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Custom quotation list of stone railings - price quotation of stone railings in the second half of 2020

2020/7/29 11:43:22 Source: Quyang Shilong Stone Carving Factory Views: two hundred and eighteen

   Stone railings are called stone railings , referred to as "stone railings", stone railings are safety measures for bridges and buildings. They should be solid and beautiful. How much is a meter for bluestone railings or granite railings?

1. The meaning of stone railing in architecture

The classic styles of stone railings include the stone railings in the Forbidden City of Beijing, and the stone railings in the style of Jiangnan Garden. There are many styles of stone railings now, which are designed and improved on the basis of the ancient stone railings. The stone railings will be matched with a drum stone at the beginning and end of each group, so the overall effect is better and more concise. In a building, the stone railings should not have too large a gap or can be climbed rungs.

In this way, the beautifully carved stone railing plays a decorative role, but it is also a place for safety protection. Most of the stone railings used in ancient buildings are bluestone railings, granite railings, and white marble railings.

2、 Price of bluestone railing And carving technology

The price of bluestone is relatively cheap, and the carved works are more delicate, so how much is the bluestone railing per meter? The price of bluestone railings ranges from several hundred yuan to one thousand two thousand three thousand yuan or even several thousand yuan per meter, but most of them are sold at about six hundred or seven hundred yuan to one thousand yuan per meter relatively Many, this is also a price acceptable to the public.

The carved patterns of bluestone railings are also very rich, and most of the carvings of landscape themes are found in the railing parts of stone railings. The themes of auspicious birds and auspicious animals include "two dragons playing with pearls", "lions rolling with embroidered balls", "unicorn sending children", "immediately conferring marquis (monkey)", "six deer (deer) (crane) in the same spring", "red phoenix rising in the sun", "three yang (sheep) Kaitai", etc., which are widely used in various architectural decoration components.

3、 Granite railing price And carved patterns

The price of granite railings is not high, and the same carving technology costs 50 to 60 yuan per meter more than Shandong bluestone carving. In recent years, the carving of granite railings is also very widely used, mainly because the bluestone railings are classical, and the granite railings have a little modern atmosphere, which is easier to combine with the environment.

More bas reliefs are carved on the front, with auspicious patterns, flowers and plants, auspicious animals as the main content, and cultural and historical stories and other narrative themes are carved in the department. The eight treasures and ancient patterns are mostly found in the leaking windows of the gatehouses, door covers and arches in the architectural stone carvings, which look light, exquisite, beautiful and elegant from a distance. This kind of magic weapons and treasures are mainly Buddhism and Taoism, and the Dark Eight Immortals are also common themes.

Stone railings are also called stone railings or stone railings

4、 Price of white marble railing And engraving styles

The white marble railings are of a higher grade. The railings of the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Temple of Heaven and the Yuanmingyuan Stone Carved Railings are all made of white marble. The white marble railings are generally divided into two types: the Beijing Tiananmen Golden Water Bridge or the Forbidden City Stone Railings, which are carved with auspicious clouds or dragons and phoenixes on the capitals, and vases and handrails carved on the stone railings. The plates are basically not carved with patterns, The price of one meter is about 800 yuan.

The style of relief carving is simple. The main carving technology is relief carving. The stone railing is installed in the villa area, and generally carved with auspicious patterns such as plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum.

The following picture shows the exquisite stone railing installed in the villa:

Stone railing

If it is installed in the temple, the carved patterns are generally, lotus, bergamot, glossy ganoderma, Baoxiang pattern, vase, cap, double fish, lotus, lucky knot, etc., which are mostly expressed by means of four directions continuous, showing the Buddhist culture. The stone railings installed in temples generally have high requirements for carving technology, and the price is about one or two thousand yuan per meter.

If it is installed in a Taoist temple, there are many carving themes, such as landscapes, auspicious birds and animals, immortal flowers and grass, auspicious symbols and characters, Taoist myths and legends, folk Taoist fairy stories, such as "He He Er Xian", "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", and other fairy tales. There are also many auspicious dragons carved on the stone railings of Taoist temples, so the relief dragon craftsmen in each group of stone railings devote themselves to carving more vivid and spiritual animals. The dragon is a legendary supernatural animal that can spread clouds and rain. It is the best of all animals and also conforms to Taoist ideology and culture. Taoist culture with different themes carved in relief is more popular.

The price of stone railings in Taoist temples is not cheap, mainly depending on the carving style. However, the requirements for the quality of stone railings in Taoist temples are also very high. There are many stone railings with prices ranging from hundreds to thousands of yuan per meter. Taoism pursues to return to nature repeatedly, and is close to nature. Many stone railings are simple in style, so there are many Taoist stone railings with prices ranging from hundreds to thousands of yuan per meter.


5. What kind of price can be used to make stone railings

If you want to make a beautiful stone railing, the price is not important. The main thing is whether you have the energy to pursue everything.

Now, with the help of machines, the cost of making stone railings has been reduced a lot, but we should learn from the craftsmanship of the ancients and not reduce the quality. Customers who buy stone railings should consider comprehensively when they hang carving manufacturers, not only choose manufacturers with low prices, but also consider different situations when buying stone railings. The quotation of straw white jade guardrails in various parts of China is very different. Quyang County, Baoding, Hebei Province, is the origin of stone and the hometown of carving. There are many choices of straw white jade stones here, and the price will also be very different. When budgeting, we can directly consider the quotation of different stone railing manufacturers and the texture of stone materials, and select the appropriate straw white jade railing works. As shown in the figure below, white jade railings are made at about 500 yuan per meter, with the following patterns:;


Picture of stone guardrail

Stone railings are the crystallization of thousands of years of Chinese culture and the working people. Stone railings are the vigilance of the whole building and have the role of finishing touch. If stone railings are well carved, they will directly poeticize the scenic spot and combine the style of stones. At this time, stone railings reflect the beauty of primitive art.

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News classification

Quyang Shilong Stone Carving Factory

Building Materials General

six year

  • Enterprise type:

    Building materials enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    5 items

  • Main business:

    Stone railing, stone railing plate, stone archway, straw white jade railing, white marble railing, marble railing, granite railing, bluestone railing

  • Address:

    Modern Sculpture Industrial Park in Quyang County, Baoding, Hebei

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