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  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination
  •  The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination

The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination



6900.00 yuan/piece


  • Minimum order quantity: 2
  • Location: Huizhou, Guangdong
  • Price: electricity
  • Total supply: 100
  • Delivery period: 15 days
  • Release time: 2021-03-07 14:45:57

He Xuekui: (Please tell me when you contact me“ Building materials network See the information, there will be a discount! Thank you!)

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Detailed description

Pomegranate has "rushed" out of the tourism industry Glass Steel pomegranate doll sculpture has become a destination for more and more tourists The blueprint of "pomegranate at the bottom, integrated tourism, quality service and common progress" has been described. " Gao Renzhu, the current secretary of the village branch of Pianali, said that the so-called bottom of pomegranate is to take the characteristic road of pomegranate development, which is the foundation and premise; The integration of tourism is to develop the tertiary industry integrating tourism, tourism and farmhouse entertainment, which is the general direction of development; Quality service is to use "quality" to improve the service quality of the tertiary industry and attract more customers; Common progress is to take the road of common prosperity and achieve "integrated prosperity".

Its appearance has increased the urban landscape and enriched the energy of urban residents. As a part of the city, urban sculpture is generally built in the public places of the city, which can exist alone or be combined with buildings. Urban sculpture has a wide range of subjects. Anyone related to the geographical characteristics, history, folklore, customs and habits of the city can create and establish

The size of the FRP pomegranate cartoon figure sculpture is 1.8 meters high. After finishing the foam model carving of cartoon figurine sculpture, send pictures and videos to the customer to confirm whether the foam model needs to be modified. After confirming that the shape is OK, apply the resin on the Gypsum Mold surface. When the plaster mold is dry, lay the fiber cloth inside the plaster mold. Brush the resin with a brush, penetrate it, and then overlay the fiber cloth to make the national cartoon image sculpture come out. After the white billets come out, they need to be polished, Atomic ash Repair small holes and spray Primer , spraying Topcoat , sprayed with special paint for automobile, and finely sprayed to produce high-quality FRP cartoon figure sculpture. The characteristics of cartoon images in appearance, language, connotation and other aspects make them similar to but different from human society, which constitute a kind and strange situation for human beings, especially able to attract people's attention. In addition, the effect of technology enables cartoon advertisements to produce distinctive and unique styles.

Sculpture production process:

1、 Sample production

1) Shenzhen Sculpture Co., Ltd. made 1:10 foam sample model according to the design drawings confirmed by the owner. (Large sculpture)

2) On the premise of respecting the original manuscript, the production of the sample takes full account of the comprehensive effect of the main body, the feasibility of processing, the rationality of the structure, and the artistry of the process, and re creates from the three-dimensional structure and artistic modeling.

2、 External formwork reproduction

After the mud mold or (foam) work is made, the isolation layer is placed after the mold is divided; The parting shall be carried out from the three-dimensional structure and artistic modeling on the basis of fully considering the comprehensive effect of the main body, the feasibility of processing, the rationality of the structure, and the artistry of the process.

3、 Gypsum external mold reproduction.

When the gypsum external mold is turned over, it needs to be reinforced with wood strips of appropriate length to control the large size. Remove the mold.

4、 Fiberglass reproduction process procedure.

1. First, apply a thin layer of adjusted unsaturated polyester resin (used by DSM and Disney * * *) on the back of the plaster mold;

2. Then lay two layers of glass fiber cloth pre woven by glass fiber;

3. Then apply a layer of unsaturated polyester resin (used by DSM and Disney * * *) to combine the glass cloth and unsaturated polyester resin. (thickness 0.5-0.7cm)

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Supply Classification

Huizhou Tianyi Sculpture Art Engineering Co., Ltd

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  • Enterprise type:

    Construction enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    FRP cartoon sculpture, FRP animal sculpture, FRP figure sculpture, FRP vegetable and fruit sculpture

  • Address:

    12 Yiguang Road, Dayitang and Xiaoyitang, Luoyang Town, Boluo County, Huizhou, Guangdong

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  • Huizhou Tianyi Sculpture Art Engineering Co., Ltd

  • The glass fiber reinforced pomegranate doll sculpture, which has "rushed" out of the tourism industry, has become a tourist destination