Company Profile

    This department is established in Shenzhen by Zhongshan Guosheng Packaging Machinery Factory. Its purpose is to provide customers in Shenzhen, Dongguan and Huizhou with product sales and after-sales follow-up services for a series of models such as wrapping machines, winding machines, baling machines, vacuum machines, packing machines, palletizers and so on, relying on Guosheng's well packaged product platform and technical platform. We sincerely welcome friends from all walks of life to write or call for relevant product information and discuss various cooperation matters. We always believe that the service is good? It was commented by friends from all walks of life! Is the product good? It is verified by the customer in actual use

    Zhang Junguo manager

    Online contact

    Mobile: 13924919216

    Tel: 86-0760-23630651 86

    Fax: 86-0760-23630652

    Address: No.78, Yumin Avenue, Dongsheng Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province

    Zhongshan Dongsheng Guosheng Packaging Machinery Factory

    Ordinary members
    • Enterprise type:

    • Business model:

      Production and processing

    • Honors and qualifications:

      0 items

    • Main business:

      Vacuum machine, canning machine, packaging machine, packer, packaging machine, wrapping machine, heat shrinking furnace

    • Address:

      Zhongshan, Guangdong

    Supply Classification

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