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Company Profile

  •  Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd
  •  Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd
  •  Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd
  •  Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd
  •  Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd
  •  Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd
  •  Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd
  •  Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd

Hubei Sesame Ash Factory specializes in the production of Hubei Sesame Ash, Sesame Ash Granite, Hubei Baima, Suizhou Baima, Huangjinma, and Huangjinma Stone , Suizhou Huangjinma, Huangjinma Granite Hubei Sesame White, Sesame White Stone, Golden Sesame Picture, White Sesame Price, Sesame White Granite Stone, Macheng Sesame White, Caodian Sesame Grey, Suizhou Sesame Grey Granite, Luotian Sesame Grey Stone Carkino Gold, Gold Diamond, Sesame White, Sesame Grey, Hubei 603, Pearl White Sesame, Pink Sesame Granite Stone. Welcome to Suizhou Golden Hemp Factory.

Hubei Sesame Grey Tel.:

essential information

  • corporate name:

    Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Main industry:

    Stone>block board
    Stone>block board>granite

detailed information

  • Number of employees:

    50 - 100 persons

  • Plant area:

    twenty thousand

  • Annual turnover:

    10 million yuan/year - 20 million yuan/year

  • Annual import volume:

    Less than 100000 yuan/year

  • Main markets:

    whole country

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