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  • Introduction to Physical Treatment Methods of Petroleum Contaminated Soil

    According to the Announcement of National Soil Pollution Survey issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Land and Resources, the total rate of soil exceeding the standard in China is 16.1%. Among them, agricultural production system pollutants, especially petroleum pollutants, have become one of the important factors leading to soil safety problems. Introduction to physical treatment methods of petroleum contaminated soil 1. The incineration method requires a temperature between 815-1200 ℃. Through incineration and calcination, most of the pollutants in the agricultural production system in the soil can be purified, but at the same time, the soil structure and composition can also be destroyed, and the treatment cost is high. It is difficult to apply in practice, and may produce

    2022/07/03 15:26:52
  • What are the components of the thermal desorption process system for contaminated soil remediation

    The thermal desorption process system for contaminated soil remediation consists of: 1. fuel system. The thermal desorption technology uses pipelines to transport gas, and pressure regulating valves are installed on the gas pipelines to ensure that the gas pressure entering the burner meets the equipment requirements. 2. Heating system. The key to the design of heating system is the layout of heating well points, which must comprehensively consider the concentration of pollutants, construction period requirements, site layout and other factors. 3. Extraction system. An anti-seepage barrier is set outside the whole repair area to ensure that groundwater outside the area will not flow into it. The extraction system is generally designed as a vertical SVE well and a horizontal SVE pipe, which is produced by extracting and heating by forming a negative pressure in the soil

    2022/07/03 14:18:52
  • Role of thermal desorption equipment in soil remediation of chemical contaminated sites

    With the rapid development of China's social economy and urbanization process, the scale of urban areas is constantly expanding, and a large number of pesticide, petrochemical, fine chemical, coal chemical, metallurgical and other enterprises located in the old city are relocated or closed. According to incomplete statistics, by 2009, nearly 100000 polluting enterprises had been shut down or relocated nationwide, mainly including heavy polluting enterprises such as chemical, pesticide, steel, coking, etc., forming a large number of high-risk pollution sites. The soil of these sites is often polluted by volatile or semi volatile agricultural production system pollutants, heavy metals and other pollutants, with heavy pollution degree and relatively concentrated distribution; Characteristic pollutants vary from place to place; Dirty

    2022/07/02 16:03:44
  • Thermal desorption remediation technology for petroleum contaminated soil in Songling, Henan

    Petroleum is a complex compound mainly composed of hydrocarbon compounds, which contains teratogenic, carcinogenic and mutagenic substances (such as halohydrocarbon, benzene series, aniline, phenanthrene, benzopyrene, etc.). As an important environmental basis for the survival of human beings, animals, plants and microorganisms, soil is an important place for natural substances and energy to participate in the transformation, migration and accumulation of cycle processes. Soil safety is related to human food safety. Once oil enters the soil, it will cause serious harm to human health and ecological environment. The thermal desorption technology has been applied to the remediation of contaminated land since the 1970s. Its principle is to raise the pollution by heating

    2022/07/02 15:09:40
  • The manufacturer supplying a complete set of thermal desorption equipment for industrial contaminated soil remediation

    In recent years, benzene series, petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other typical agricultural production system pollutants have been detected with high frequency in the industrial pollution sites left or abandoned after the relocation of urban pollution enterprises. These agricultural production system pollutants are more likely to spread to the environment and endanger the health and environmental safety of residents. With the promulgation of the Action Plan for Soil Pollution Prevention and Control and the Law on Soil Pollution Prevention and Control, soil pollution control and remediation in China need to be further strengthened. The thermal desorption equipment for industrial contaminated soil remediation can be added to the soil pretreatment system through the contaminated soil. After air drying, crushing and screening pretreatment, the sewage with the required humidity and particle size can be obtained

    2021/01/11 10:58:58
  • A New Type of Thermal Desorption Equipment for Remediation of Environmental Contaminated Soil in Henan

    The problem of soil pollution in China has a long history. With the rapid development of industry, a large number of waste water, waste gas and solid waste are discharged into the environment, causing soil pollution. As early as the 1980s, some scholars called for the protection of soil environment, but they have not been paid attention to. Until recent years, the frequent occurrence of soil environmental pollution events has exposed the universality and seriousness of soil pollution. The remediation and reuse of contaminated land has become an urgent problem to be solved, and soil pollution control has become the focus of academic circles and environmental protection industry. At present, remediation technologies mainly include plants, microorganisms, solidification, soil stripping, thermal desorption, leaching and chemical extraction

    2021/01/11 09:57:49
  • Supply of equipment for remediation of contaminated soil in Henan Coking Plant

    However, the digestion of polluted soil after treatment in coking plant encountered the problem of no standard and no place to receive. At present, the soil environment in China urgently needs legislative protection. The target pollutants for remediation of contaminated soil in the security room plot of the coking plant and the site of the former coking plant are benzene, naphthalene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. For polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contaminated soil, the heterotopic high-temperature thermal desorption technology is used for treatment; The benzene and naphthalene contaminated soil was treated by the technology of ectopic low-temperature thermal desorption. Generally, the pollutants that may be produced by coking plants are mainly agricultural production system pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic agricultural production system substances, etc., such as benzene, aniline, benzene, etc

    2020/12/30 11:32:22
  • Development Direction of Equipment for Remediation of Polluted Sites in Former Coking Plant Site

    Coking plants are enterprises with serious pollution. Relevant departments around the country have deployed and implemented a series of important measures, such as natural gas gradually replacing urban coke oven gas, and urban pollution disturbing the relocation of enterprises. With the relocation of these coking enterprises, the pollution problem left after the relocation is particularly serious. In the production process of coking plant for many years, the leakage caused by many reasons has seriously polluted the plant. If the site is used for residential, commercial and other purposes in the future, the risk must be removed before it can be used for construction. Development direction of equipment for remediation of contaminated sites in the old site of coking plant 1. Improve the modularity of equipment. Each processing order

    2020/12/30 10:17:51
  • Henan supplies high-quality heavy metal contaminated soil remediation equipment

    Henan Songling Heavy Industry Factory produces high-quality heavy metal contaminated soil remediation equipment, which adopts innovative technology to ensure quality. Soil is the foundation of human survival and agricultural development. The quality of soil directly affects human production, life and development. In recent years, human beings have used soil resources irrationally, and various pollutants have entered the soil through various ways, leading to a serious decline in soil quality and affecting the productivity of the soil. The pollution of heavy metals is a very serious problem. The pollution of heavy metals to soil is basically an irreversible process. Once the soil is polluted, it is difficult to recover

    2020/12/23 14:59:26
  • Factors influencing the effect of collaborative disposal of soil remediation rotary kiln

    Henan Songling Heavy Industry Factory produces high-quality contaminated soil remediation equipment, which adopts innovative technology to ensure quality. China has experienced long-term extensive development. With the improvement of economic level, the gradual improvement and strictness of environmental protection awareness and environmental protection laws and regulations, the soil pollution problem has gradually entered the public view, and its shocking pollution degree is no less than the pollution of air and water. Key technical factors affecting the collaborative disposal effect of rotary kiln for soil remediation (1) Rotary kiln system configuration. The new dry process rotary kiln equipped with complete flue gas treatment system and online flue gas monitoring equipment shall be adopted, and the single line design clinker production scale shall not be less than 2000 tons/

    2020/12/23 10:40:40
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