•  Beijing Feifan Huayi Sculpture Art Co., Ltd
  •  Beijing Feifan Huayi Sculpture Art Co., Ltd

Company Profile

Beijing Huayi Fiberglass Sculpture-13264335817 www.ffhuayi.com specializes in making fiberglass reliefs, cast copper reliefs, stainless steel reliefs, and the new quotation in 2015. It specializes in making reliefs of figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, European style reliefs, cast copper reliefs, copper reliefs, brass reliefs, bronze reliefs, school reliefs, hospital reliefs ***For details of reliefs, office reliefs, villa reliefs, and large park square reliefs, please check the Baidu "Huayi Sculpture" official website!! Www.ffhuayi.com Beijing Feifan Huayi Sculpture Art Co., Ltd. is mainly made by Beijing Sculpture Company, Sculpture Company, Sculpture Company, Beijing Copper Relief, Forged Copper Relief, Copper like Relief Manufacturer, Cast Copper Sculpture, Stainless Steel Sculpture, etc. Beijing FRP Sculpture Manufacturer, FRP Relief Manufacturer, Sandstone Relief Manufacturer, Glass fiber reinforced plastic relief customized Beijing shopping mall beautiful Chen sculpture props manufacturer glass fiber reinforced plastic baking paint chair sculpture, cartoon baking paint sculpture Beijing glass fiber reinforced plastic figure baking paint sculpture cartoon figure baking paint sculpture factory mall sculpture, large-scale props sculpture Beijing glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture manufacturer glass fiber reinforced plastic cartoon baking paint sculpture manufacturer Beijing glass fiber reinforced plastic cartoon props, Beijing shopping mall festival decoration sculpture production cartoon figurine sculpture manufacturer, cartoon modeling sculpture

Wang Shiqiang

Online contact

Mobile: 13269331704

Tel.: 86-0132-64335817

Fax: 0132-64335817

Address: Songzhuang, Tongzhou District, Beijing

Recommended enterprises

Beijing Feifan Huayi Sculpture Art Co., Ltd

Ordinary members
  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Sculpture, relief, stainless steel sculpture, wrought copper sculpture, cartoon sculpture

  • Address:

    Gucheng Village, Tongzhou District, Beijing

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