Chongqing Expressway Diesel Generator Equipment Maintenance Service Bidding Announcement

  •     2015-12-08 Views: two thousand five hundred and seventy-six
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  • Tenderee:

    Chongqing Shouxun Technology Development Co., Ltd

  • Total investment:

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1. Bidding conditions

The maintenance service of diesel generator equipment for Chongqing Expressway of this bidding project has been approved and implemented by Chongqing Expressway Group Co., Ltd. in accordance with the Notice on Issuing the Special Plan of the Group's Subsidiaries and Branches in 2015. The project owner is Chongqing Shouxun Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. The construction fund is from the special fund for Chongqing Expressway, and the project contribution ratio is 100%, The Tenderee is Chongqing Shouxun Technology Development Co., Ltd. The project has met the bidding conditions, and now the project service work is subject to public bidding, and the bidding qualification is subject to post qualification review.

2. Project Overview and Bidding Scope

2.1 Construction site: Chongqing Expressway;

2.2 Scale: Chongqing Expressway has a mileage of more than 1000 kilometers, and 353 sets of diesel generator equipment are maintained, serviced and repaired;

2.3 Maintenance service period: three years, from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018;

2.4 Contract signing: the maintenance contract is signed once a year, and the contract amount of the current year is signed.

2.5 Scope of bidding:

Contract package

Scope of bidding

Main brand and quantity of diesel generator

Bidding content


Maintenance of 192 diesel generators in the southwest, northeast, Jianghe Road, Yuhe Road, Wuhe Road, Changwan Road, Shizhong Road, Wankai Road, Wanyun Road, Fengyun Road, Fengwu Road (including Phase II) and Fengxi Road

The main brands of Chongqing expressway diesel generators are Kohler, Cummins and Wilson, as well as other brands. The total number of diesel generators is 353, including 192 CYFDJ-1 and 161 CYFDJ-2. (See the Bill of Quantities for details)

Routine maintenance, repair, package repair, emergency rescue repair, process data and other services for the diesel generator facilities of the project.


Maintenance of 133 diesel generator equipment at the main stations of Shuijie Road, Shuiwu Road, Wuhuang Road, Huangpeng Road, Youhong Road, Youqian Road, Pengqian Road, Qiwan Road, Nanwan Road and Yuqian Road

3. Qualification requirements of the Tenderer

3.1 The Tenderer is required to have:

1) It has independent legal personality, valid business license, and registered capital of no less than 1 million yuan (RMB);

2) The business license shall reflect the installation, maintenance, service or maintenance of generator sets, electromechanical equipment and other related disciplines;

3) The bidder shall have at least the agency qualification of the original manufacturer of one of the diesel generator brands Kohler, Cummins and Wilson or the dealer or after-sales service provider authorized by the general agent in China, and the validity period of the agency authorization shall include the date of bid opening;

4) Personnel, reputation and other aspects meet the requirements of the bidding documents.

3.2 Consortium bidding is not accepted in this bidding.

3.3 This bid is divided into two contract packages. Each bidder can submit a bid for the above contract package and submit a bid bond accordingly. The same bidder can win two bid sections at the same time. The bidder must bid for all the procurement contents of the bid package, otherwise its bid will be invalid.

3.4 Article 34 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tenders and Bids: Legal persons, other organizations or individuals who have an interest in the tenderee and may affect the fairness of the tender may not participate in the tender. If the person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units that have a shareholding or management relationship, they may not participate in the bidding of the same bid section or the bidding of the same bidding project that is not divided into bid sections. Any bid that violates the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall be invalid.

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