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  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
  •  Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology

Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology


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  • Minimum order quantity: 1 set
  • Location: Changsha, Hunan
  • Price: electricity
  • Total supply: 111 sets
  • Delivery period: 5 days
  • Release time: 2024-05-21 21:48:18

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Loudi Building Reinforcement Design Institute Loudi Building Design Reinforcement Technology
Now the society is more and more progressive, but some other things are in the process of aging, such as buildings. The buildings in China are more famous in the world, so they must be reinforced. Let's talk about how to strengthen the buildings.
Who should we look for for building reinforcement? Find shortcuts and reinforce. Jiehe Reinforcement, focusing on structural reinforcement for 20 years!
At present, there are many construction companies in the construction market, but the construction quality is mixed. Many families do not grasp the key points when choosing a construction company, but simply listen to the unilateral introduction of the construction company. As a result, the final construction quality may be unsatisfactory. Foundation reinforcement is a good step for building houses, and is also the most important key As a link of the foundation consolidation construction, the final construction effect is directly determined by the choice of the construction company. How can we choose the most reliable foundation strengthening construction company?
1. See industry rankings
Generally speaking, if a construction company has no reputation in the construction market, such a construction company receives fewer orders, which also reflects its lack of construction experience. It is better to choose this type of construction company than to choose a construction company with high reputation and ranking top in the industry to ensure construction quality.
2. Check qualification and registration information
When we choose construction companies, we often pay less attention to them, and we don't pay special attention to whether the registration information and qualifications of construction companies are true. In order to avoid construction quality disputes in the later period, it is necessary to verify whether the construction company is credible in advance.
3. Look at the service reputation
Many construction companies and customers have had disputes. We need to see the number and type of disputes generated each year and how the responsible personnel of the construction company deal with them. After the foundation reinforcement is completed, some problems may occur in the later period due to construction reasons. You can see how the after-sales service provided by the construction company is? For construction companies with poor after-sales service, we must think twice before choosing.
4. Check the charge level
The quotation of foundation reinforcement is the primary consideration when many people choose a construction company. After comparison, it will be found that the quotation of each construction company is quite different. We need to know the grade of building materials and professional equipment used by construction companies for foundation reinforcement. If high-quality equipment is used, the charge will be relatively high.
5. See the construction quality
The construction quality of foundation reinforcement is the most important. Before signing a contract with a construction company, you can go to the site to inspect the foundation reinforcement project that has been completed by the construction company. According to the results of the site inspection, you can judge the construction quality of the construction company's foundation reinforcement?
Jiehe Reinforcement, focusing on structural reinforcement for 20 years! Relying on the construction qualification and construction team, and reasonable price, Jiehe Reinforcement sincerely hopes to cooperate with all walks of life in the construction, help you solve the problems of project reinforcement, transformation and quality, and provide considerate services for all walks of life with excellent quality! The company's slogan is: "Survival by quality, development by reputation"! Over the years, the company has completed thousands of building structure reinforcement and transformation projects with rich construction experience. We hope that in the process of cooperation and development, we can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results!
With the rapid development of China's economic construction, people's requirements for buildings are becoming higher and higher. The phenomenon of building cracks not only reduces the beauty, but also seriously affects people's normal production and life. The existence of cracks in the building indicates that the bearing capacity of the structure may be insufficient. Excessive cracks will cause the reinforcement to rust and reduce the durability of the structure, which will cause the leakage of the building to affect the beauty of the building and affect people's life.
For example, the teaching building and residential building projects built in the 1960s and 1970s, some engineering facilities are aging and out of repair as the operation time goes by, and some engineering facilities, due to the constraints of the objective conditions at that time, have the defects of poor design consideration and low standards, so these buildings need to be reinforced.
1) Poor quality.
In order to identify the structural quality of the original building, it is found that the concrete quality of the main load-bearing components is poor, there are many honeycombs, pitted surfaces and other defects, there are exposed reinforcement and corrosion in some parts, and the overall compactness of the concrete is relatively loose after cutting some plastering layers on some of the main load-bearing components of the original structure. Therefore, the structure must be reinforced first.
2) There are many reinforcement projects and the construction is difficult.
There are 30 columns to be reinforced on each floor, and 270 columns on the ninth floor. The reinforcement requirement is to excavate from the foundation, chisel through the column corners of each floor, directly to the 10th floor (the original roof), and then connect with the added floor structure; Beam reinforcement is mainly to add new supports platform Elevator. The beam of the shaft wall shall be reinforced. After setting out, the floor concrete at the new elevator shaft shall be chiseled out to retain the beams between floors at this position. The new elevator shaft wall shall be seated on the beam surface. The beam shall be welded and reinforced with angle iron and flat iron to become the support of the new elevator shaft wall.
1) Infrastructure reinforcement
Foundation structure reinforcement mainly refers to the reinforcement of buildings with foundation bearing capacity. The main methods are as follows:
