Weifang Foster Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. Phase II Environmental Protection Equipment Procurement Project Bidding Announcement

  • www.bmlink.com     2017-09-06 Views: five hundred and forty thousand eight hundred and eighty-two
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    Weifang Foster Environmental Protection Co., Ltd

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Weifang Foster Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. Phase II Environmental Protection Equipment Procurement Project Bidding Announcement

1、 Construction unit: Weifang Foster Environmental Protection Co., Ltd Address: Office Building of Weifang University Science Park, Wolong Street and Dongfang Road, Weifang High tech Zone

2、 Bidding Agency: Shandong International Tendering Co., Ltd Address: Luwei Business Port, Dongfang Road, High tech Zone, Weifang City six hundred and one

3、 Project name and number: Weifang Foster Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. Phase II environmental protection equipment procurement Purchase items sditcwf20170 21)

4、 Procurement content and supplier qualification requirements: (See the bidding documents for specific procurement content and requirements)
The purchased equipment includes: plasma incinerator, solid incinerator, liquid incinerator, activated carbon regeneration equipment, oily wastewater extraction equipment, paddle dryer, plastic refining equipment, precious metal extraction equipment, paint production equipment, medium frequency smelting furnace, shredder equipment, four effect evaporator.

V Place for obtaining bidding documents: Luwei Business Port, Dongfang Road, High tech Zone, Weifang City six hundred and one Price: 300 yuan/share ;

Time: two thousand and seventeen year nine month six day - nine month twelve Day, morning 9: 00-11:30, 14:00-17:00 (on holidays) Method: Self collection

6、 Date and place of bid opening: See the bidding documents for details

7、 Project contact: contact number

8、 Others:

1、 The supplier needs to carry it when registering Copies of the following certificates (with official seal) Copy of enterprise business license, basic account opening permit, power of attorney of the legal representative (attach the copy of the client's ID card)

2. The materials provided by the supplier must be true, and it is strictly prohibited to provide false materials to participate in the bidding.

3. The project is subject to post qualification review.

two 17 years nine month five day

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