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Seven aspects of the future development trend of ceiling industry deserve attention

Source: China Ceiling Network Issued on: 09:44:45, January 15, 2019 Reading volume:

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In the next few years, with the increase of the proportion of fine decoration of residential buildings, the ceiling products, as the standard configuration for the delivery of full decoration, are likely to usher in a good period of rapid development in the entire ceiling industry. So what are the development trends of ceiling industry from?

Building materials network 】In the next few years, with the increase of the proportion of fine decoration of residential buildings, the ceiling products, as the standard configuration for full decoration delivery Ceiling The industry is also likely to usher in a good period of rapid development. So what are the development trends of ceiling industry from?

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1、 Transform enterprise development strategy and re arrange production

Nowadays, the competitive relationship in new markets is often centered on products, design, services and customer experience. In this environment of diversified consumption, enterprises must raise requirements for their own products; Pursue uniqueness in design; Improve the service of the enterprise itself to achieve customer-oriented. In the process of production, enterprises should respond to the call of the state, reorganize their industrial layout, improve their core advantages and integrate industrial resources, through which they can rearrange their industrial chains and production factors.

In addition, consumers have begun to pay attention to environmental protection consumption, which will certainly make the enterprise's production network develop in the direction of environmental protection.

2、 Enterprises upgrade in multiple directions and take the initiative to challenge the shrinking retail market

Now the main body of the consumer market is the post-90s, so the decoration industry has been fully activated in this environment, and the second spring has begun. In addition, we can know that the retail market will be further disintegrated under the influence of multiple factors in the home decoration industry. The retail terminal is no longer the only consumer channel. Therefore, enterprises must upgrade their business types, services and experiences in the process of development, so that they will not passively face the current situation of market shrinkage.

3、 In the case of new real estate, opportunities for home decoration industry increase

In the future, the development of real estate will slow down, but new real estate such as hardbound, full-length and long-term rental housing will continue to emerge, which will stimulate the release of home decoration demand and bring new opportunities and challenges to the development of the industry.

Enterprises should seize the opportunity of the home decoration industry under these new properties to promote the consumption upgrading of the consumer market and drive the development of products in the same industry.

4、 When the trade war begins, enterprises rely on the Belt and Road to expand new fields

After the trade war in 2018, enterprises have been greatly impacted, but "going out" is an inevitable choice for the healthy development of enterprises, as well as a necessary way for enterprises to transform and upgrade. Therefore, if enterprises want to better adapt to the development of economic globalization, they should rely on the "Belt and Road" advocated by the state.

5、 Cross industry resource integration and top wall integration are the general trend

In 2018, integrated ceiling and Integrated wall It is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the current home decoration industry, "full house customization" and "top wall integration" have become a new fashion in the home decoration industry. In the future, hard decoration will realize industrial development and promote horizontal integration of industrial enterprises.

6、 After the industry enters the integration period, the high-end top wall market has great potential

The integrated ceiling is still in a rapid growth cycle from the current development perspective, but from the perspective of the competitive pattern, the industry concentration of integrated ceiling is relatively low. However, after several years of development, the integrated ceiling industry is currently in the process of transformation and upgrading key During this period, in order to continue to maintain competitiveness in the increasingly updated consumer market, the integrated ceiling industry must take a high-end, intelligent, green and modern development path.

7、 The business platform and business model will change significantly

The market is cruel and merciless. In the current market, which enterprise occupies the commanding height of the service, it can occupy the commanding height of the current market. The main factors affecting the service are "design, process, installation, and technology". The enterprises that will occupy a place in the market in the future must focus on products, design, and service, and adhere to price, channel, and promotion pin The core enterprise is bound to be eliminated by the market, consumers and the process of industry development!

From the 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of the Construction Industry, we can see that the delivery of fully decorated finished residential buildings is bound to be the trend of real estate development in the next few years. Therefore, ceiling enterprises should seize the new opportunities in the big environment, innovate technology and design, and strive to reach a higher level in the market trend environment!

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