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Happy Dwelling Begins with Laikang Wallboard

2019/1/9 14:57:48 Source: Changzhou Shiaoboda Decoration Materials Co., Ltd Views: three hundred and ninety-four

Since ancient times, the definition of home varies from person to person and depends on the situation. In terms of shape, home is a large container composed of square boxes. As far as the content is concerned, home is a combination of people who play different roles and different emotions. Happiness is the home after the combination of form and spirit, which carries the reluctant family, loyal love and lasting friendship.


Long ago, I heard that everyone has two homes. One is given by his parents, the other is his own and his lover, and the latter is his own home in the true sense. With the stability of career and the growth of age, it seems that love should also end the marathon. After careful consideration, we finally confirmed the date of our marriage. Marriage is an important event in one's life. After all, it is not a simple family wine. A few small pots and bowls can make a living.


Home comes first. Starting from the actual situation and according to the existing economic capacity, we can buy a Caveolae It's not a problem. It's easier to buy a house than to decorate it, which has become a thorny problem before us. But for his love nest and me, all the hard work seems particularly valuable. The decoration of the new house continues the perfect love. We are working together to build our own warm home and a bright future. With busy work and hard work, the new house is not very spacious, but it can accommodate our dreams and aspirations for a comfortable life.


The choice of building materials for home decoration and the purchase of furniture and electrical appliances cost us a lot of thought, especially the requirements for wallboards. I have always been very timid, so I have very high requirements for the safety of the door. Considering the influence of living comfort, we want to buy a safe and beautiful wallboard. Considering safety, comfort, fashion, price and other factors, as well as enthusiastic recommendations from relatives and friends, we have chosen the fashionable and popular Laikang wallboard. We believe that under the background that Laikang wallboard has gradually become the mainstream of the wallboard era, we have made a great step in enjoying the fashionable life.


It is understood that Laikang wallboard is in accordance with Classic, durable and fashionable The design style of The weakness of wallboard easy to crack and deform makes the strength stress of Laikang wallboard even, the structure firm, and the product beautiful and practical. manifest Laikang " Unique international practice The quality of wallboard is favored by consumers at home and abroad.


Secondly, after careful consideration of the style and color, there will be the process and quality of the product. The shopping guide of Laikang wallboard patiently told us that we can check the process quality of wallboard through simple methods: hand touch and side lighting. Touch the frame, panel and corner of the door with your hand. It is required to be soft and delicate without scratches. Then stand on the side of the door to see whether the paint surface of the door panel has concave and convex waves. Basically, we can know whether the workmanship is qualified by these two items.  


After listening to the explanation of the shopping guide, I really benefited a lot. According to the overall decoration style of our house, we chose this Laikang wallboard which is very consistent with our overall decoration style, and has good sound insulation and strong impact resistance, so that we can feel more secure.


On the way back from the Laikang wallboard, I snuggled up to him and imagined that I would soon be able to live in a warm and comfortable home of my own, feeling happy. Laikang wallboard makes the home become natural and warm, and also a place with life taste. The original artistic feeling will make people feel relaxed, casual and relaxed. Building a warm, elegant and simple home with Laikang wallboard has become the fashion and general trend of home consumption. My happiness Dwelling Narrow It has already started. I hope that this choice of fashion, fashion and warmth can enter every happy home!


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Changzhou Shiaoboda Decoration Materials Co., Ltd

zero year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Distribution and wholesale

  • Honors and qualifications:

    1 item

  • Main business:

    Environmental protection wallboard

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