Sichuan Nanchong basalt material procurement announcement

  •     2016-08-22 Views: one thousand three hundred and five
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    Sichuan Nanchong Municipal Engineering Management Office

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Name of procurement project: government procurement by designated supplier of basalt materials of Nanchong Municipal Engineering Management Office, Sichuan Province

?? Purchase Item No.: NCTC16N102

?? Procurement method: public bidding

?? Administrative division: Nanchong City, Sichuan Province

?? Announcement type: public bidding

?? Announcement release time: 2016-08-1915:30

?? Purchaser: Nanchong Municipal Engineering Management Office, Sichuan Province

?? Name of procurement agency: Nanchong Public Resources Trading Center

?? Number of project packages: 1

?? Description of each package: accessories

?? Qualification conditions of each supplier: 1. The supplier has the ability to independently bear civil liability. 2. Have good business reputation and sound financial accounting system. 3. Have the equipment and professional technical ability necessary for the performance of the contract. 4. It has a good record of paying taxes and social security funds according to law. 5. Within three years before participating in this government procurement activity, there were no major illegal records in business activities. 6. Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

?? Bidding document selling method: on-site collection

?? Starting and ending time of tender sale: 2016-08-2209:00 to 2016-08-3018:00

?? Bid price: no charge

?? Place for sale of bidding documents: Transaction Department of Nanchong Public Resources Trading Center (503, 504), Floor 5, Annex Building, Municipal Government Affairs Center Building, No. 19 Fujiang Road, Shunqing District, Nanchong City

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