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Industry trends

  • How to be a good manufacturer of sports wood flooring

    Now the floor in the market is divided into sports wood floor and engineering floor. With the development of sports industry, the prospect of sports flooring is also very optimistic. As a professional manufacturer of sports wood flooring, Fuheng must operate with the spirit of serving consumers wholeheartedly. Otherwise, it will not only fail to move forward, but will make you lose everything. How can we be a good manufacturer of sports wood flooring? Let's take a look at how the past people analyze for investors. Front: I am worthy of my own good. This is a diverse social society, and there are many successful people in every industry. The sports wood floor industry pays attention to trust

    2017/05/22 14:21:21
  • What are the advantages of choosing sports wood floor for gymnasium

    The sports wood floor is a professional floor laid for sports venues. It has good wear resistance, slip resistance, strong ball resilience, high friction coefficient, good vibration absorption effect and other characteristics. It is made of wood from the depths of the Great Khingan Mountains in the northeast. At the same time, the sports floor is suitable for the laying of basketball venues. Since the day when basketball was introduced into China, It is loved by many people. Basketball is a good way to exercise. For many people, they like basketball. In addition to watching the fierce games, cooperation between people is also one of the hot spots for observation. For basketball courts, the sports wood floor is

    2017/05/22 13:52:07
  • Production technology of sports wood floor manufacturers

    Sports wood flooring manufacturers, technical requirements for sports wood flooring, and composite wood flooring (collectively referred to as laminate flooring and solid wood composite flooring) will become the growth trend of the wood flooring industry. In the future, composite wood flooring will be mainly composed of wood and other materials, high-quality broad-leaved wood and fast-growing wood, The leftovers and small diameter wood of high-quality hardwood are processed and compounded into the floor, and the raw wood is processed into the floor through modification. The composite of high-quality floor, high-quality wood and wood-based panel, etc. Since May 1, 2002, the national standard of solid wood flooring has been implemented, and the 94 version of the old standard has been modified or

    2017/05/18 15:43:07
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Beijing Fuheng Runde Sports Facilities Engineering Co., Ltd

Ordinary members
  • Enterprise type:

    Construction enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    8 items

  • Main business:

    Sports wood floor, sports wood floor, sports floor, solid wood sports floor, basketball hall wood floor, sports floor, stage wood floor

  • Address:

    81 Shunfu Rd, Daxingzhuang Town, Pinggu District, Beijing

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