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Corporate News

  • Jiangxi strives to build 5000 household micro photovoltaic power stations this year

    Jiangxi Province continues to encourage residents to build household micro photovoltaic power stations, striving to build 5000 households this year and 10000 households by 2015. On July 9, the reporter learned that Jiangxi Province recently issued the Work Plan for Accelerating the Promotion of the Application of Photovoltaic Power Generation in the Province (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), which clearly proposed that the province should complete the construction of 380000 kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation installed capacity issued by the state this year, and determine the construction tasks from 2015 to 2017 according to the national plan that year, Strive to achieve the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation of the province above 1.8 million kilowatts in 2017. According to the "Plan", the provincial annual

    2014/07/10 11:34:59
  • More than 50% of Germany's electricity consumption for the first time comes from the "story behind" of photovoltaic

    At noon on June 9, more than 50% of Germany's electricity came from photovoltaic power for the first time. With the assistance of Germany's Fraunhofer Solar Energy Research Institute, a media organization analyzed the data of the Leipzig electricity market (EEX) and made a "thorough investigation" of Germany's photovoltaic and wind power output on that day. Let's see how the German power grid operated at that time! 50% Photovoltaic Germany's fiery June is about to pass, and the northern hemisphere is also entering the hot summer. If there is any major news in the field of new energy in the world in the past month, it is that more than 50% of the electricity used by Germany for the first time came from photovoltaic at noon on the 9th. With the spirit of "breaking the casserole and asking the truth"

    2014/07/10 11:33:21
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Hefei Jingyang Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd

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  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

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  • Main business:

    Inclined roof bracket, fixed ground photovoltaic bracket, aluminum alloy pressure block, color steel tile clamp, hook

  • Address:

    Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui

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