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Application of waterproof and breathable membrane in Kunbei converter station of South Grid

2019/10/17 14:55:54 Source: Jiangsu Kedebao Building Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd Views: five hundred and eighty-six

Kedebang waterproof breathable membrane Application in Kunbei Converter Station

Wudongde Hydropower Station is an important part of the national hydropower development strategy, and the Kunliulong DC Project is the 13th Five-Year plan During this period, the important West to East power transmission project in the southern region was also a major scientific and technological innovation project in the power industry. According to the plan, the project is planned to two thousand and twenty Annual production and power transmission, two thousand and twenty-one It will be completed and put into operation in eight hundred 10000 kW, annual power transmission exceeds three hundred and twenty Billion kilowatt hours. The construction of the project will effectively help the economic and social development of all regions along the line, especially will greatly improve the capacity of the cloud power transmission channel to the east the 13th Five-Year plan Yunnan hydropower consumption at the end of the period and in the medium and long term

Cod State Waterproof breathable membrane It has the effect of waterproof and vapor permeability. In addition to playing the role of waterproof layer and protecting the insulation layer, it can also solve the moisture-proof problem of the insulation layer (the so-called moisture problem). On the one hand, it allows water vapor to pass through, preventing water vapor from accumulating inside the insulation layer to form water droplets; On the other hand, dew condensation or water seepage on the roof or wall will be effectively separated from the insulation material by waterproof and breathable membrane, without letting water droplets enter the insulation layer, thus forming an integrated protection for the insulation layer, ensuring the effectiveness of the insulation layer, and achieving the role of continuous energy conservation. Waterproof breathable membrane It can maintain the constant temperature of the converter equipment room in the converter station, reduce the generation of condensate, quickly discharge steam, and keep the converter equipment room dry, thus ensuring the normal operation of electrical equipment, reducing the occurrence of faults, and ensuring the efficient operation of the whole grid, which will greatly improve the capacity of the cloud power transmission channel to the east and solve the "13th Five Year Plan" problem Yunnan hydropower consumption at the end of the period and in the medium and long term. Small materials have great effect. You can't underestimate the effect of Kedebang waterproof and breathable membrane. He is a masterpiece. Kunbei Converter Station is located in Lishan Village, Maoshan Town, north of Luquan County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, with the rated voltage of ± 800 kV; The construction scale is to install (24 4) × 406MVA converter transformer, 1 ± 800 kV DC outgoing line, 1 grounding electrode outgoing line, 10 500 kV AC outgoing lines, 500 kV AC filter and capacitor banks: the total capacity is considered to be about 4640 Mvar, divided into 4 groups and 20 groups, with the capacity of each group being about 232 Mvar; The vertical layout adopts flat slope type, and the design elevation is 1969.3m. The station power supply is introduced from the 35 kV power distribution device of the 220 kV substation in the middle screen, with a length of about 20 km. Among them, the scope of work of Bid B for electrical installation construction of ± 800kV Kunbei Converter Station includes: all electrical installers in the area in front of the station, AC field, AC filter, ice melting device area, lightning protection of the whole station, sound barrier installation of the whole station, etc.

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News classification

Jiangsu Kedebao Building Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd

Building Materials General

sixteen year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    6 items

  • Main business:

    Waterproof breathable membrane, air barrier membrane, barrier membrane, reflective insulation membrane, non-woven fabric, aluminum foil composite waterproof insulation cushion, composite non-woven fabric

  • Address:

    No. 8, West Park, Hai'an Industrial Park, Hai'an County, Nantong, Jiangsu

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