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Industry trends

  • Prevention and Control of Wushan Epidemic in Suizhou, Hubei Province

    Notice: As the end of the year is approaching, each enterprise shall do the following work well: First, epidemic prevention and control. At present, the epidemic situation abroad is still spreading, and there are sporadic outbreaks and local clusters of outbreaks in China. Since enterprises attach great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic, they should do a good job in the registration of foreign personnel and body temperature testing, especially increase the control of personnel coming from key areas in China. If they find out the situation, they should immediately report it to the relevant departments of the town. At the same time, enterprises

    2021/01/10 07:42:30
  • Hubei Huangjinma Factory can start normal production in 2019, supplying Hubei Huangjinma stone and Hubei Baima granite in large quantities.

    Hubei Golden Hemp Factory Direct Sales: Hubei Golden Hemp Stone, Suizhou Golden Hemp Granite, Hubei White Hemp Stone, Suizhou White Hemp Granite, Hubei Sesame White Stone, Suizhou Sesame White Granite, Hubei Carkino Gold Granite, Suizhou Carkino Gold Stone, Hubei Sesame Grey Stone, Suizhou Sesame Grey Granite, Hubei Yellow Rust Granite, Suizhou Yellow Rust Stone, Hubei gold diamond granite, Suizhou gold diamond material, Hubei pearl white hemp granite, Suizhou pearl white hemp stone. It can produce and process golden hemp polished noodles, golden hemp litchi noodles, golden hemp fire noodles, golden hemp sprayed sand noodles, golden hemp natural noodles, golden hemp mushroom stone; White hemp light

    2019/02/18 10:14:08
  • Hubei Huangjin granite stone origin

    The origin of gold granite, Suizhou City, Hubei Province, is Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd., the manufacturer of gold hemp, mainly Hubei gold granite, Suizhou gold granite, Hubei white hemp

    2011/05/18 13:39:00
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News classification

Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd

Building Materials General

ten year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Hubei Sesame White, Suizhou White, Golden Hemp Factory, Suizhou Golden Hemp, Hubei White Hemp, Golden Hemp Stone, Golden Hemp Granite, Hubei Sesame White

  • Address:

    Minshang Stone Industrial Park, Wushan Town, Suixian County, Suizhou, Hubei

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