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A few words that should not be said when talking about business and sales with customers

2017/6/10 16:48:39 Source: Foshan Luyisi Doors and Windows Co., Ltd Views: one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine

In our sales process, many salesmen will try to persuade customers to buy by various means, but we know that few customers are persuaded by salesmen, they are convinced by themselves, so in the sales process, we should use metaphor to influence customers. But after my observation, I found that very few people can learn metaphor skills. Most sales personnel are characterized by speaking more than customers. Especially when they meet customers who don't like to talk, in order to break the awkward situation of silence, many shop assistants speak more than customers. And as long as customers don't speak, she insists on speaking. Few sales personnel are facing "silence" Customers will calmly think about why they are silent. If you say too much, you will naturally make a lot of mistakes. What you say will make customers feel no or even disgust. In the process of communicating with customers, I think it is better to say something useless, and never say anything that customers dislike.



Let's take a look at the wrong words that many salespeople have been saying for a long time:


One price, one goods


This is a natural response of many salespeople when they face customer price objections. The underlying line of this sentence is that customers do not know our products, and customers do not know what they are selling. Many of us have also bought things. When the salesperson said this to us, how did he feel? Did he feel despised. Louise doors and windows, your friend! In addition, one price and one product will make your product not sell at all. You are using product quality to prove your price, but customers' purchase includes emotional value, sales relationship, customer service and other factors in addition to the use value of the product.



It's so expensive. It's expensive because it's good


When a customer says, "Your stuff is so expensive." Some salespeople immediately say, "It's so expensive, because it's so expensive.". I think this kind of answer can only appear in some sales textbooks. It is embarrassing to use it in the sales field. Who told you that it is expensive because it is good? Are there any good things that are also cheap, and will customers buy because they are expensive? Every time I hear a salesperson say this to me, my front reaction is that this guy has been trained and I should be careful.





You have good taste


With a little training, many sales personnel have mastered some sales skills, but the fear of sales skills is that it is easy to be seen through by customers. It is like two Wulin experts dueling, and you suddenly take a horse stance before others fight. It's strange that you are not happy with the other party. You are a novice. No matter what products customers look at or where they go, our sales staff always say "You really have vision". The final result is that customers feel you are hypocritical. In order to get the order, they all say what kind of lies, compliments and polite words, because the customer just stayed in front of a certain product for a while out of curiosity, and he didn't want to buy it at all.


Our products are discounted


Some customers will directly ask the salesperson for the price. When the salesperson makes a quotation, the customer does not respond or the customer's response is particularly fierce intentionally. When it is "too expensive", the salesperson will immediately follow the sentence, "Our products are discounted, and the whole market is discounted". Do customers approve of your products, and do they understand the price structure of your products? When you say discount, you are actually driving away senior customers.


We are at the front of China


I hate the word "comparison". Many salespeople often tell customers that "our products are of good quality", "our production technology is more advanced" and "our cost performance is higher" when introducing products. This kind of statement is suspicious of Wang Po selling melons, but it also seems not confident enough. "The drums don't need to be hammered". It is better to talk about things than ourselves, It's better to tell customers about the industry data, and prove that you are better than others with professional knowledge.


This article is written by Louise Windows: http://www.gdluyisi.com Hechang Aluminum: http://www.yachangly.com Jointly edited and published, if reprinted, please indicate the source!

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Foshan Luyisi Door and Window Co., Ltd

zero year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    3 items

  • Main business:

    European sun room, heavy sliding door, folding door, bridge cutoff casement window, casement door, shower room

  • Address:

    Tancun Industrial Zone, Guanyao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong

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