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New store opened

  • Construction price of antique colored cement archway

    Ruoyi Antique Archway Antique Archway Antique Architecture Gateway Construction Project, adhering to the traditional process of ancient architecture, Chinese style ancient architecture style, has been passed down from generation to generation, specialized in undertaking Chinese style archway, ancient style archway, ancient architecture archway, antique archway, antique archway, antique archway, ancient architecture archway, ancient architecture gate, ancient architecture archway, cement archway, concrete archway, dougong archway, The design and construction of antique building gatehouses and ancient building doorplates. In fact, there is a significant difference between the archway and the archway. The archway has no "building" structure, that is, there is no bucket arch and roof, while the archway has a roof, which has a greater contrast atmosphere. But because they are used in ancient China

    2022/05/24 16:52:10
  • Pattern and Implication of Antique Memorial Archway in Rural Areas

    Rural arches are also called rural arches, village arches, village arches, village head arches, rural stone gates, rural gatehouses, etc. The names of rural memorial archways are really diverse. No matter what the name is, it is inseparable from the countryside. The village archway has gone through a long process of wind and rain, and witnessed the changes of history. Only the village archway has more momentum and texture. The rural memorial archway is usually placed at the entrance of the village, with some exquisite patterns and decorations carved on it, such as some ancient auspicious clouds or Chinese dragons, which also have rich meanings. The construction of a village archway can not only improve the cultural atmosphere of the whole village, but also symbolize the improvement of rural living standards. be-all...

    2021/08/24 08:05:33
  • Henan is a manufacturer of antique archway in rural areas

    Archway is one of the architectural cultures with Chinese characteristics. The archway is a door opening memorial building, which promotes feudal ethics and praises merit and virtue. It is also a building built by the feudal society for the recognition of meritorious deeds, scientific achievements, good governance and loyalty, filial piety and righteousness. There are also some temples that use memorial archways as mountain gates, and others that are used to mark place names. The memorial archway is also an accessory building of the ancestral hall, which shows the noble virtues and great achievements of the family ancestors and has the function of ancestor worship. Hebei Ruoyi has been officially a supplier of antique archways in Henan since 2019. The project cases include the ancient archways in Nanliuhou Village, Yuanyang Qi Street, Xinxiang, Nanheishi Village, Huangsi, Guanchang Town, etc

    2021/03/08 20:19:40
  • Ruoyi specializes in providing high-quality new Chinese style large-scale cement antique archway

    Antique memorial archways in rural areas are a kind of traditional landmark buildings unique to China, which are usually interpreted as memorial buildings and merit buildings. The rural archaize archway not only inherits the profound historical and cultural connotation, but also radiates new energy in the modern archaize archway carving. The current style of rural stone archways is divided into three floors: one door, three doors, three floors, three doors, five floors, three doors, seven floors, five doors, seven floors, etc. These types of antique archways are designed in a style of style and exquisite carving, which makes them look more grand and generous, more able to show the beauty of the village and highlight the humanistic charm of a party. Antique archways are in the layout of villages and towns, such as village entrances, intersections, village gates, etc

    2021/02/21 20:46:02
  • Make memorial archway telephone

    If your village wants to build an antique archway, it is suggested that you consider the following points: building an archway is also a comprehensive project in the village, which should be considered as a whole! How much does it cost to build a memorial archway gate, how to plan it, and what factors need to be considered. Today, from the span width of the memorial archway gate, the style of the memorial archway gate, the cost budget of the memorial archway gate, and the materials of the memorial archway gate, we can analyze for you: First, the style of the memorial archway gate, the picture of the memorial archway, how to plan to build a rural memorial archway gate? This is a key step in planning the construction of the memorial archway gate. There are many types of memorial archways, including two columns on the third floor, four columns on the third floor, and four columns on the fourth floor

