? Therefore, it contains a lot of calcium and magnesium ions, which mainly exist in the form of sulfate, chloride and nitrate.

    2019-12-24 18:25:00
  • How to choose water purifiers with high cost performance

    label: Water purifier

    How to choose a water purifier with high cost performance? Now, with people's pursuit of quality of life, more and more household products enter people's lives. Water purifiers have become household appliances in many families. How to choose water purifiers with high cost performance? How to choose a water purifier with high cost performance 1. The hardness of water quality varies in different areas with different environmental needs. The content of calcium and magnesium ions in the water in northern areas is high, which is easy to scale. Therefore, the ultrafiltration water purifier with ion exchange resin filter element should be selected; For areas with chlorine and strong taste in water, water purifiers with more activated carbon can be purchased; For families with serious pollution and need to drink directly, reverse osmosis water purifier can be purchased. 2. The product purification effect is ultrafiltration<nanofiltration<reverse osmosis, and the reverse osmosis effluent is called purified water; Ultrafiltration and nanofiltration need activated carbon to remove chemical pollutants; The advantage of nanofiltration is that it can not only remove harmful substances, but also retain inorganic salts beneficial to human body. The distinction between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis is simple, and the ultrafiltration water purifier does not need to be plugged in; The reverse osmosis water purifier is equipped with a booster pump, which needs to be plugged in. How to choose and purchase a water purifier with complete certificates The manufacturer of water purifier must obtain a health license from the superior health supervision department. After being appraised by the technical supervision department, it conforms to the national Drinking Water Quality Standard. Part quality When the connection of parts of the water purifier fails to reach the water pressure or exceeds the bearing capacity of the water purifier, water leakage will occur, so part quality is also a problem that we need to consider very much. Ask after-sales questions before purchasing after-sales services. As the saying goes, "three products, seven installations", the professionalism of installation is crucial to the family water purification experience. Subsequent maintenance is also a strong guarantee for the continuous use of water purifier products.

    2019-11-26 18:03:54
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