1. Wall beam lifting method. Prefabricated reinforced concrete beams or steel beams are used to pass under the foundation beams of the original building. It is placed on the pile or pier foundation on both sides of the original foundation to support the new structural load. The plane position of the wall lifting beam should avoid the first floor doors and windows If the opening cannot be avoided, the door on the wall beam shall be lifted window Reinforcement measures shall be taken at the portal, and the local bearing strength of the brick wall at the beam support shall be checked and calculated.
2. Pier reinforcement method. It is to excavate the hollow section under the foundation directly to cast the pier concrete foundation in the bearing layer, and finally make the section foundation connected as a whole to bear the load of the added layer structure.
3. When the bottom area of the original building foundation is insufficient, the foundation widening method can be used. The strip foundation can be widened on one side or both sides, and the column foundation can be widened along the four sides of the foundation. When widening, a reinforced concrete load reducing beam can be set every 1000~1500mm.
2) Concrete structure reinforcement
1. Enlarge section reinforcement method.
This method has simple construction process, strong adaptability, and mature design and construction experience; It is suitable for strengthening the concrete of beams, slabs, columns, walls and general structures; However, the wet operation duration of on-site construction is long, which has a certain impact on production and life, and the building clearance after reinforcement is reduced to a certain extent.
2. Replacement concrete reinforcement method.
The advantages of this method are similar to those of the enlarged section method, and the clearance of buildings will not be affected after reinforcement, but the disadvantages of long wet operation time also exist; It is applicable to the reinforcement of concrete load-bearing components such as beams and columns with low concrete strength or serious defects in the compression zone.
3. Technical method of planting reinforcement.
This is a relatively simple and effective connection and anchorage technology for concrete structures; It can be implanted with ordinary reinforcement or Bolt Type anchor bar; It has been widely used in the reinforcement and reconstruction of existing buildings.
4. Prestressed reinforcement method.
This method can reduce the stress level of the strengthened members, which not only makes the strengthening effect good, but also can greatly improve the overall bearing capacity of the structure, but also has a certain impact on the appearance of the original structure after strengthening; It is suitable for the reinforcement of long-span or heavy structures and the reinforcement of concrete components under high stress and strain conditions, but it is not suitable for structures with concrete shrinkage and enlargement without protection.
5. Crack repair technology.
According to the cause, character and size of concrete cracks, different sealing methods are used to repair, so as to restore the service function and durability of the structure reduced by cracks; It is applicable to the treatment of various cracks in existing buildings, but for stress cracks, in addition to repair, corresponding reinforcement measures should also be taken.
3) Steel structure reinforcement
1. Change the reinforcement method of steel structure calculation figure.
It refers to the method of strengthening the structure by changing the load distribution, force transmission path, node nature and boundary conditions, adding additional members and supports, applying prestress, and considering space cooperation; The general method to change the structural calculation graph is: increase the support to form a spatial structure and check according to the spatial structure: add the support to increase the structural stiffness, or adjust the natural frequency of the structure to improve the structural bearing capacity and improve the structural dynamic characteristics; Add support or auxiliary members to reduce the slenderness ratio of the structure to improve its stability; In bent structure, the stiffness of a column shall be strengthened to bear most of the horizontal force, so as to reduce the load of other columns.
2. Add fulcrum reinforcement method.
The reinforcement method of adding supporting points is a reinforcement method that reduces the calculation span of the structure, changes the distribution of internal forces of the structure and improves its bearing capacity by adding supporting points. After adding a fulcrum in the middle of the beam and slab, the span is reduced, which can greatly improve the bearing capacity and reduce and limit the deflection of the beam and slab. It is applicable to the reinforcement of horizontal structures such as beams, slabs, trusses and space grids in large-span structures with unrestricted room clearance. The reinforcement method with additional supporting points has the advantage of simplicity and reliability, while the disadvantage is that the use space will be affected.
3. Bonded external steel reinforcement method.
The steel encased reinforcement is to wrap the section steel or steel plate outside the reinforced member. The reinforced concrete beam strengthened with steel encased reinforcement should generally adopt the wet encasement method, that is, the epoxy resin grouting method is used to bond the section steel and the reinforced member as a whole. The reinforced member, due to the large increase in the tensile and compressive steel section area, Therefore, the bearing capacity and section stiffness of the normal section are greatly improved.
4. Stick fiber reinforced plastic reinforcement method.
In addition to the similar advantages of bonded external steel reinforcement method, it also has the advantages of corrosion resistance, moisture resistance, almost no increase in the dead weight of the structure, durability, low maintenance costs, etc., but requires special fire prevention treatment, which is suitable for concrete structural members and general structures with various mechanical properties. It should be noted that after the reinforcement work is completed, the steel plate should be gently tapped with a small hammer to judge the bonding effect from the sound or detect the bonding density with ultrasonic method. If the anchoring area is less than 90% and the non anchoring area is less than 70%, the pasting is invalid and should be peeled off and pasted again. For major projects, in order to truly test the reinforcement effect, it is still necessary to sample for load test. Generally, only the standard service load test is conducted, and the removed load is added again. The deformation and crack development of the structure should meet the design requirements.
The above is about the introduction of architecture. I believe you have seen the above content and have a certain concept of building reinforcement in your mind. Building reinforcement is a good reinforcement technology. Through current technology, building reinforcement technology is getting better and better, so you are worth choosing.

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