    2021/02/09 20:40:53
  • Manufacturer of archway construction

    As decorative buildings, memorial archways and archways increase the momentum of the main building, and commend and commemorate someone or something; As the boundary mark of street and lane area, etc. At present, it is widely used in: gardens, street crossings, temples, parks and other tourist attractions. Structurally, arches can be divided into five categories: wooden arches, glazed arches, stone arches, colored arches, and cement arches. Cement memorial archway is a decorative building built in downtown streets or places of interest. In recent years, many arches of different styles have been built in many rural areas of our county, and many arches have also been seen. The archway in Beishi Village is graceful and graceful, the archway in Qianshe Village is powerful and powerful, and the archway in Xijiao Village is magnificent and exquisite

    2021/02/08 21:49:10
  • Where is the manufacturer of antique gatehouse

    As decorative buildings, memorial archways and archways increase the momentum of the main building, and commend and commemorate someone or something; As the boundary mark of street and lane area, etc. At present, it is widely used in: gardens, street crossings, temples, parks and other tourist attractions. Structurally, arches can be divided into five categories: wooden arches, glazed arches, stone arches, colored arches, and cement arches. Cement memorial archway is also a decorative building built in downtown streets or places of interest. In recent years, many arches of different styles have been built in many rural areas of our county, and many arches have also been seen. The archway in Beishi Village is graceful and graceful, the archway in Qianshe Village is powerful and powerful, and the archway in Xijiao Village is magnificent and exquisite

    2021/02/05 16:52:47
  • Where is there a memorial archway in Shanxi

    Hebei Ruoyi Ancient Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. has a professional technical management team and skilled folk artists, including 6 senior engineers, 53 landscape designers, 5 engineers, and 90 fixed folk skilled carpenters, bricklayers, sculptors, paint and color artists, mountain folding artists, and seedling growers. It can undertake the repair of ancient buildings and cultural relics, the design and construction of ancient buildings, the design and construction of antique buildings, the design and construction of various rockery, revetment stone, and cement plastic mountain wood like projects, the design, production and installation of bronze carvings, steel carvings, stone carvings, and program-controlled music fountains, and the greening and planting of seedlings in various communities, squares, parks. Hebei Ruoyi Ancient Construction Engineering Co., Ltd

    2021/02/04 21:41:51
  • Manufacturers who have made large-span archways

    Since the establishment of Hebei Ruoyi Ancient Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., its engineering projects have spread all over the country, with recent classic achievements; The mountain gate in Beijing Mentougou Tanzhe Temple, the letter pavilion in Mentougou Cultural Square, the four pillar seven floor archway in Dongfu Village, Dacheng County, Langfang City, the two pillar three floor archway and Guangong Temple in Luanping Village, Chengde City, Zhoutaizi Village Pavilion, the four pillar seven floor archway corridor stone fence, the four pillar seven floor archway in Jinzhangzi Village, Chengde Pingquan, the four pillar five floor archway in Caojia Road, Miyun Hongluohe corridor and pavilion in Huairou, Houma Dalicun archway, four columns and five floors archway and corridor pavilion Tudi Temple in Shangsi County Bird Paradise in Nanning, five columns and archway in Ruicheng

    2021/02/03 17:49:28
  • It costs more to be a gatekeeper

    How much it costs to build a memorial archway is first affected by stone materials. The stone materials commonly used in the memorial archway include bluestone, granite, sesame grey, sesame white and other natural stones. Due to the closure of mountains around the country, the price of stone is very unstable nowadays. Take the current price of stone as an example. The price of bluestone is about 1600 yuan per cubic meter, the price of granite stone is about 1800 yuan per cubic meter, and the price of sesame grey stone is about 2000 yuan per cubic meter. The price of these three kinds of stones is very different, especially the high price of sesame grey. How much does it cost to build a memorial archway? For example, if you want to build a stone archway with a total width of 13 meters, use bluestone

    2021/02/02 21:42:52

News classification

Hebei Ruoyi Ancient Construction Engineering Co., Ltd

Ordinary members
  • Enterprise type:

    Construction enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Great Hall, Theater, Ancestral Hall, quadrangle, ancient archway, pavilion, waterside pavilion, pavilion and corridor.

  • Address:

    Tang County, Baoding, Hebei

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