2016 Three Trees Sichuan, Tianjin and Henan Heavy Calcium Tendering

  • www.bmlink.com     2016-09-08 Views: five hundred and one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven
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  • Bid winner:

    Sankeshu Paint Co., Ltd

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Bidding subject:

Sichuan 800 mesh: 15000 tons 2000 mesh: 8000 tons 250 mesh: 20000 tons

Tianjin 800 mesh: 3500 tons 2000 mesh: 3000 tons 250 mesh: 7500 tons

Henan 800 mesh: 3000 tons 2000 mesh: 3000 tons 250 mesh: 4000 tons

Bidding method: document bidding

Place of bid opening: Sankeshu Paint Co., Ltd

Time of bid opening: 11:00 on September 8, 2016 (any change will be notified in time)

Deadline for bid submission: The bidder shall submit the bid documents to the designated place before 11:00 on September 8, 2016

(Note: Please fill in, seal and mail to relevant personnel for signing in strict accordance with the bid form)

Please download the bidding documents on the following pages:


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