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Talk about the difference between domestic and foreign anti tailgate

2019/8/14 13:35:55 Source: Shanghai Beiqiang Electronics Co., Ltd Views: two thousand one hundred and eighty-six

What does the automatic tailgate do? What's the role? Why is the price so high? Today we will explain the function and difference of the fully automatic tailgate in detail.

First of all, the function of the tailgate is to prevent the tailgate from carrying people, one person at a time, to ensure the safety of the company. But now there are many manufacturers. Each company has different design concepts and achieves different tailgate effects. Here are some functional differences between Shanghai Beiqiang Electronics Co., Ltd. and domestic and foreign tailgate.

The mechanical structure of the anti tailgate imported from abroad currently uses the hanging door body, which is prone to safety hazards such as door leaf derailment and hitting people. The method of tailgate judgment is to use the estimated value to judge the weight. Two people with light weight are equivalent to one fat person. When two people enter at the same time, one person can identify and the second person can jump to easily enter the safety area, Often make mistakes in judgment, and cannot guarantee one person at a time. And the cost is high, the price is more than 500000 yuan, and the customization cycle is long, which takes several months.

In some domestic manufacturers, the mechanical mechanism is of arc track type with belt transmission, which is prone to belt drop, derailment and other failures. The following judgment method uses cameras and infrared sensors to determine how many people are. When two people enter at the same time, wrap the second person with clothes, or close to each other, the second person cannot be identified, The function of preventing tailgating is not achieved.

The fully automatic tailgate of Shanghai Beiqiang adopts gear transmission in its mechanical structure, and the upper and lower rotating arms fix the door leaf. This mode is invented by Shanghai Beiqiang, which solves the problems of door leaf derailment, belt falling and other failures. The judgment method uses multiple real-time authentication methods, such as face plus weight or fingerprint plus weight, and the weight is everyone's actual weight, After being overweight, the second door could not be opened, and AI intelligent judgment was used to solve the tailing phenomenon of back, embrace, jump, etc., to ensure one person at a time.

After this comparison, I believe you have some new understanding of anti tailgate. After seven years of efforts, Shanghai Beiqiang Electronics has exclusively developed this full-automatic anti tailgate. Our main purpose is to protect customers' property safety, production safety, and effective anti tailgate, that is, not let you follow me! http://www.58778888.com

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Shanghai Beiqiang Electronics Co., Ltd

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    Production and processing

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  • Main business:

    Anti tailgate, bank anti tailgate, linkage door

  • Address:

    Shanghai Pudong New Area

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